High dose Nicotinamide weaken immune system.
High doses of nicotinamide lead to reduced regulatory T cells and immune intolerance. Loss of no longer needed symbiotic ‘old friends’ compounds immunological over-reactivity to cause allergic and auto-immune diseases. Inhibition of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide consumers and loss of methyl groups or production of toxins may cause cancers, metabolic toxicity, or neurodegeneration. An optimal dosage of vitamin B3 could lead to better health, but such a preventive approach needs more equitable meat distribution.
Its probably bad methionine/glycine ratio and high phosphate/calcium (today is 6:1 in many developed countries) ratio that goes wrong with higher meat consumption, not few more mg of B3? Our ancestors used to eat skin, joints etc (more glycine, proline...) and we are consuming pure meat.
It is very likely that the continued high intake of NAM produces the same problem that a continued high intake of NR produces--the reduction of mitochondrial number (due to higher levels of mitophagy) and also the reduction of ATP production (due both from mito fission and lower numbers of mitochondria). Mice given high does of NR apparently experience this effect as exercise performance is reduced by 35%. The solution is then not an optimum dose of NAM as suggested by the above paper, but an oscillating dose, which is more in tune with a paleo diet of feast and famine and which clears out defective mtDNA.
And how come I experienced no decline in any performance parameters? No decline in power output in the gym when working with weights, no general fatigue, no decline in aerobic performance on the treadmill.... none of these things at all.
But I did experience inflammation for sure... how does this at all jive with your hypothesis?
It does not, but you must explain everything that NR does by referring to its effects on mitochondria; you cannot even fathom it can have other significant effects. No I do not have links to support my hypotheses, this is not what this thread is intended to do. However, if we are talking anecdotal experiences here -which is what we are discussing in this thread- your ideas do not fit the observations AT ALL... but keep trying to explain everything through mitochondrial effects.
Maybe I'm an oddball but I've taken what I would consider to be truly herculean doses of NR over extended periods of time to see where the acute toxicity barrier might be for me (I have quite a lot of it lying around from multiple different vendors and felt like I needed to make dent I guess). I haven't found the wall yet so the "dark side" of NR might vary person to person. It will be interesting to see what future studies have to say on that subject. One time I felt sort of dizzy and tingly for a few days but that quickly subsided. I'm not terribly scientific about it obviously, did increase dosage carefully as sometimes that wall can be a sharp edge.. but I know what overdose feels like and a little dizzy and tingly ain't even close.
(Oh and uh.. one might tag this as dangerous or irresponsible and I won't debate that whatsoever, but trust me I am capable of doing far worse to my body than pounding grams of NR)
As an aside, I wonder if anyone has considered making a pro-drug with different absorption characteristics, a peptide bond perhaps (yes label off-topic, I know
I totally believe you, because I know how dramatically different people's reactions to a substance can be.
I had been off NR as well as N+R for a few weeks until 5 days ago I decided to try a mere 250 mg of NR daily (I was using w pills a day of HPN's Niagen: https://hpnsupplemen.../product/niagen )
On day 3, yes in 72 hours, I began to get a sore throat. Of course a lot of guys will say that this was a mere coincidence, but nope, I do not think so. It was a very weird kind of lumpy, sore throat that I also got twice previously on NR and not at all something I get usually.
On top of it, I was also getting inflamed gums, quite obviously they were getting sensitive as I was brushing them....
How the heck is all this possible? No idea.... Just saying what I experienced.