What it means in short is that, if you are able to upload videos to a YouTube channel, you can make videos to support your favourite charities—SENS Research Foundation and the Life Extension Advocacy Foundation come to mind—upload them, and then submit them to P4A’s website, where viewers can vote for the videos/charities they liked the most. The event will last for the whole weekend, and the most liked charities will receive a prize of $25,000 each.
I wasn’t at all into making videos until I heard of P4A; for the occasion, I opened a Rejuvenaction YouTube channel to upload my videos to. I really don’t see myself becoming a regular YouTuber, but for now you’ll at least find my videos in support of LEAF and SENS there.
So, what happens now?
However many or few videos in favour of LEAF, SENS, and other rejuvenation-focused charities there are, we need to get people to vote for them! Ask your friends and family to vote for your videos, if you made any; if possible, get them to vote for other videos endorsing SENS, LEAF, etc. Spread the word on your social media, Reddit, and wherever you see fit. Don’t assume you don’t need to bother because others will, because… that’s exactly what they are thinking, and that’s a sure-fire way to get near-zero votes.
You can vote for my videos on the Project4Awesome website here (LEAF) and here (SENS). (I don’t personally gain anything from having my own videos voted, but I can’t link every single one, and this is a good way to get you to go there and have a look at the rest
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