Coming soon on the Longecity podcast is an interview with Oliver Medvedik, co-founder of the world's first community laboratory, Genspace. It is an open biotechnology laboratory that enables individuals, unaffiliated with any institution, to use the tools of biotechnology in a shared, co-working, biosafety level one laboratory space, on various biotech projects. He presently teaches CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing workshops that he has designed for the public at Genspace.
Some of the questions we'll be covering are:
- How they all came up with the idea and brought it from concept to reality.
- What achievements have been made by community labs around the world.
- What projects are being pursued currently.
- What the is the potential for community labs.
- What this means for the life extension community.
If there are any questions you would like us to add, mention them in the comments below!
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Edited by caliban, 14 August 2020 - 03:30 PM.