I've been away from the forums for some time, or only just reading up on updates from a few friends.
I tried a lot...but haven't found a permanent solution to my issue.
I'll give you a summary, maybe someone has some advice.
From 2007-2009 I used Luvox (fluvoxamine) against an intrusive thought (t's always been the same one, it's the word 'death').
In the four years before I tried various alternative and regular therapies, vitamins and herbs. Finally decided to give in to an SSRI. I was very surprised and happy because it helped tremendously. The unwanted thought went away.
-In 2010 I switched to Lexapro (escitalopram), because Luvox wasn't helping anymore. It got me rid of the annoying thought once again.
-May 2016....suddenly that intrusive thought was back in my head and it didn't leave. I was still on 5mg of Lexapro and decided to increase the dose to 15 mg over a couple of weeks. But it seemed to have stopped working entirely.
-July 2016: my general doctor advised me to quit medication because he said it wasn't helping anyway. I was send back to a psychologist and started with a mindfulness meditation course. During meditation I couldn't concentrate at all. The unwanted thought only got more frequent. I did finish the course . My expectations were so high. I followed a Kundalini yoga program for OCD a for about 9 weeks and gave up because after each session I felt so disappointed and depressed.
I keep fighting and resisting the thought. I know that I'm giving this unwanted thought too much attention. But I can't stop that process.
July - December 2016:
I took various supplements (and wasn't on meds)
Magnesium bis-glycinate, magnesium l-threonate, fish oils, NAC (high dosages), ginko biloba, B-vitamins, multi-vitamins, zinc, D-vitamins....
I didn't notice any difference at all concerning the unwanted thought.
In January '17 I went to see a pdoc and was put on Zoloft (sertraline).
I went all the way up to 225 mg. And you know what: nothing happened.
Some side effects like tinnitus, teeth grinding and restless legs. No change in the frequency of the unwanted thought. My general doctor wanted me to stay on it. "Give it a few more weeks". After 8 months I was done with Zoloft. It was nothing like Luvox and Lexapro, which worked miracles. Until they pooped out.
A few months ago I started with Inositol. But the loose stools were so annoying that I didn't buy a new bag of powder. At one point I took three dosages of 5 grams spread over the day, but it just didn't do anything against obsessive thinking, rumination or intrusive thoughts. And I needed the toilet all the time.
Two weeks ago I switched back to Luvox. No side effects at all. I'm at 100 mg now.
I'm so worried that Luvox won't work this time. Like something has been modified in my brain thanks to being on SSRI's for so long. Could it be possible that it won't react to the mechanism of these type medications at all? Or even to supplements which target serotonin?
I've read a lot of articles, but I can't find anything that's clear on this. I could try a bunch of other antidepressants of course, but it takes SO much time.
My best moments: when I'm distracted and/or I really need to focus. My attention is turned outwards. Other people. Things I need or like to do. No time for daydreaming. Other surroundings. Talking long walks in nature. Being with friends, telling stories. I can ignore the unwanted thought better and it goes away for a while. When it comes up in my mind I'm usually pulled to something else so fast that I don't pay any attention to the thought. Working around the house is good. I can go for hours without thinking 'it'. Makes me so happy!
Me being alone...I procrastinate. Easily distracted. Working behind my computer...I want to do 5 things at the same time. Partly I can't concentrate at one task because the intrusive thought is intruding so much. The first word that comes up in my mind is 'death' when I wake up. Not the concept or any imagery. No anxiety.
As you can see, my issue seems purely 'between the ears'. I have no physical symptoms, other than mild side effects from antidepressants.
I need more concentration and I need more of 'I don't care, I can ignore'.
Once I get past the "stupid thought go away" feeling I could possibly start with rewiring my thought processes.
It's ONE 'overactive' thought and I'm wondering which brain processes are going on. And how to correct these chemically (because on pure will and practice, it doesn't budge).
Thanks for reading!!