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Feeling wonderful at night - kind of brainfog and probably Photophobia in the day - whats the reason?

brainfog photophobia brain health light mind

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#1 Grandmaster

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Posted 04 January 2018 - 12:08 AM


i have posted different topics in the past. Now when i dont struggle anymore with any energy driks/nootropics caused brainfog i want to find informations to figure out soultuion for present problem.


Since some months ago i noticed something interesting and kinda frightening at the same time. Straight after waking up after 7-8 hours of sleep(if i sleep more than 8 hours i feel severe brainfog and cant focus for some reason) i feel great - i can feel big motivation and have no problem with focus. i can feel if my memory and brain is in good form when i can recall complex melodies from symphonies and waltzes - im a musican. And often after breakfast i start to feel kind of fatigue, some dizzyness after talking and mental tasks and lack of focus. I cant hear those melodies in my mind as clearly as in the mornings and nights. When at univeristy i start to feel dizzy when talking about scientific problems and i feel dizzy also because of bright lights in the rooms.


I was wondering I have taken blood tests for vitamins, testosterone, magnesimum, sugar etc and everything was correct.  I even had test for lyme since i thought it may be neuroboreliosis but thats impossible since i havent had any muscle pain since long time ago  and other early lyme symptoms. Test was negative - no current lyme infection. Diabetes is impossible since last time i had a test 6 months ago sugar level was fine. I tried to avoid junk foods or even avoid eating at all and only drink for example pu-erh tea as a brekfast but i felt even worse at college.


Pregnenolone did wonders for this issue - i felt all day great - but only after dosing MRM one, when i bought it from Source Naturals i didnt feel anything positive like before so i got scammed.


I often dosed it with 1-2g of vitaminum C + fish oil with omega 3 - around 5 500mg caps. But even after discontinuing to dose it i still feel amazing in the nights - motivation is great, verbal fluency and memory is better.


Now i only drink green and red tea, dose vitaminum C in moderate doses like 600mg and drink coffee plus sometimes take 100 mcg of B12. Coffee with b12 seemed to help me staying motivated and focused but only when taken in the mornings- coffee drunk in the afternoon gave me no positive effects and even caused kind of anxiety and brainfog.


Piracetam, bacopa, gingko, ginseng, inositol, tyrosine, lions mane, nootropics etc - all caused brainfog or worked only for the first time and then nothing.



I could buy this MRM pregnenolone again but i want to know whats the issue - im a young university student and visiting few doctors(even neurologists) was waste of cash and time - they told me to dose magnesium for example and later my blood test shown that i havent had deficiency or didnt tell me anything interesting at all only gave some tests like Electroencephalography (EEG) but all results were correct.


Today i made a experiment and didnt drink any coffee - i have only drunk pu-erh in the morning(which was a bad idea) and i kept having this brainfog. I ate some junk food and after 21:00 i felt great even if i didnt do anything to fight that dizzyness and other unpleasant .things. When i try to fap which i avoid and dont do it for days - i feel better but as i said i avoid doing it so NOFAP STUFF is completely unhelpful so dont post it.



Summing up:

- brainfog and sentisivity to light in the afternoon, especially when i buy stuff in the supermarkets

- feeling dizzy after talking about stuff but only unit the late evening and nights - after that i can discuss about quantum mechanics and compose waltzes without any fatigue and dizzyness

- I feel great in the nights even if i dont drink coffee, eat junk foods and dont take supplements - night are wonderful in all the cases

PREGNENOLONE in 100mg doses from MRM with fish oil and vitamin C did wonders

- i do sports - now i currently have a break since lack of time - but i felt same dizzyness when i played basketball 3 hours per day - those negative effects discontinued in the evenings

- doctor visits and tests showed that i was ok or gave me useless informations so dont suggest me to do it again

- energy boost after around 23pm-1:00 am - even if i felt sleepy and foggy during the day and didnt dose caffeine, i feel like a motivated genius in the nights



Please help me to fix this since i want to be myself not only in the nights but whole days.




Edited by Grandmaster, 04 January 2018 - 12:18 AM.

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#2 jack black

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Posted 04 January 2018 - 01:13 PM

here is a thought: dysregulation of diurnal cycle? try timed administration of bright lamps or lithium to synchronize your rhythm.

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#3 Grandmaster

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Posted 09 February 2018 - 12:03 AM

Refresh - i dose b12, vitaminium C + drink coffee with taurine(2-6g). Discontinued dosing pregnenolone as it lost its effects. Taurine had nice effect of better stimulation when combined with coffee and i also havent brainfog problem after eating - seems like coffee alone cause blood sugar spikes.


I was thinking that it may be cushing's syndrome - too much corotisol produced by adrenals but im not sure as i dont have all symptoms.

#4 dramachiavellian

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Posted 01 March 2018 - 07:49 PM

it sounds like an abnormal cortisol response to me...photophobia, fatigue, anxiety etc. are all symptoms of low cortisol. feeling unusually energetic at night is, conversely, a sign of high cortisol levels. if this is the case, it's not surprising that pregnenolone helped. ashwagandha could be a safer option in the longer term, but that's speculative.


have you ever heard of delayed sleep phase syndrome? it's caused by a circadian rhythm that's just slightly longer than an actual day. hopefully that could at least offer a pointer on what's happening. cortisol seems to be the culprit here.

#5 Grandmaster

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Posted 01 March 2018 - 08:46 PM

it sounds like an abnormal cortisol response to me...photophobia, fatigue, anxiety etc. are all symptoms of low cortisol. feeling unusually energetic at night is, conversely, a sign of high cortisol levels. if this is the case, it's not surprising that pregnenolone helped. ashwagandha could be a safer option in the longer term, but that's speculative.


have you ever heard of delayed sleep phase syndrome? it's caused by a circadian rhythm that's just slightly longer than an actual day. hopefully that could at least offer a pointer on what's happening. cortisol seems to be the culprit here.


I tried ashwagandha few months ago(by Himalaya) and i felt some nice effects like better mood in the evenigs but at the same time it gave me kinda lethargic state and i felt sleepy...

Interesting thing is that when i drink coffee around 9:00-12:00 it sometimes gives me klnd of anxiety and makes me nervous but at the evening i feel better than if i havent drunk it..It sounds like its also connected to cortisol level..

#6 dopaminerush

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Posted 02 March 2018 - 07:30 PM

Feeling better at night ?   Did you try to not sleep ? Try not sleeping for one- two days. just eat, drink coffee . Are you starting to feel better and better when you stay awake all night ? 

#7 Grandmaster

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Posted 02 March 2018 - 09:22 PM

Feeling better at night ?   Did you try to not sleep ? Try not sleeping for one- two days. just eat, drink coffee . Are you starting to feel better and better when you stay awake all night ? 


It would mess up my circadian rhythm completely. - regulation of it may be the solution. I never stay awake all night(im not on any stimulants - i sometimes drink coffee with addition of taurine 1 time daily, before 15:00) but i feel the best at 22:00-4:00. I gonna look into intolerance of histamine, gluten and cortisol levels but with help of doctor maybe this time i gonna get some useful info( i start topics about my problems because 90% of visits and tests like blood tests gave me no useful informations so i try to figure it out by myself)

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#8 dopaminerush

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Posted 03 March 2018 - 10:17 AM

Man, your not gonna get anything with that kind of aproach. You should stop obsessive research about pathopsychology of your condition. It will only waste your time. There is  a huge reason why there is no pathopsychology in psychiatry. When you go to psyciatrist they categorize you by DSM-5 and they solve your problem with heavy, very effective, hard to quit drugs. They solve it but can fck up your brain.  Try weight lifting+running 3  times a week. 


if you go to psyciatrist and say those things, you probably gonna get a ''mild depression'' diagnose. 



Its just mood swings, anhedonia..etc classic symptoms of depression.  Trust me this shit called ''depression'' is very different person to person and there is shtloads of guys saying '' i have a brain fog, im not depressed  '' and have mild to moderate depression. When they forced by a doctor to take antidepressant and they respond they say :   ''holly fk that was just depression'' .  Cognitive impairment, brain fog, mood swings, feeling shitty in the morning better at night, feeling better after eating high carb high protein foods..etc.. but you have power to do thing in your life  are signs of mild depression/ Burnout syndrome. Feeling better at night can mean  you are an AWAKE THERAPY RESPONDER



The feeling you are experiencing at night (clearer mind, better cognitive performance,better emotions,motivation...) is called remisson. if you want to feel like that all the time, find a way to cure your depression.


first i said ''no its not fckg depression, nothing to do with depression.'' 


FIRST I SAID ssris are causing emotional numbness,brain fog, they are blocking postsynaptic NE/DA they are bad for me ...etc



after using 1 month of escitalopram start to get that ''good night feeling'' every fckng time !! even in the morning !! and i realized ''depression'' is not just looking sad !! its a very serious condition a lot of guys have.  


im just saying, obsessive research is only gonna leave you in a shthole  :)  


 i quitted escitalopram becaus of side effects, but now i know i have mild depression. ;)  

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