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Multivitz persuaded me, I bought Lugol's Iodine

lugols iodine boron multivitz

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#1 Believer

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Posted 16 October 2017 - 12:05 PM

Not really feeling anything with the lugol's iodine but we'll see. The boron is on its way.

What am I supposed to feel? I contacted Multivitz but he never replied.

#2 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 16 October 2017 - 07:38 PM

Well, you see you've got to have the boron.


Once you have the iodine and the boron on board, you'll be able to fold space with your mind, communicate with the sandworms, and see into the future.  We shall call you Kwisatz Haderach.








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#3 aconita

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Posted 16 October 2017 - 09:51 PM

If you have got unbalances due to lack of those compounds you'll likely feel much better, otherwise not much will happen.


The fact that iodine and maybe boron deficiencies are quite common doesn't necessarily mean everybody should supplement them, if you are fine you are likely not needing those.


...unless you aim to communicate with the sandworms, of course! :)

#4 Believer

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Posted 16 October 2017 - 09:54 PM

I spilled drops of the lugol's iodine on my wood floor and it seems to have permanently stained the floor.

Interesting. Is this normal?


Some report that applying it to their scrotum has an aphrodisiac effect and also a slight androgenic effect. I don't think I feel any such effects.


What I do feel from taking a bit more of it is slight energy increase (it's close to bedtime).

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#5 aconita

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Posted 16 October 2017 - 10:28 PM

Yeah, the stuff stains badly...35% hydrogen peroxide left on it for a while should fix it.


Iodine hormonal field of interaction pertains to the thyroid, applying topically to testicles isn't likely to be any different than applying it topically elsewhere.


Taking too much of it isn't a good idea, frontal headache, metallic taste and running nose (not necessarily all at once) are signs of over dosage. 


Iodine is strong stuff, more isn't necessarily better, you can cause quite serious damage abusing or misusing it, be smart, educate yourself first.

#6 baccheion

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Posted 17 October 2017 - 01:19 AM

How much are you taking? Many notice a difference once they reach 25mg/day. If you don't notice anything, then maybe you don't need it.

The following are usually taken with higher doses of iodine:

- 200mcg L-selenomethionine (mandatory; helps prevent hydrogen peroxide from destroying thyroid)
- 1/2 tsp celtic salt (detox)
- 400-600mg magnesium (ATP + detox)
- 3-6g vitamin C (iodine symporters + detox)
- 100mg riboflavin + 500mg niacinamide (optional; ATP)

You could also add in a multivitamin and megadose (1.5mg+) vitamin K2 MK-4.

Edited by baccheion, 17 October 2017 - 01:24 AM.

#7 Believer

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Posted 17 October 2017 - 10:42 AM

What I felt yesterday was my face got noticeably red and warm. Then my libido was unusually good, I felt confident etc. I couldn't sleep and I slept too little but there you go, it seems to work ...


selenomethionine I can't handle well because it increases activity of the 5ht2a receptor.

Is there an alternative?


Why add it to the scrotum? Well, people on bodybuilding forums have noticed a libido boost and hormonal effect when applying it to the testicles but not when taking it orally.

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#8 Believer

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Posted 17 October 2017 - 10:04 PM

Someone please enlighten me. According to Wikipedia potassium iodide (lugol's iodine) may be used to treat HYPERthyroidism. What is the logic in that, if it is necessary for the thyroid to make thyroid hormones?

#9 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 17 October 2017 - 11:15 PM

Radioactive potassium iodine (i.e. Iodine 131) is used to treat hyperthyroidism.  It basically just kills some percentage of the thyroid gland.




#10 Believer

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 03:48 PM

Radioactive potassium iodine (i.e. Iodine 131) is used to treat hyperthyroidism.  It basically just kills some percentage of the thyroid gland.

That's what I thought but no it seems that both non-radioactive iodine and radioactive iodine is used for hyperthyroidism. Or maybe the guy who wrote the Wikipedia articles need to be more clear.


One interesting thing I've noticed is that after a while the energy and other effects of the iodine wear off and my feet become cold, which suggests hypothyroidism. So it seems the iodine for a short while induces hyperthyroidism and then afterwards it declines into hypothyroidism.


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#11 aconita

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Posted 18 October 2017 - 08:59 PM

Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism symptoms, weirdly enough, are almost the same.

#12 baccheion

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Posted 19 October 2017 - 02:31 PM

Someone please enlighten me. According to Wikipedia potassium iodide (lugol's iodine) may be used to treat HYPERthyroidism. What is the logic in that, if it is necessary for the thyroid to make thyroid hormones?

If you take enough iodine (30mg+ usually), it begins slowing thyroid function. Without selenium, larger doses of iodine isn't safe. You need probably 50 mcg selenium for each 12.5mg iodine. If you can't take selenium, you shouldn't take more than 1mg iodine (which may end up being 300 mcg, as 400-1000mcg tends to slow thyroid functioning).

Edited by baccheion, 19 October 2017 - 02:32 PM.

#13 aconita

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Posted 19 October 2017 - 08:53 PM

Anyway potassium iodide isn't Lugol's.

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#14 Believer

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Posted 19 October 2017 - 10:03 PM

Anyway potassium iodide isn't Lugol's.

No but it contains that and elemental iodine.


#15 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 20 October 2017 - 03:34 PM

Drinking something with a strong dose of elemental iodine seems like a bad idea.  I think you want to be careful ingesting unbound halogens.  I mean, some people around here get concerned about drinking chlorinated and/or fluoridated water, and I'm guessing that Lugols has a much higher concentration of iodine than the chlorine/fluorine commonly found in water supplies.




#16 Believer

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Posted 20 October 2017 - 04:59 PM

Drinking something with a strong dose of elemental iodine seems like a bad idea.  I think you want to be careful ingesting unbound halogens.  I mean, some people around here get concerned about drinking chlorinated and/or fluoridated water, and I'm guessing that Lugols has a much higher concentration of iodine than the chlorine/fluorine commonly found in water supplies.

I have ingested it before but don't do it now. I simply put it on my body, preferentially my scrotum, and it enters the body thataway.

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#17 Believer

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 06:47 PM

My boron arrived yesterday and I took 6mg with the iodine. Not sure there's synergy. Is there supposed to be synergy?

#18 Oakman

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 07:37 PM

If there's synergy, it's dependent on more than iodine and more than popping one pill. Make sure you get sufficient magnesium, zinc, calcium, copper, etc., plus trace minerals w/foods or supps. Mineral absorption and assimilation in the body is a process.  Go slow and give it time.

#19 baccheion

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Posted 02 November 2017 - 11:12 AM

Also, if you're supplementing with iodine and boron, you may as well add silica (Orgono Living Silica is good or maybe bamboo) and magnesium. Silica helps maintain collagen synthesis, which helps with bones, joints, tendons, skin, teeth, etc. It also improves hair and nails. That is, it increases remineralization (and it's even better with added vitamin K2 MK-4 at 1.5 milligrams or higher) and strengthens bone-like structures.

#20 Multivitz

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Posted 14 July 2018 - 06:45 PM

Also, if you're supplementing with iodine and boron, you may as well add silica (Orgono Living Silica is good or maybe bamboo) and magnesium. Silica helps maintain collagen synthesis, which helps with bones, joints, tendons, skin, teeth, etc. It also improves hair and nails. That is, it increases remineralization (and it's even better with added vitamin K2 MK-4 at 1.5 milligrams or higher) and strengthens bone-like structures.

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#21 Multivitz

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Posted 14 July 2018 - 07:40 PM

Copper disfunction/disregulation is the name of the game.
This element has been hampered in its journey through the food supply and into our cells.
With the head mineral correctly dosed it enables the liver to feed the brain and all areas of the body.
Magnesium can be utilised by the bodie’s copper enzymes.
1mg of chelated copper has a suptle effect that can be felt, 2mg dose can cause nausia but quickly subdued with a mouthful of milk or a meal. Milk is a very good Copper blocker!!
Copper thus powers the Pineal duct system the Christos.
Magnesium, the lightest metallic element, powers the crown chakra. Magnesium is time food for the mind.
Many of our processed foods contain stuff that stops Copper getting absorbed, without copper an iron paste builds up in the liver, eventually one goes back to the earth/ground.
Without Boron nothing changes. No brain plastisacy, no vitamin retention, no correct fluid levels in cells, no heavy metal removal. That holds back most from becoming whole.
Vitamin D needs 25 times vitamin A to work in the liver, it also needs methyl. Methylation is naturally supplemented through drinking river water, half to one glass a day as to the ancient principles of yin-yang. Most water ways are poisoned in low areas in my opinion.
Iodine is a global must have for the body but levels can be maintained yearly as with many trace elements.
Inorganic tissue salts are another source of healing cornerstones, CalciumFluoride has seen whole populations suffer over the millennia, anyone can find symptom lists.
Some lists are so long that the average joe reads through laughing about how intangible things seem with regards to the biological aspects. But when Chi is involved through synthesis our body relays it to us through our flesh, symptoms abound, our flesh has a matrix of minerals.
Salts catalyse, they are the beginning and foundation of healing as far as I see. I have been zen and we can gather our own energy, but believing is experience and many decades of contemplation has confirmed it for me. I chose to harmonise in the mid brain, so diet is varied for me, it has much yin. May endless patience be with you.

Edited by Multivitz, 14 July 2018 - 07:46 PM.

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