I see a number of newer threads of people on Reddit who have sexual issues after taking these nootropics, years ago no one took it seriously, does anyone have any hard data on how to fix this issue or what is the cause of this.
"Pramiracetam suppresses propyl endopeptidase", anyone know how to reverse this
I popped wayy to much of this junk when I was 25 and it ruined my ability to have great natural erections. I probably took it everyday, I used to buy it in BULK. I trusted what I read on the internet saying there's no side effects.
I see reports of people saying that their girlfriends are complaining that they don't know what's going on with their erections, I also write a few reports of nutjobs to enjoy the loss of libido to focus on other things in life, good for them but I prefer to have a life with more sex, they could go read all the novels they like I rather have sex.
Here are the links of MANY people complaining about this ISSUE.
These are only a tiny amount of examples of all the threads online of people who get ********** up from this stuff by the way.