Yes LongeCity is predominantly a forum, but we have other features and other ways of curating and presenting information.
There is a page for: pictures, articles, videos, links, files, and quizzes. Sure, all of of these can/could be done or discussed in the forums but we want to give people some alternative.
None of them are super slick like they would be on a dedicated high-budget commercial site like instagramm or youtube but they do the trick and provide a focused accessibility for people who don't want to trawl through forum discussions. This is why we have and keep them, even though awareness of them is very low. Most have 'comments' functions but these in turn are not meant to replace the place for proper discussions, which is the forum. Who goes to youtube for having discussions in the comments?
The 'regimens' feature is to give people a one-stop quick overview of regimens people use. You can browse by category, look at the ratings/popularity, and search by compound (and the search also can links you back to forum discussions). As far as I am aware, your regimen Michael, is the only one that has, from the outset, positioned itself differently, as a scientific treatise inviting-welcoming-relying on lengthy discussions. So, yes, if you want of course you can remove the stack and return to curating a moderated thread on the forum.