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Looking Up Statistics Easily from Experience Reports

experience reports

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#1 nickthird

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Posted 21 September 2017 - 03:29 AM

I find that looking into anecdotal evidence online is really tedious as I don't care about most content of the experience reports. I just care about: does this substance help with X? what are the side effects?


I would love to be able to just search on a database for all the things that help with X ranked by the % of users with X that report an effect, for example. I am sure many of you sometimes want to look quickly for other statistics of a different nature: does it work for people your age, or your gender, or with your conditions, or when combined with something else.


Why isn't there a central resource where people can report their personal background (anonymously) and experiences in a standardized form (not in a long story format), enabling you to make custom queries?


To start with it would just be a website where you submit your background (Age: <0-200>, Gender: <male/female>, Health conditions:...), intervention (Piracetam, dosage <...>, for <time period>), and add categories (e.g. Analytical ability change: <much improved/.../.../much declined>, Total sleep time: <number>, Subjective well being: <1-10> etc). There is no need to define all the categories as the users add them iteratively, making this a relatively simple undertaking.

#2 jeffshek

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Posted 23 September 2017 - 09:46 AM

I've been adding functionality of this to a free site I run on https://betterself.io


You can do the dashboard filtering and selection of your data which a lot of people find useful.

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#3 nickthird

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Posted 25 September 2017 - 01:17 AM

I've been adding functionality of this to a free site I run on https://betterself.io


You can do the dashboard filtering and selection of your data which a lot of people find useful.


How many people do you have in the database?

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