but for longevity it's a mistake to think it will give you any more than it gave rats--ie, a couple of extra years.
"The fullerene nanoparticles are quickly internalized by the cells and they had low toxicity to proliferation of hMSCs. The C60(C(COOH)2)2 nanoparticles could promote cell proliferation, enhance osteoclast differentiation of hMSCs"
So at least that form of C60 induces proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells.
I have no doubt C60 stimulates stem cells. The question is, will it keep doing that over time?
Well, hMSC don't hang around very long.
So proliferation therapies would have to happen frequently and in a continued intermittent pattern.
I believe the proliferation is also VERY dose dependent, as seen by the failure of studies that did not gavage at 1.4 mg/kg like Batti, to show any longevity effect.
Small daily doses, IMHO WILL NOT result in the type of life extension seen in Baati.
The rat dosage was actually 1.7mg/kg -- once daily for seven days, weekly for the remainder of 2 months, then every 2 weeks till the end of the 7th month.
So that is approximately 24 doses of 1.7mg/kg
I personally have only dosed so acutely 3 maybe 4 times -- but saw reversal of gray hair
-- That dosing is equivalent to 4 grams for a 100 kilo human