As a placeholder, 12/30 & 1/1 I completed my 36 hr protocol with a total of 900 mg R (sublingual, micronized, liosomal), 311 mg Curcumin, 150 mg Forskolin, 10 grams D-Ribose. After 4 wks of 1/wkly dosing, I'll be able to report any noticeable effects with more confidence.
Four weeks in, here's what I've experienced as taken from the log I kept. Although I normally take multiple supplements daily, on days dosing R+C I stopped all except melatonin and NR.
End 1/1/18 Took 36 hr protocol (as above) Sunday/Monday. Felt invincible 1/1 (meaning I felt strong, positive, mentally sharp).
End 1/7/18 Increased to 48 hr full 2 day protocol. Increased R+C totals to 1725mg R + 622mg C. Felt a little nausea at end. Slept next day until noon. By Thursday (1/11) felt really good and invincible. Gym was done at 10% higher level/weight.
End 1/14/18 This week I mixed the micronized Resveratrol and D-Ribose with a couple ounces OJ, Brain Fuel (1 tsp), soy lecithin (¼ tsp), 10 g whey concentrate. After power mixing, add liposomal R-C, stir. Feeling foggy and tired Mon/Tue, by Wednesday (1/17), that invincible feeling has come on again.
End 1/21/18 After 36 hrs I got a small background headache, so I stopped dosing after Sunday morning. Headache stayed until Thursday afternoon (1/25), plus I did a lot of napping thru Thursday. Friday I feel great.
At this point I'm taking a break to see what effects are long term. Although I felt almost nothing different while taking R+C each time, later tiredness predominated, followed days later by a sense of well being and strength. For the purported in-body processes to produce effects, these time-delayed results seem to make sense. But there also indicate a limit to what can be done repeatedly.
But was this the rejuvenation depicted in the original study? Perhaps, but without blood work, I don't even know what serum levels of R+C may have been, so I have only anecdotal experience to gauge results by. Ideally, my telomeres are lengthened, some genes are reactivated, and some inactive senescence cells have new life. However, with this level of overdosing, cycling seems wise. Next time I try this protocol I'll likely decrease dosing see if I can limit the side effects. But overall, I feel it was worthwhile.