My initial response was to say no, in that I may use 10g of kratom for several weeks and notice no cross-tolerance with alcohol. However, I'm trying to think this through a little more carefully and there may be an effect where alcohol leaves me more tolerant of kratom and that's why I would need 10g to notice any effect from the kratom at all.
So, ~four out of seven days a week I have a relatively modest amount of alcohol, rarely more than two glasses of wine or two beers on any day when I do drink, and the effects or potency of the ETOH remained consistent, that is, the alcohol seemed to be as potent for a buzz or relaxation as it was before the kratom. The difference however may be with the kratom itself, where more modest amounts of kratom 2g, 4g, and 6g, when tried, with different strains elicited little noticeable response. 9g to 12g a dose did elicit a nice and response of what kratom is famous for when it works well: clean stimulation that feels very natural (not hyper or excessive energy), definite motivation that is usually lacking with substances and that, for me, does not occur with traditional stimulants (dexedrine being the one that has helped me at times manage attentional difficulties, but leaves me feeling extra energy but without motivating effects), and mood benefits (not necessarily euphoria but certainly euthymia that is welcomed and a relief at times). In the various fora it seems many get robust responses from more modest amounts of kratom and so I was puzzled why I required more when typically I stop drinking at two drinks because dysphoria accompanies alcohol intoxication that begins with sometimes three and definitely four drinks. (When I say "drink" I am estimating an ounce of alcohol per drink.) Anyway, I hope this thread gets more attention, I am interested in this question and hoping others speak to it too. Thanks for asking!