Its the extracellular matrix that gives away age in 30s and 40s. Wrinkles like crows feet are NOT senescent cells.Most people can tell if a person is in their late 30's or early 40's, the question is, why? Things begin to decline around this time, why? Grey hair, wrinkles, athletes even retire around this age. If there aren't enough senescent cells at this point to matter, then a buildup of senescent cells or SASP is not really as big of an aging factor as we thought, at least not at this point. It may still be more related to Advanced Glycation Endproducts, glucosepane mostly but also pentosidine and fructosamine.
Athletes retire around 35 because connective tissue fails.... Shoulders and knees and spinal discs. That's not senescent cells! That is wear and tear on tissues that don't repair like themselves like a skin bruise.
Also the loss of hgh takes its toll on not repairing the body like when younger. That is NOT senescent cells Nate.
Senescent cells contribute VERY VERY VERY little to 35 and 40 year old people.
Senescent cells have been hyped up to be the bogey man on this site. True in old age they accumulate enough to be a large part of aging, but hardly the major 70% factor of aging that people want them to be.
30 year olds should not be taking FOXO4. 40 sure. 50 definitely.
Senescent cells are not the difference between 25 and 35!!!!!
Loss of hgh, connective tissue degradation, extracellular matrix damage, mitochondrial changes, gene expression... Loss of muscle, thinning skin. Things like v02 max and cardiovascular health are secondary aging that can be controlled through exercise and diet.
People are going to be let down by FOXO4 if they think they are going to look younger or become younger.... Your shoulders and discs and tendons won't rejuvenate. Your vascular system won't decalcify. Your brain won't turn 22 again. If you're old enough some biomarkers may improve like egfr, which is important but.......
Edited by Rocket, 21 March 2018 - 01:14 AM.