Im 23 yo male. I recently had been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. There is a lot of depression/anxiety issues in my family from my mother's side, however my dad also constantly picking skin on his nails which is said to be some kind of OCD/ADHD. I was very good in school in young age. Always best in class, however had a lot problems with anger and had been fighting with others a lot. I was doing a lot to impress others. Later I started to be shy. Since 15 my thinking started to be very pessimistic which in short time led to depression and nervous breakdown. In 17 I get my first SSRI prescription. Since then I have been on/off SSRI which seems to work for me. In short my symptoms are: very negative thinking pattern, constant self-criticism, right now some kind of anhedonia, very high libido, antisocial tendencies, hating meeting new people, thinking that its always should be different that it is (everything). Right now im on Paroxetine 20mg. I tried to cut down dosage, but on 10mg my depression and anxiety was unbearable. I would like to know maybe more natural way to keep my moods under control. In attachment is my 23andme results.
What to do right now? What do you recommend?
Attached Files
Edited by dzidek794, 18 December 2017 - 05:28 PM.