Ok, so here we go. Been using various 23andme.com based health apps for a long, long time. Yet first now happened to glance at the most important NAMPT/Visfatin polymorphisms, namely: rs1319501 and rs9770242. And as luck would have it, have both SNPs and am in fact homozygous for both. Ouchie,ou ou !!! Don't know why I never looked into that before. Well, now I did.
I really have a healthy appreciation for NAMPT. Not least because of its impact on overall health and life-span.
I remember vividly how some 25 years ago, I was running like the same 10km route almost every day for a year. With some rest of course in between. Made very little progress once I plateaued at a good, solid level in terms of the time it took. Then once, a few years later when I no longer ran that much, I had a day when I first swam 2km, then roller skated 20km and then thought, what the heck, let's do the old 10km route. And I ran it like 8 minutes faster than ever, even including the year when I ran it almost every day. Seemed impossible. I was very, very confused. And then I could only explain it by the complete B vitamin pill I had exceptionally taken. I was not so into supplements back then. Somehow, I suspected it was the niacin that did it. It had a lot of free form niacin, not nicotinamide. Now, I may have validation in terms of my genes. I really may need extra niacin and help with NAMPT.
So, yes, it does look like I suck at converting used NAD+ i.e. nicotinamide back to NAD+. This must have massive implications for really everything, even including the Krebs cycle, which is totally dependent on NAD+/NADH.
NAMPT goes down with age and excess weight. Not like I am any younger or thinner than I used to be.
Also, as a bonus homozygous rs1319501 has like a 4% occurence rate and rs9770242 has like a 2% occurence rate. So does not look I won the lottery on NAMPT gene. If those two SNPs were independent of each other, then the likelihood of my situation would be 4% * 2 % being 0,08%. So like one in a thousandish. Then again, it is said that rs1319501 (4%) correlates perfectly with rs9770242 (2%), so maybe it is more like 2% or 1/50 instead.
Still, needs to be addressed. But WHAT do about it? Need your help.
I know the following:
1) probably better to load niacin rather than niacinamide so that it atleast revs some before being in the poorly functioning nicotinamide situation
2) many of you will say that take NR aka Niagen. And, yes I have. It is pricey, but maybe I really have to. It seemed helpful. No wonder.
3) resveratrol seems to boost NAMPT either directly or through AMPK. At a minimum, it correlates. So, take a lot of resveratrol with fat and quercetine for higher bioavailability. Those I do have, let's do it; and
4) explore other stuff like phenylephrine that seems to boost NAMPT in at least some contexts. Have that too, as it is a common flu medicine. Maybe I will try it daily for a while. See what happens.
Exercise, yes, I know. Will try my best. CR/carb restriction, yes I know, will try my best. Limit alcohol, yes I know, I will try my best and maybe toy around with caffeine + serine when I "have to drink".
But surely people there most be other things to do ... and I mean short of crazy impossible to access experimental drugs.
So, please help me out, what else can be done to boost NAMPT?
Br, Ukko
Edited by Ukko, 12 November 2017 - 04:32 PM.