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Tickle Your Damn Amygdala's You Neurotic Fools!

amygdala visualization frontal lobes brain exercise

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#31 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 29 July 2018 - 09:03 AM

OK guys, exciting exciting stuff!


So I've been putting off amygdala tickling for the last few weeks while I focus on hypnosis. 


You can read about it more here, I started the thread today: https://www.longecit...-success-story/


Anyway my plan was to get good at self hypnosis/trance, and then work on small problems. Small problems to me, are anything other than popping my frontal lobes/amygdala tickling. So smoking, diet, exercise, insomnia, waking up early, etc... Basically "normal" problems people have.


Anyway after I get good at self hypnosis and fixing small problems, I can start working on the experimental stuff with the amygdala!


The reason I'm doing it this way, is to prove to myself I'm getting into hypnosis, and the best way to prove I'm getting into hypnosis, is fix "small" problems hypnosis is very known to be effective for. So once I start waking up at 6.30 everyday, eating less and more healthy, hitting the gym daily, stop smoking, stop weed, fall asleep easily yada yada yada... I'll be 100% sure I'm doing hypnosis and able to talk/program my subconscious mind successfully.


Once I've knocked these small problems out of the way one by one, I can get to the experimental stuff with the amygdalas!


Now I have a few ideas for the amygdala experiments:


1. Because hypnosis is meant to be a highly aware and focused state of mind, I'd love to see what happens when you direct the subconscious to stimulate the fronts of the amygdalas, and then amplify that stimulation and the feelings associated with it. I've already created the script & file for this, where you're directed to locate your amygdalas, and then stimulate the front, and then the voice will count 1 to 100, and with every number increase that stimulation. So looking forward to this once I get good at trancing/hypnosis even more,


2. Trauma release through dreams. Program/direct my subconscious that any traumas that are holding back my amygdala/frontal lobes pop, can be safely discharged through my dreams. So basically I'll probably end up getting more nightmares lol. But my experience when you tickle a lot consciously, is you'll get non scary nightmares, I wrote about it previously in this thread.


3. Setting a waking anchor/trigger. Not sure which the correct word is, but hypnosis is very well known for its ability to create associations. For example take stage hypnosis. Every time you hear the sound of a bell, you will moo like a cow and you won't even realize it. Now while stage hypnosis is temporary, if you reinforced that anchor/trigger often enough with a willing person, eventually it will become a part of their mind and everyday life when they hear a bell. Or a simpler example would be every time you exercise you feel pleasure, happiness, love, etc... Then every time the person exercises these feelings/emotions appear. You get my point. So I would create an anchor where doing something will stimulate the fronts my amygdalas, without me needing to visualize stimulating them. Infact I've already created this in the same file as point 1, where simply counting out loud 1 upwards will stimulate the fronts of the amygdalas. But like I said, can't test that file or this anchor/trigger, until I get good at hypnosis first.


4. Now this is the simplest and most straight forward one, and is bound to work 100% because we know how well hypnosis is at changing behaviours and thoughts. But simply tell your subconscious that whenever you have free time and it is safe to do so, the only thing you want to do is visualize those amygdalas and tickle the fronts of them, and that's what you do do, because it feels so pleasurable and wonderful, and you are fully confident in your ability to stimulate the fronts of your amygdalas with your imagination yada yada... You get the point. 


5. Regress back to my mini pop in 2011. Now I'm sure this really is a last resort. But hypnosis is well known for age regression, and regressing back to memories. If for some reason all the other methods failed, we could regress back to the mini pop, and try and recreate the experience using the memory. Really regression I would think would have to be done with a hypnotist rather than self hypnosis. 



Just going into trance/hypnosis automatically stimulated the fronts of my amygdalas!


I wrote this in my new hypnosis thread, but boy is exciting, especially discovering the feeling method has physical muscle contractions with it, even when it does it automatically. I've quoted an excerpt from that thread.


3. My amygdala's definitely activated during going into hypnosis. I've stopped amygdala tickling these last few weeks, as my interest in hypnosis has come back, and I was worried my amygdala tickling might interfere with my trance training, because I read somewhere amygdalas are less active during hypnosis. Anyway, and this happened a few times while listening to hypnosis, but on the 27th July when listening, I could feel my brain pushing forward, and my muscles around my temples and eyebrows scrunching up naturally. Now it's funny, I used this "method", the amygdala tickling "feeling" method as opposed to "visualization" method in the past. In fact I believe it was this method I was using for a month in 2011 when I had my mini pop. However I always questioned the method, because of the physical muscle activations that came with it, i.e. was I really clicking my amygdalas, or was my muscles just tensing up; I also asked Neil Slade about it ages ago and he only recommended the visualization method, hence why I dropped it. So anyway when I go into hypnosis, these physical muscle activations happen automatically, but the question is, was I clicking? Well the rest of the day I was in a damn good mood, felt a bit silly, and the music sounded great. And then would you believe, there was a little bit of stress later on with my wife and my mother which I found myself in the middle of trying to diffuse the situation, anyway after it was sorted, I was very emotional, on the verge of crying (I held it together, but I should of let it out to discharge that trauma or whatever). All sure signs of my experiences with amygdala tickling! So yes, the feeling method does work without needing the visualization technique, and, going into trance/hypnosis, you may experience you amygdalas click hard forward automatically! In fact I should note amygdala stimulation is one thing I want to test within hypnosis, but it was the last on my hypnosis goal list, so by then I had sufficient training in trance, and proof the hypnosis was working (quit smoking, wake up early, exercise more, etc...). Good things to come!

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#32 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 28 October 2018 - 05:07 PM

Hi guys.


So I'm still practicing amygdala clicking sort of. It's actually become a bit worrisome tbh.


Amygdala clicking for me brings out a lot of neurosis/neurotic breakdowns. These neurotic breakdowns are great once they finish and you can fully experience the emotion they bring up, because they truly release some pent up anger or hurt, which afterward causes a shift in the perspective of your daily life. This change of perspective is more contentment, more calm, more zen, and more glimpses into how we are largely slaves to our subconscious programming with the decisions we make in our lives.


The problem arises is when I experience these neurotic breakdowns, it's very hard to control the upset/anger, and it clings on to the smallest thing as if it's a great injustice and makes a huge deal out of it, causing verbal abuse to whom I'm closest to (my wife).


Usually the cycle goes I'll click a lot during the day, this anger/upset emotion builds up in me by the evening, then I want my wife to comfort me but she doesn't (not clearly communicated to her), and then I make a bigger drama (I want a divorce, I'm leaving) & start swearing a lot at her because I want her to realise how upset I am right now and I need comfort, but now she definitely doesn't want to comfort me with what I'm going through, because now she's angry and upset and thinks I'm just attacking her for no reason and being a drama queen, and then after 30 mins to an hour or so, the feelings subside, I see the foolishness of it all, but the actions cause her to question our relationship and strain it.


Luckily we're fine now, and we've discussed about clear communication when I get in one of these moods, and I tell her to comfort me or leave me alone if I tell her. But also now instead of clicking a lot, I'm only going to click a little each day, to prevent these deep seated emotions from arising so fiercely.


I've only had around 10 neurotic breakdowns since clicking since Feb 2018, a lot of the heavier emotional energy has already gone, and has changed my life by making me more calm, content, and zen day to day. But now if I click too much, a neurotic breakdown seems to appear every time, and I question whether I'm really making progress in my neurosis or not. The first few times I could see big changes in my perspective of life, but the last few not so sure.


Lingo also wrote something I can relate to here:


When adolescent self-therapy really starts in earnest, the ego is flattered that
it, finally, will be cured of its pains. It collapses its brace and disciplined adult
mask into adolescent and child suck behaviors. Such collapse is good
because it lowers one‟s defenses against later remembering repressed child
traumas so that those deeper hurts can be brought up for rational therapizing
in proper sequence. But such collapse into childhood also can collapse your
more efficient adult intelligence into less efficient adolescent and child
intelligences. Thus, the trick of successful self-therapy is to go down into your
adolescent and child injured emotions while remaining in your adult superior
intelligence. Tie the rope of sanity to the boulder of adult intelligence before
dropping down into the deep hole of adolescent and child trauma memories.
In this way, your best adult insights and actions can control and guide your
most pain-filled and irrational adolescent and child malfunctions of brain until
you discover your most efficient cure.

If, on the other hand, your hard-won adult intelligence wrongly lowers itself
totally down to the age level of your adolescent or child being de-traumatized,
your skill and wisdom of curing that episode will be the same as the blundering
confusion of a rebellious teenager or an uneducated kid. During such
malfunctioning therapy, you will behave in stupid ways which do not cure the
dis-ease effectively and efficiently. Rather, you will behave in immature ways
which surely slow down therapy and may compound the problem, thereby
delaying maturation. You may turn ignorant; insane




Amygdala clicking can definitely cause you periods of insanity if you have a lot of traumatic emotions in your past. I've definitely experienced neurotic breakdowns.


Basically it all comes down to the amygdala stimulation forcing the hidden traumatic emotions to the surface of your conscious mind. The question is how you deal with it, and at the moment I'm not dealing with them effectively without verbally hurting someone else.


To be honest, it is probably the greatest technique I've used to actually feel again and get to the raw emotions that are hidden away in my psyche . I'm generally quite anhedonic in day to day living, and strong emotions are far off from me. For example on my wedding day I felt totally fine, not nervous or anything. But when it came to my speech I chocked up out of the blue, broke down and cried a little, before being able to continue. But before the speech there was no indication to myself of feeling nervous or anything.


The last thing is I'm experimenting with self hypnosis again, and have tried to address anger or upset issues, to try and make the next neurotic breakdown (if it happens even with less clicking) more controlled.


Just an update on my experiences.


One thing I can personally assure people is amygdala clicking is no joke. Visualizing the stimulation to the fronts of your amygdalas will cause things to happen, and it's not a placebo.

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#33 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 02 November 2018 - 09:10 PM

So I ended up doing a big amygdala tickling session yesterday, for about 30 mins just doing it. After which I started a new thread on here: Rote learning/memorization (undervalued?) vs mnemonics (overvalued?) to advance in life? Share your learning success pls


Now if you read the thread, there is way too much unnecessary information and personal analysis of myself (something more fit for a journal), rather than a direct question of the subject at hand i.e. rote learning vs mnemonics. 


This is what an amygdala clicking session does to me. It blurs the lines or normality, i.e. what is acceptable in society, and what is overwhelming. While writing that thread, I was writing it more as a journal (like I do in this thread). But not until I got high yesterday night, did I see the craziness that other people would see reading that thread, with how there was way too much unnecessary information.


And so these are the 2 observations I want to make. The first being that amygdala clicking blurs the lines of what is acceptable behaviour. The second being, I have been experiencing eureka moments of my own behaviour and my life in general, especially at times when I get high.


1. Why does amygdala clicking blur the lines of normality?


From what I can deduce, because amygdala clicking is associated with increasing confidence, thoughts, excitement, and positive emotions in general, then the things that you do, don't seem so wrong at the time. It's almost like your inner confidence/self esteem is that of a child, who goes and does the thing it wants to do just for the experience, for example drawing on the wall. Even when a child knows drawing on the wall might be wrong, once they go at it, they become immersed in their experience/thoughts, and forget what they are doing is frowned upon by their parents (or society) until afterward.


An easier explanation for adults would be the libido. When your libido is in high gear and you give in and are overtaken by lust in the moment. You might end up doing things which after you've done the deed and come back to your senses, you end up regretting; for example watching porn. And we know how powerful the libido drive is in adults, hence why porn addiction and a lot of porn websites are in the top 100 most visited sites on the internet.


So imagine the power of a high libido drive, but in the form of other emotions. We can already see this in some negative emotions which become too powerful for some people to stay in normality. This could be anyone who suffers from anger issues, jealousy issues, or another negative emotion they struggle with. When these people get overtaken by thier jealousy or anger, they act in irrational and non acceptable ways.


Now FLIP IT! Imagine the exact same scenario of these people suffering with negative emotional issues (such as anger problems), but with positive emotions instead (such as confidence & excitement). These people usually come off as eccentric or overbearing with their confidence/excitement and thus not normal. The same thing applies to geniuses ahead of their time, which normal people can't understand.


This is how I believe amygdala clicking blurs the lines of normality. Because you get swept up in positive emotions, that you forget how crazy your actions or thoughts might come off.



2. What are eureka moments, and viewing yourself in a different perspective?


Now eureka moments and viewing yourself in a different perspective it written about on Slades website, and is something amygdala clicking should cause. Now I haven't gotten any huge eureka moments, and a lot of them came when I was high. But you really end up looking at yourself and the world in a different light.


It's almost as if we are so in our ways, in our subconscious thought patterns, that we don't realize the craziness of them all. You look back on your behaviours in life, and realize, damn, I was such a fool. You also see how small you are, and how little your life means in the grand scheme of things. The world population was 3 billion in 1960, and within only 58 years it has more than doubled (7.3 billion)! 


But the big point of these eureka moments, are that your problems are damn insignificant. You have fears and worries, whether it be with your relationships, wealth, people's opinion of you, or whatever else. But the more you have these eureka moments, the more you see things from the bigger picture, and realize none of it matters. You'll be dead soon enough, so enjoy the process of life, and most importantly get saved by God. There is nothing better for a man than to eat, and drink, and rejoice over all his labour, for that is his portion. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.


The best way I can sum up eureka moments is. When you are a slave to your negative emotions and subconscious programming, we'll end up putting importance on many things which really have no importance in the grand scheme of things. The eureka moments and higher brain function shows you, that it really doesn't matter what you do, because you'll soon be dead before you know it.

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#34 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 17 November 2018 - 06:10 PM

Other than talking too much, I don't really seem to be suffering from neurotic breakdowns or anger with amygdala clicking atm. Also I am clicking less often, but I'm still doing it.

A-Mig-DUH-LA! Clicking = Eureka Moments & Philosophical Insights


1. This life is insignificant, the next life is all that matters, you'll be dead before you know it, so you better find God & Salvation quick. 


2. The more you tickle your amygdalas and remove neurosis, the more content and zen you are at just being alive. Your thoughts, worries, fears say you must do thisyou must do that, must, must, must! But in reality you'll be dead before you know it. So do whatever the hell you want! Just remember their are reactions to your actions, so make sure you (and your Conscience) chooses well!


We are all Patiently (or Impatiently) waiting to die. That is life. Get saved!!! (or not saved), and then die and live eternally in heaven or hell. Simple!



3. Do you really think you're smart and wise! Then you're an idiot and a fool! Relax!        It's okay. We're all neurotic fools who think we know best, when really we know nothing!       You're so sure about your beliefs, and yet we've only had mere years to form them! Can you honestly?? tell me, with all your neurosis, and the ego you naturally formed to protect yourself, that you've got it down! Pfffffffffff! WE KNOW NOTHING!!!












  1. ​A Loser!
  2. An ASSHOLE!
  3. A Magician!
  4. A successful person with money!
  5. A homeless bum on the street!
  6. Lazy!
  7. Hard Working!
  8. Arrogant, Proud, an Adulterer!
  9. Humble, humble, and Loyal!
  10. FAT & UGLY
  11. FIT & Beautiful!
  12. SMALL PEE PEE & TA TA's!



YOU ARE (1) OUT OF (7,530,000,000) PEOPLE!!!


















Edited by manny, 17 November 2018 - 06:13 PM.

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#35 jack black

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Posted 26 November 2018 - 05:58 PM

I'm very concerned about you. R U OK?

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#36 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 09 December 2018 - 04:17 AM

Thanks for the concern my friend, I loved you in Goosebumps by the way. :D


Anyway time for another update. 


1. My Overall Day to Day Mood Since I Started Amygdala Tickling


If I look back since I started Amygdala tickling again since Feb this year (2018). I will say, overall, most days are now filled with neutralness (zeness) and a general positive mood. Other than the odd mini neurotic breakdown from tickling too much in one day, I can honestly say I don't really get down in day to day life. I don't really get worried, stressed, bad moods, and things don't bother me as much as they use to. That's not to say I never get these things ever, but they are quite rare, especially when I observe other people and hear their frustrations and troubles in life. For example if I haven't slept well, before this would make me really irritable, but now it doesn't really.


Note: I keep saying "really", because it's hard to sum up all the up and down experiences since February. But I can only sum it up as, while before my life environment had a larger impact on my amygdalas/emotions, it now it has a lesser impact on them.



2. Self Hypnosis - Automatic Amygdala Tickling


So I tried getting back into self hypnosis recently again. And when going into trance, my amygdalas start clicking forward automatically really hard (muscle feeling pushing forward in my temples). This happened a few days back when doing a self hypnosis session, and later on that evening I was in a brillllllliant mood.



3. Neurotic Breakdowns have Lessened


So I haven't really had any recently (except 1) since I lessened my amygdala tickling. The one I did have was over the dishes, which ended up me shelling out for a dishwasher in the end lol.



4. Smoking Weed - Change of Perspective/Insights


Now this isn't something I do all the time. But when I do and I've been amygdala tickling that day or a few days before in a row. I get some crazy insights into my behaviours and subconscious programming, especially things I've done that day. You see yourself from a different perspective, the perspective outside of your normal subconscious behaviour. Usually it's a realization of something stupid or foolishness done, it's like observing yourself from the outside, but you don't realize it at the time when you do it, because we're so deep in our subconsciousness programming in day to day living. Humans are funny, that's for sure.



5. Amygdala Tickling The Best Therapy Ever?


While there have been ups and downs on this journey, mainly because you're not dealing with subconscious traumas directly (but forcing the attached emotions to those traumas out via neurotic breakdowns). My life is on an upbeat path, and has changed positively since February, or so it feels. And this isn't the false optimism I've had in the past, it's a real change. It's a change in the mind, not circumstances. It's lessening the load of negative subconscious programming, so they no longer effect you negatively anymore. 


Think simply the person who has a fear of dogs. Child is traumatized in past by dog. As an adult they fear dogs. Remove negative subconscious programming (such as via hypnosis). Now the person no longer lets that fear run/alter their life anymore. It's as simple as that. There has been a real change in that persons mind, and now their life is a bit more positive and less fearful as they walk in the park, walk by dogs, see dogs, without it effecting them, but more importantly, they no longer unnecessarily think (subconsciously & consciously) of scenarios with dogs, and plan their lives through fear to avoid them.


The theory of Lingo's work, which I can agree with. Is we are all traumatized in our lives and this is neurosis (the subconscious holding onto traumas/fear). Now imagine removing as many traumas and fears as possible. Your life will feel much better once you get rid of that mental crap. This is how I feel amygdala tickling has helped me.


In other words real change and releases, and not just logical understanding of one self (I'm y because of x abuse/experience).



6. Amygdala Tickling WILL MAKE YOU LAZY!


Okay not quite lazy. Just not as bothered on some things you may have put importance on before. This is healing for the mind after all. And once you start healing the mind, you worry less, I must do this, I must do that. And you realize more and more each day, you really don't have to do anything if you don't want to. Do what you want, because as long as you have means to live, every thing else is optional. 


For example. You could literally live in a small apartment with just a mattress and food and basic amenities. Now your needs are met, what else do you need? Nothing. Everything else is therefore optional.


Only the world, marketing, and everyone else tells you what you need to do. But as long as you're alive, fed, and sheltered, you don't need to do anything else, everything else is optional.


Now let me clarify, this doesn't mean living a minimalist life (unless you want to). All this means, is once your needs are met, everything else is optional. You can spend your time doing whatever you desire. Sit around playing video games all day, watch tv all day, jerk off all day, hang out with friends all day, spend all your money on whatever you want, be a nobody if you like, because it really is your life. 


So how does this relate to Amygdala tickling then?


You learn to relax and enjoy > Yourself. You don't let the world tell you to keep up with the Jone's otherwise you've failed. You don't let the negativity of not being "productive" in the eyes of whoever get you down. Remember it's your life, you can live it how you like once your needs are met. Everything else is optional. 


So to sum it up. Amygdala Tickling will make you okay with yourself, regardless of what other people or society thinks you should do; so you may end up doing very little or something that isn't considered productive. And everyone praises those Zen Buddists like their exceptional people, but will then turn around and judge you for not keeping up with societal trends. Who cares. But that's how you feel, you don't care, you're just happy being you.  



7. Memory has improved, and glimpses of childhood


I have noticed a slight improvement in my memory recall. I also get some recall of forgotten childhood memories. Like my Ghostbusters building toy and slime I use to play with. Or how we use to have this oven with a bulb to cook cupcakes. And the star wars poster on my closet door. And well generally if I think now, I can recall old memories much better. But the much older memories I get glimpses of randomly.


I will say though, I had a similar thing when I first started taking Gingko Biloba, and still take it every morning in my stack. But I do believe amygdala tickling is causing some of this also.

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#37 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 11 December 2018 - 12:58 PM

Let’s talk about something new I’ve experienced twice now when it comes to crying/tears in the past couple of days.


Dissociation of Crying/Tears with Upset Emotions (NEW DEVELOPMENT)


Okay Amygdala tickling has done something with my tears. 


Now if I get really upset and end up crying. When my emotional state becomes more stable and I don’t feel as upset as when it first started, tears will continue to keep coming out effortlessly. It’s quite strange actually. It’s like why the hell are tears still coming out of my eyes, even though I’m not that upset anymore. And the feeling is quite weird actually. It’s like a dissociation between the tears leaving my eyes and the emotion I’m currently feeling. My eyes are still crying, but I don’t feel upset enough anymore to warrant crying, and yet tears are still leaving my eyes lol.


A Natural Biological Response?


It’s almost like the tears are completely seperate biological process from the emotion. Now you’ve gone through emotional hurt, we still need to cry some more and get the rest of these tears out even if you don’t feel like you’re upset anymore. Why? Because we need to get rid of the rest of these stress hormones you’ve built up when you were first stressed. 





Whether the trigger is a political victory or a crisis, the body produces more stress hormones as part of the preparation for the fight-or-flight response.

Tears act as a safety valve by releasing excess stress hormones such as cortisol.


The Supression of Tears via Subconscious Programming (Upbringing)


We know that crying and tears are suppressed in Western Civilization in general. We’re taught not to cry, be a man, crying is weak, don’t be a baby, a pansy etc... There’s even a famous song that became a hit called “Big girls don’t cry” by Fergie. 


Now when you grow up and change your beliefs on crying, and you can logically say there is nothing wrong with it; it’s too late. The subconscious has already made it a part of your being to suppress crying even if you know it’s okay to do now.


Let’s Go Back to What Amygdala Tickling first did to my Crying


When I was younger, I was quite a sensitive child compared to a lot of my friends who were tougher. And yet when I grew as an adult, my ability to cry was so suppressed, I found it hard to cry at anything, and didn’t really do it for years. Even when strongly emotionally upset, no tears or crying.


HOWEVER. When I started amygdala tickling, it all started changing. The biggest change I noticed was when I would watch movies/tv with emotional or sad scenes in it. I was finally able to cry a little bit again. I was able to let go more.


Now remember I haven’t cried for years as an adult, whether something was emotionally touching, or whether I was strongly emotionally upset about something. And now if something touches me, I can let it out more.


HOWEVER I SHOULD NOTE! I haven’t yet been able to cry completely freely when the emotion of crying comes up. It’s still suppressed to a degree. For example if I do something for someone else and it touches me, I can’t just end up crying in front of people willy nilly yet, even though I feel like it.


Neck Glands feel like they were tender like when I was a child (NEW DEVELOPMENT)


The other thing I noticed when the tear dissociation/crying thing happened in the past couple of days, was the glands in my neck became very sore, tender, and tight. I was amazed to be honest, because it’s a feeling I haven’t experienced since I was a child (when I use to become very upset as a child).


The reason it’s amazing, is you forget it was even a thing that you’ve experienced in life. Getting so upset that your neck glands become sore/tender and you feel a tight feeling around your upper neck. But as soon as I experienced it, I instantly remembered I use to experience the same feeling when I got really upset when I was young.


But this brings me to my next point.


I Was Upset, But Not That Upset (NEW DEVELOPMENT)


This is the funny thing about all this. I was upset but not that upset.


1. I’m crying but I don’t feel the emotion strong enough anymore to warrent anymore rears.  

2. I was upset, but not upset enough to feel this tightness in my upper neck and tenderness in my glands.


You see when I was a child, I would have to be so emotionally upset to experience such tenderness/tightness in my neck. But this time round as an adult, I don’t feel upset enough to experience such a response.


I feel there’s something deeper going on here, here’s my theory.


1. The dissociated crying is restoring the natural biological balance we had before subconscious programming. It’s biologically natural to cry a little extra even after the emotion has passed to get rid of those stress hormones.


2.a While I believe the tender glands thing is more to do with past experiences, and re-experiencing them to release the trauma/emotion associated with them.


2b. Or maybe I’ve got an infection coming, my wife did say her left neck gland was tender the other day. However I don’t think this is the case.


Concluding Thoughts on Overall Progress


This is what I feel is basically happenening to myself. Amygdala tickling is removing the psychological influences on the body, and restoring the natural biological responses again.


It is also, due to the higher frontal lobes brain power, processing upset emotions much better. When you’re a child and experience true upset, it feels like the whole world is going to end. While experiencing the same as an adult, and having practiced amygdala tickling and activating those higher brain parts, it’s not so bad at all.


I feel like when writing this post I’m not in the best clarity on explaining something I myself do not fully comprehend yet. The last post for example I was very clear on it all, I understood it all. But I’m not in the clearest frame of mind to understand this fully yet. But I wanted to write about it, as this log will be very useful when I come back to it and read my experiences and thoughts.


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#38 Clavius

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Posted 17 December 2018 - 01:21 PM

Any more updates on this?


I've been lurking here, especially this thread for some time. And trying this technique, but I get nothing. When I search google I read people having all kinds of fantastic experiences. I must be doing something wrong.

#39 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 20 December 2018 - 08:14 AM

Keep lurking, because this thread is actively updated while I practice and observe the effects of amygdala tickling.


My advice for you is keep trying and trust in yourself and rationally observe yourself. I learnt about this technique 16 years ago, but I lacked discipline in doing it. And when I did do it back then and got some fun results (such as synchronicity), I would continue to doubt myself in my ability to tickle my amygdala (whether I was really doing it right or not). This doubt got even worse when I experienced diminishing returns, where those results would just stop after having experienced a lot of them (many people experience the same thing with amygdala tickling, google: diminishing returns neil slade). And also don't forget my results have varied each time I've tried this. Things I experienced first time round a lot (such as synchronicty), I rarely experience this time round. Yet this time round when I started again, I got a lot of headaches (not anymore though), and neurotic breakdowns, both which I did observe before. Also I've had a mini pop only once so far, and that was back in 2011, and after only tickling for a month, but this time round with the most amount of tickling I've done, I've yet to experience a mini pop.


The big thing is, once you find you can do it, you have to stick to it and not give up, and don't compare yourself to other people. I'm in this for the long run now, it may be 6 years before I pop, while other people seem to do it so much more faster, and has been recorded in as little as 2 weeks by Lingo. Slade himself took 6 years. But the average is 4-6 years. Whatever the case, you kind of have to look at this in the long term. There is simply no alternative. Do you want an unlocked fantastical genius brain where life is happy and positive? Or do you want to be average brained like everyone else? Just like weight loss, the technique is simple. Either cut calories or burn more than you consume. Yet we will continue to look at diets, supplements that can increase our metabolism, etc... Stop looking and keep practicing, because there is no alternative. Spend years reading up on new age BS, or follow the findings and results of the exact mechanism Lingo discovered through his scientific research and observations.


Anyway I've gone a bit off track, I woke up today early because of a wet dream lmao, so my mind is not clear tbh. But I am going to post another couple of updates I've observed in myself lately.

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#40 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 21 December 2018 - 11:57 AM

Some updates and thoughts:


1. Amygdala Tickling Highs are Becoming More Common in the last 2 Weeks


OK it feels like there's been a slight shift in the results I've been getting from amygdala tickling recently, positively so. Before I would release these negative emotions out in the form of neurotic breakdowns, but lately it's shifted to experiencing more positive highs! Hazaar! Finally amygdala tickling is giving me the thing it's supposed to do.


I would say before I was a very anhedonic person, and still am to quite a degree, as I don't really find much pleasure in anything to be honest. However isn't it great when music gives you that pleasure again, and songs you've listen to too many times and are bored of, are now fun again to listen to! Yes amygdala tickling is now making music awesome again. Hooray!


2. Staying Grounded is Hard :( 


When you're flying high on positive emotions, at least for me, my silliness and overactive imagination comes out, almost like hyperactivity, and the lines between appropriate and inappropriate get blurred. I actually have a fear that one day I'm going to run outside naked and dancing because I'm so confident and happy in myself. Obviously I don't want to do that, and when you come off this positive emotional high, you think damn, I really need to act more normal on my highs and stay more grounded. 


But the point is. What happens when you lose your fears? Fear of social stigma, societal norms, peoples judgments. You're free from fear and are fully confident and happy in yourself. And when you are fully confident and happy in yourself, you might end up looking a bit crazy!


3. People Won't Understand, and They Fear What They Don't Understand


I'm pretty sure we can all agree on this general point, all we have to do is look back through history. Whether it is a genius, scientist, philosopher, or someone who challenges current societal beliefs. They are the lone wolf in the wilderness, many of whom were proven right later on, but at the time were mocked and prosecuted for their views and beliefs.


That's what exactly amygdala tickling, and I'm assuming the frontal lobes pop, will do for you. You'll start living your life the way you see fit. You will stay true to yourself and won't let FEAR influence you, or at least to a large degree, which may make you look odd, crazy, or insane, even though you're not hurting anybody else. 


But when you're happy and flying high, and the people around you are low or have subconscious fears, they will either attack you and join the cult mentality, or you'll lift them up to that child like fun and imagination for a little while, which they forgot they could experience.


4. Our Creativity is Limited in Society, But Amygdala Tickling Expands it


Child Playing Tea Party = Normal

Adult Playing Tea Party = Insane

Adult Writing a Novel     = Normal


As an adult our creativity has to be limited through certain channels, otherwise we look insane. Sure I can use my imagination to write a novel, and this will be considered normal. But if I want to use my imagination to play tea party, well then I'm just insane. Why? 


It's just societal beliefs. And when you tickle, you lose these fears.


Anyway I don't want to pay tea party's or anything. But your feelings, thoughts, imagination and creativity with amygdala tickling do increase.




Anyway I'm not in the best clarity of mind to write today, I did something stupid last night had a 2 puffs of my cousins joint, and then I had to wake up early, so my mind is blah. But I will end in one point I'm feeling recently.



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#41 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 31 December 2018 - 07:49 AM

It’s 6.47am, I haven’t been asleep as I some reason suffered insomnia last night, only having a 3 hour nap yesterday from 6-9pm. All very odd, maybe something I ate (does blue cheese cause insomnia?), but I think my 1 hour of cardio is stressing my adrenals too much (I’ve ordered some pregnonlone to help me keep up with my new exercise routine).


Anyway don’t expect clear thoughts or insights here. In fact don’t expect anything at all but some mad ramblings. As of right now I feel pressured to post only the clearest of my thoughts and insights to impress my fellow readers otherwise I’ve failed (I’ve fallen for the trap, my ego, look at me me me), rather than posting a log purely of my own observations on my progress for my own self benefit, regardless if other people read it or not.


It feels as though some eureka moments are in the background of my mind, but I have not fully grasped them yet. I’m seeing different perspectives almost; of myself and humanity. I’ve been wondering, feeling, and not knowing exactly which direction to go myself.


I’m thinking about the fundamentals of life. I’m observing consumerism in a different light. Intelligence in a different light. Life in a different light. Experiencing nostalgia of the simpler times (I know this is common without tickling the amygdala).


I almost want to get further and further away from this mess called modern society. Don’t get me wrong I’m not knocking technology or anything, it goes way deeper than that, the core of humanity itself. So really it has nothing to do with being modern, it exists within neurosis throughout the ages.


It is no longer just about knowing. It is about feeling the knowing. This might sound like some philosophical bullshit, but the best example I can give you is synesthesia. Normal people don’t taste colours, but someone with synesthesia might. Now I’m not experiencing synesthesia, I’m just using it as an analogy. 


So it’s like you can know money or things won’t bring you happiness, but you don’t feel this knowledge, you just know and understand that makes sense. But now it feels like I might be feeling or understanding thoughts such as this one on a deeper level?


I’ll continue this example. You can ask 100 people “Do material things bring people happiness?”, and the majority know and will answer that “no it does not”. And yet they will continue to buy things. The brainwashing from marketing, consumerism, and such, even though a lot of people know buying that next thing won’t satisfy them for long and they don’t really need or want it, they still buy it (such as phone upgrades every 1-2 years). This is the majority of people in the world, and the sorry state of humanity.


It is being a slave to your subconscious mind and behaviours, as your conscious mind is impaired due to lower brain function from neurosis. Lingo even wrote about what it’s like after the frontal lobes pop, your subconscious mind becomes your secretary and you become the boss, and now when the secretary tries to carry an automated task out, the boss has final say (his power has been unleashed).


Anyway these are mad ramblings and philosophies by the way. The more I begin to understand, the less I understand. But it is in a more freeing way.


THAT’S IT! The EGO. Humanity is currently their ego. That’s the current insight I have into all this. We think we’re number 1. We really do, and we don’t realise it. The ego was formed as a self defence mechanism for trauma. And while you may know you might not know everything, or your beliefs might not be correct, you still don’t feel that way because your ego has to restrictively hold onto something to form itself and keep yourself protected from traumas. It has rationalised your beliefs from the knowledge you’ve learned, and from your positive and negative (including traumatic) experiences. It knows no other way, and it can only slightly adapt the upper layer of your psyche (as an adult), as the lower parts and foundation have been built there from your earlier life experiences (infant, child, teenager). While your ego might have rationalised your trauma at the infant/child/teenager stage, and as an adult you may look back and think damn that was a stupid reaction or belief, I was wronged, I shouldn’t feel the shame/guilt etc... It doesn’t matter how you view it now from the upper layer (adult life), your ego still holds onto it’s irrational rationalisation of that experience. 


Anyway this is probably psychology 101 or something. Or maybe just some mad ramblings. All I can say, is I feel like instead of being stagnant in my mind, I’m changing. 


Who the hell knows, I’m going to bed it’s 8am now, I need to try and get some sleep. 

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#42 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 02 January 2019 - 01:03 PM



I've suffered from Adrenal type problems since I was very young. I remember when I was 18 and drinking and getting aches in my kidneys. I also experience kidney aches if I had too long cold showers. And cutting calories also gives me major insomnia and non restorative sleep. I believe anything that puts me into ketosis for a while I can't handle well. Oh lets not forget I'm so sensitive to caffeine, the stress makes me very emotional. In fact in my Vitamin C completely enhances Caffeine for Caffeine Sensitive People for nootropic effect?!?! thread I talk about how taking high doses of Vitamin C helped me combat the stress from caffeine and actually enhanced the substance greatly. Later on I created another thread on how Vitamin C rid me of brain fog and OCD, and gave me energy, here Vitamin C for Brain & Nootropic effect thread.

Anyway I haven't suffered from adrenal fatigue like symptoms recently, because I've take a decent stack now, and I don't do exercise.
However with my self hypnosis experimentation recently. I've been able to rev my motivation for exercise all the way up. Only 2 weeks ago I was hitting the gym regularly doing an hour of cardio. Oh boy, did I go through hell the next week after, my sleep was completely destroyed. Non restorative and could not fall asleep. And even with my current decent stack (vitamin c, b-complex, zinc, ginger, vitamin e, etc...), my body could not handle the stress of 1 hour of cardio. I can do it, but my body can't handle this stress. Pathetic, I'm only 30 years old.
Anyway due to this, I've ordered some pregnenolone and stopped exercising until it comes (comes tomorrow). Once I get it I'll take it, and hit the gym again with cardio.
So while waiting for it, I've been googling about it, and wowee, look what I came across!
Pregnenolone regulates the connections between your amygdala—the emotional center of the brain—and the rest of your brain. If pregnenolone is too low, the connectivity goes wild, triggering fear and anxiety; giving pregnenolone reduces this connectivity and quells the anxiety. If only as a basic emotional regulator, pregnenolone appears useful.
As I've experienced several indications from the the past pointing to adrenal problems (including very recently with cardio exercise). And pregnenolone regulates the connections between your amygdalas. I wonder if I'm low on the stuff, and supplementing it will help with my amygdala tickling. I mean I do also get negative effects from amygdala tickling (such as neurotic breakdowns and anger), so maybe it's also related to low pregnenolone rather than releasing neurosis?
I should also note my short term memory is really bad at the moment. My wife always points it out to me all the time, I don't even remember the contents of a conversation I've just had. And I can't remember what I did yesterday or earlier. Amygdala clicking and I believe the lavender pill (putting me in theta/alpha waves), helped me remember glimpses of my childhood. But generally I short term memory is shot. And I take a decent stack everyday.
So maybe it's synchronization I found this information at the same time I rediscover my bodies inability to handle stress from 1 hour of cardio, and I'm also practicing amygdala clicking at the same time. But I'm glad I came across it and my pregnenolone supplements are coming tomorrow. Let's see if it makes any difference to my bodies ability to handle exercise and practicing amygdala tickling.


The neurosteroids allopregnanolone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) are integral components of the stress response and exert positive modulatory effects on emotion in both human and animal studies. Although these antidepressant and anxiolytic effects have been well established, to date, little research has examined their neural correlates, and no research has been conducted into the effects of neurosteroids on large-scale networks at rest. To investigate the neurosteroid impact on intrinsic connectivity networks, participants were administered 400 mg of pregnenolone (N = 16), 400 mg of DHEA (N = 14), or placebo (N = 15) and underwent 3T fMRI. Resting-state brain connectivity was measured using amygdala as a seed region. When compared with placebo, pregnenolone administration reduced connectivity between amygdala and dorsal medial prefrontal cortex, between amygdala and precuneus, and between amygdala and hippocampus. DHEA reduced connectivity between amygdala and periamygdala and between amygdala and insula. Reductions in amygdala to precuneus connectivity were associated with less self-reported negative affect. These results demonstrate that neurosteroids modulate amygdala functional connectivity during resting state and may be a target for pharmacological intervention. Additionally, allopregnanolone and DHEA may shift the balance between salience network and default network, a finding that could provide insight into the neurocircuitry of anxiety psychopathology.


Edited by manny, 02 January 2019 - 01:05 PM.

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#43 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 26 January 2019 - 04:52 PM



So this app is just brilliant, especially if you have an iPad Pro with a keyboard. A simple yet multi featured personal diary app, and it’s free.


So I decided I needed something to write down my thoughts, rather than use this thread. I needed something that would allow me to enter my mad ramblings and thoughts quickly, all in one place, without needing to create separate documents (such as when using Word), or filling up my Notes app (which is for important notes).


So the other day I found this app after trying some premium ones, and this truely is a magnificent app.


Anyway, I remember reading a long time ago on Slades website about journaling/keeping a diary (though I can’t seem to find the page). It mentioned something about Einstein had a diary which made no sense, was just some random writings (though I haven’t come across this again).


But I think of Lingo, that guy typed on his typewriter all day. Popped his frontal lobes, ideas filling up his mind, he had to get them out. Empty out that brain of his.


So this is why I’m starting my own diary/journal. Because when you tickle your amygdalas, your mind fills up with ideas, and I feel you need to get these ideas out, otherwise they clog up your mind. 


The problem with posting here, is sometimes I can’t organise those thoughts yet into something that can be read or understood easily (if they mean anything). And no one wants to read mad ramblings or thoughts, they want to read structured summaries, reports, and conclusions. But I also need to get these mad ramblings and thoughts out somewhere, otherwise they stagnate in my mind.


Hence my goal is to put my mad ramblings and thoughts in my personal diary, and if and when I come to a realisation or insight (from amygdala tickling) that can be written coherently, then I will post it here.


i.e. The ramblings go in the diary, the best parts get posted here.


That is if I get anything good enough to write. At the moment, there won’t be anything good enough to write, as I haven’t had anymore big changes yet with my frontal lobes or amygdala tickling.


I will note here though, I did get another small neurotic breakdown/moodiness from amygdala tickling too much. But I still need to test more, especially now I’m back on my supplements, and have started taking a sprinkle of pregnenolone in the morning. See if that lessens the negative effects of too much amygdala tickling.


Year Summary of Amygdala Tickling


It’s nearly been a year since I started tickling my amygdalas again, I started around 5th Feb (10 days from now) 2018.


I will say it’s been quite a journey. Neurotic breakdowns being the most significant event, something I had yet to experience before last year. But they definitely felt like a release of deep hidden emotional issues.


Because now overall, my life is mostly positive and zen. It’s nice. It’s life. I feel like I can take on more in life, but I’ve also yet to be in any major stressful situations. I’m lucky when it comes to work, as I don’t have to be around people I don’t like or drama all the time. But my goal is to pop these lobes so any situation can be tackled with ease and zenness, even the majorly stressful ones. Whatever the case I have felt progress with my emotional wellbeing, as well as being able to trance into hypnosis better. 


Anyway my main goal this year is to focus on getting fit and healthy, while continuing the tickle my amygdalas everyday.


I’ll post any major updates here if I experience any.


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Posted 02 March 2019 - 12:48 PM

So nothing major to report. I still have life highs, and I still get neurotic moods from tickling my amygdalas. No major positive events yet, like pre pops.


And yet, I do feel changes. Very subtle changes. I feel on the precipice of something bigger, but really I have no idea how long it will take to experience that big thing. But I feel there are subtle changes happening in my mind.


For example bad habits such as porn or weed, have lost most of their appeal. Cigarettes also. It’s not to say I don’t do these things occasionally if opportunity presents itself. But really I don’t. It’s like having no or little desire for these things at the moment.


And I even had a strange second when I looked at a van driving away yesterday. It was only a second, and very subtle. But for a second, I was looking at that van driving away in a different light, almost like it was for the first time. But the effect was very subtle.


I’m also losing that desire to compete as much. Look at me, listen to me, hear what I have to say, read what I’ve written. Probably why I’ve slowed down posting on here so much. I’m losing that need to be heard.


Another thing I noticed, is when I’m reading up on my news, and resources, and information, and internet. I question myself. Why. Why does any of this matter. The world is going to do what the world is going to do. 


The last thing I will say. Is I’ve made my goals very simple. Tickle my amygdalas, and talk less. The major problem I have right now with amygdala tickling, is the life highs. Flying a bit high on life, you tend to act or say things which would make you come off a bit weird or inappropriate. I only really notice my weirdness when I get high on weed, I actually see things from different views. It’s not really a huge deal, but a good name is better than precious ointment. I still want to build and keep a good reputation. I don’t want to come off and be known as the weird or eccentric guy. The thing is, when your flying high off life, you really come off as fun and the life of the party sort. Cracking jokes, you’re on fire, and everyone has a good time. It just needs calibration, as the line gets blurred when you tickle your amygdalas a lot. It’s hard to stay grounded. Anyway I haven’t had any complaints or incidents with people, and this is more self criticism than anything, self reflection when I’ve been high on weed. But my goal is when I get one of these life highs from amygdala tickling a lot, I have to make sure I talk less and act more mature. Channel that highness, and use it at the right times with the world, while just experiencing it myself personally most of the time.


I feel there is less and less reason for me to post here. I don’t care so much about sharing my philosophies or realisations or small experiences anymore just to be heard. But I wanted to update this thread for people who were interested, that I’m still doing it and having subtle changes. And hopefully sometime, I will have bigger experiences to share with you guys. I feel I’m on the precipice, but I really don’t know. It could be many more months and years before big things happen.



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Posted 04 March 2019 - 07:02 AM

I feel there is less and less reason for me to post here. I don’t care so much about sharing my philosophies or realisations or small experiences anymore just to be heard. But I wanted to update this thread for people who were interested, that I’m still doing it and having subtle changes. And hopefully sometime, I will have bigger experiences to share with you guys. I feel I’m on the precipice, but I really don’t know. It could be many more months and years before big things happen.


I'm still following this thread. Trying my best daily to do this, but nothing happens. Maybe my ASD (and thus my poorly developed frontal lobes) prevent me from ever doing this.

#46 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 05 March 2019 - 10:32 AM

I cannot say for sure. But I doubt your ADS and poorly developed frontal lobes have anything to do with it. If anything amygdala tickling and TD Lingos research teaches us, all humans have under used frontal lobes. That's why you can remove large parts of the frontal lobes in surgery with little effect on the person. The fact that you can talk to me and understand and can imagine and conceptualize on a normal level, is enough to show you're not mentally retarded and have "normal" enough frontal lobe function.


But this isn't a dig at you personally. It just shows me how hard it is to unlock the brain fully, and how 99.99% of people never will.


For example right now my visualization skill sucks, and it's quite hard for me to visualize tickling both amygdalas at the same time (so I usually alternate between the two). But I also know what my visualization can be after I experienced a 10 minute mini pop, and was practicing mnenomics at the time. At one point I could visualize something so easily, so clearly, so detailed, in 3D, and it had physics to it also! It was unbelievable.


Lets take another example. Hypnosis! How can someone who has struggled years trying to quit smoking. Go to a good hypnotist, and wipe out that habit completely in 1-3 sessions? Yes as little as 1 session, maybe 30 minutes to an hour long.


It just goes to show us how there is a whole other level to the mind, which we have little control over. 


But if you download Lingos workbook from the very first post on this thread, and look at page 79, he explains his theory on this. I will paste a couple of sentences, read the page for a full description.


Prior to transcendence, the majority of brain-body decisions are made at the subthreshold, unconscious (STSUC) level of computations. Most of the primary yes/no decisions which determine the fate of your Life are made for you without you being

aware of the process, without you being invited into the process and without you controlling the process...
...After frontal lobes transcendence, the majority of brain-body decisions still are made at the sub-threshold, unconscious level of computations. But now you monitor them and review them and reverse them whenever you choose. The reason you allow this majority of yes/no choices to continue to be made at the unconscious level of your awareness is because they now are routine housekeeping decisions which your secretary housekeeper better can handle routinely without bothering the boss. You now are the executive over your own brain-body. But whenever the routine is broken, your secretary calls the boss immediately. You review the problem and make the executive decision of which way you want this new change to go. 


Doesn't this make logical sense?


The Frontal Lobes are the main reason we have decent self control as humans. Think about it.


Exercise, which helps activate the frontal lobes, usually helps raise people out of depression, which in turn helps give them more self control in their lives. I'm sure I've read studies between drug addicts are more likely to quit and recover when they have more social interaction and hobbies in their life, which in general I believe has to do with these things allowing them to make more more use of their frontal lobes, giving them better impulse control.


These are the connections I've made. I could be wrong.


One of the things tickling my amygdalas has taught me. Is I really am a dumb-ass. Don't take my word for anything, as I know far little than I think I do. My opinions are built from what I've read, my interpretations, my experiences, and my logic; all of which could be wrong. And it's not like I have the ability to read every scientific paper and interpret it, in fact I rely most heavily on the authors conclusions and the abstracts of their paper, or another article which has been dumbed down enough for the layman to understand (like psychologytoday.com). 


But that's the other thing tickling my amygdalas has taught me. It's not about me being right, even if I'm seeking the truth of something. One because the world will do what it does, and two because it helps no one but your ego. How many scientific or medical discoveries were made, but rejected by the mainstream scientists and doctors of their time? You can present what your conclusion of the truth is and share it with the world, but debating or arguing it with other people is usually fruitless and unnecessary and does nothing except to puff up the ego, and unless your career or purpose in life demands it, or a person genuinely wants to learn your version of the truth, it's better to use what you concluded as the truth, to benefit yourself.


Ecclesiastes 7:12 For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.


So while I want to unlock my frontal lobes and brain, and then combine it with other things to see how far one's brain/mind ability can go, and then share my experience and knowledge with the world through a book or a website. I'm not here to convince the world. If it really is beneficial and people don't care, use it to your own benefit, because there's nothing wrong with that.


Ecclesiastes 9:15 Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man.


I feel more and more like I'd rather be a happy nobody in the shadows of life, than a miserable somebody trying to compete at staying on top.


God Bless.

Edited by manny, 05 March 2019 - 10:33 AM.

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Posted 13 March 2019 - 01:05 PM

I just want to reiterate an observation I had made previously, and which still seems to be in effect today.


Lack of sleep no longer causes crankiness or a bad mood. 


Rather lack of sleep just makes me think slow, and I act very quiet and calm. I feel I can endure sleep debt better than before.


But this is a big observation to be honest. The amount I'm currently sleep deprived these past 2 days (due to other things), I'm genuinely surprised how well I can handle it without it negatively effecting my mood.


I definitely put this down to amygdala tickling and the releases I've had. 


Oh and I also started sleeping on my left side because I believe I have sleep apnea. So this could be contributing to the fact that I handle sleep debt better.




Other news on my journey. I still experienced some mental breakdowns. But these aren't as intense as the mental breakdowns I was experiencing when I first started getting them (which would make me act very illogical or crazy). They still involve deep seated hurt and emotions coming up to the surface, with me crying and releasing them, and with me acting illogical and crazy to a degree. But they are no where near as strong as they once were. So theres progress here, though I still hate them in a sense, because I just want the good things you're meant to get with amygdala tickling. But I don't think there really is anyway around deep seated negative emotions if you have them, well at least for me. 




Oh and what I'm excited and looking forward to in my current life. Is seeing if I can use my newfound ability to endure sleep deprivation better, to become an early riser.




I will note one thing. Sleep debt still causes me to think less clearly. I've had to edit this post several times to make it more coherent. 


Edited by manny, 13 March 2019 - 01:10 PM.

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Posted 14 March 2019 - 07:01 AM



1st Post, from 2009




I was wondering if anyone else has experienced surges of old emotions after clicking? I found out about Lingo and Slade when I was looking for ways to get over major depression so it isn't a surprise that getting better has involved some VERY strong and unpleasant emotions. Grief in particular. 

I always feel better after crying. Eventhough it's still a bit difficult to do since I'm a 21-year-old dude, and crying is just not acceptable for males. If you cry you are weak ...right  grin.gif Many things in this society are just plain wrong. 

And now to the part where I actually collect myself and ask for help: Do you know any ways of getting the grief/sadness to surface so I can cry it out? I can feel there is still a lot of it left. Often when I feel the grief taking over me I begin to feel tired and yawn it away. Somekind of reflex defence mechanism. Also, any opinions about crying the raw emotions out without remembering where they come from versus going through them using Trauma Drama?

I would really appreciate any help.




13th Post, from 2016


...How is your progress so far @DarkOrb? After my spontaneous orgasm, I didn't had a second so far... frown.png But I got a BIGmigraine the next day and even a sort of mental breakdown, were I sobbed for no reason and was unable to speak properly for like 2 hours - scared the shit out of my girlfriend... (but she did a great job comforting me). So I guess it may be true, that amygdala clicking somehow flushes some old trauma and thought waste out of your brain, that then makes it's way to the surface. I'm not quite sure, if the clicking was the reason/trigger for that breakdown and will observe this further.

As for the tickling/clicking, I seem to be able to genereate pleasure waves in my head. What Neil Slade often describes as pleasurable popping might be just another terminology for pleasure waves... what are your thoughts on that?



Here are 2 posts I found, one on the old forum from 2009, and one from the aneros forum from 2016.


The first talks about very strong and unpleasant emotions, and the second talks about a mental breakdown, both of which are caused my amygdala tickling.


I've talked to Neil Slade directly on this issue. He says any negative emotions means I'm doing it wrong. I disagree with this personally, because of my mental breakdown experiences (which I never had until I started tickling loads this past year, and what feels like emotional releases that come afterward, as well as it also being reported by these 2 people. One of them was able to have a spontaneous orgasm and feel pleasure waves in his head, which shows he's doing amygdala tickling correctly, and yet he also experienced a mental breakdown where he was unable to speak properly and sobbed for 2 hours.


I do understand why Neil Slade disagrees with this part. First of all he's a musician by heart and career. He isn't a brain researcher delving deep into this phenomenon and every single detail about it, and researching it every day of his life like Lingo did. He was musician who got his own big frontal lobes bang, and wanted to simplify Lingo's work for the layman, and share the most important part of it (amygdala tickling) with the world, so other people could learn it without all the complexities.


And in the end this is what this strong negative emotions side effect is. A complexity of a bigger problem within the psyche and subconscious mind. These negative emotions could be caused by any trauma from within your past, but unless you're willing to do a lot of meditation or psychotherapy to reveal these hidden memories and correct them, the average person isn't going to bother.


And in the end it truly works on an individual basis. That's why some people get results and pops quicker, and others much slower. Some people experience these negative emotions coming out, while some people don't at all. It's just like medication, and how the same medicine can effect one person differently and cause side effects, while in the next person it works perfectly with little to no problems. Each of our bodies, as well as each of our minds, while having major similarities, are uniquely different and complex.


Another comparison would be to think of amygdala tickling as the same as exercise. While the consensus is exercise is generally beneficial for everyone. People still suffer from the complexities of their body. So while one person might be able to do an hour of cardio with no problems. Another might get side effects from that much exercise, which could be due to their body having a weaker endocrine system. Yet that same person with the weaker endocrine system, might find 30 minutes of cardio causes no problems, and thus can still can get the health benefits from exercising. 


Anyway I can't seem to explain it much more clearly than this right now. My brains not in full gear.


Personal Update:


The past few days I haven't really been tickling a lot. But I'm not too bothered either. It feel I will naturally want to take breaks from it now and then. The main thing is I never give up on it fully and forget about it. 


I woke up at 5:30am!



Edited by manny, 14 March 2019 - 07:19 AM.

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#49 zorba990

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Posted 07 April 2019 - 02:36 AM

I notice yawning a lot when practicing this. I'm acutely aware, also, that the act of yawning is drawing circulation to that same area of my head.
I had three occurrences where vivid traumatic memories resurfaced. I have only had that happen with Holotropic Breathwork previously.
I didn't notice any issue with doing it while driving but I'll be careful. I ordered some of Neil Slade's material - should be good vacation reading :-)
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#50 Clavius

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Posted 09 April 2019 - 02:05 PM




I've suffered from Adrenal type problems since I was very young. I remember when I was 18 and drinking and getting aches in my kidneys. I also experience kidney aches if I had too long cold showers. And cutting calories also gives me major insomnia and non restorative sleep. I believe anything that puts me into ketosis for a while I can't handle well. Oh lets not forget I'm so sensitive to caffeine, the stress makes me very emotional. In fact in my Vitamin C completely enhances Caffeine for Caffeine Sensitive People for nootropic effect?!?! thread I talk about how taking high doses of Vitamin C helped me combat the stress from caffeine and actually enhanced the substance greatly. Later on I created another thread on how Vitamin C rid me of brain fog and OCD, and gave me energy, here Vitamin C for Brain & Nootropic effect thread.

Anyway I haven't suffered from adrenal fatigue like symptoms recently, because I've take a decent stack now, and I don't do exercise.
However with my self hypnosis experimentation recently. I've been able to rev my motivation for exercise all the way up. Only 2 weeks ago I was hitting the gym regularly doing an hour of cardio. Oh boy, did I go through hell the next week after, my sleep was completely destroyed. Non restorative and could not fall asleep. And even with my current decent stack (vitamin c, b-complex, zinc, ginger, vitamin e, etc...), my body could not handle the stress of 1 hour of cardio. I can do it, but my body can't handle this stress. Pathetic, I'm only 30 years old.
Anyway due to this, I've ordered some pregnenolone and stopped exercising until it comes (comes tomorrow). Once I get it I'll take it, and hit the gym again with cardio.
So while waiting for it, I've been googling about it, and wowee, look what I came across!
Pregnenolone regulates the connections between your amygdala—the emotional center of the brain—and the rest of your brain. If pregnenolone is too low, the connectivity goes wild, triggering fear and anxiety; giving pregnenolone reduces this connectivity and quells the anxiety. If only as a basic emotional regulator, pregnenolone appears useful.
As I've experienced several indications from the the past pointing to adrenal problems (including very recently with cardio exercise). And pregnenolone regulates the connections between your amygdalas. I wonder if I'm low on the stuff, and supplementing it will help with my amygdala tickling. I mean I do also get negative effects from amygdala tickling (such as neurotic breakdowns and anger), so maybe it's also related to low pregnenolone rather than releasing neurosis?
I should also note my short term memory is really bad at the moment. My wife always points it out to me all the time, I don't even remember the contents of a conversation I've just had. And I can't remember what I did yesterday or earlier. Amygdala clicking and I believe the lavender pill (putting me in theta/alpha waves), helped me remember glimpses of my childhood. But generally I short term memory is shot. And I take a decent stack everyday.
So maybe it's synchronization I found this information at the same time I rediscover my bodies inability to handle stress from 1 hour of cardio, and I'm also practicing amygdala clicking at the same time. But I'm glad I came across it and my pregnenolone supplements are coming tomorrow. Let's see if it makes any difference to my bodies ability to handle exercise and practicing amygdala tickling.



I was wondering if you are still supplementing with pregnenolone and what the results of that were?


Since I read about pregnenolone deficiency causing ADD-ish symtoms I've become very interested in it.

#51 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 09 April 2019 - 06:26 PM

My amygdala tickling is on hiatus (I haven’t done it for nearly a month now) and I’ll revisit it later; first I need sort my health out, and thankfully I’ve only discovered the answers.


Long story short, I’ve only just discovered that I’m serotonin deficient, as well as Vitamin A and D deficient. I won’t go into all the experiences of how I discovered this, but major insomnia and sleep debt in general, as well as when I did cardio exercise or eat a high carb meal, forced me to figure out what the hell was going on with me, also I had trouble seeing things properly like the TV, and the fact that I was supplementing all my vitamins except A, D, & K made it easier to narrow down. Anyway I’m in the process of correcting these, and I’m already seeing amazing results (I only started 2 days ago). But I can already feel the difference in my health, sleep, and energy, and am now waiting to for my sleep debt to correct itself.


Anyway learning about these deficiencies, especially the serotonin deficiency, it makes me wonder, is this the reason why:


1. I’ve suffered from insomnia most of my life.

2. Snoring and sleep apnea (which is somewhat linked to Vitamin D deficiency).

3. I’ve had mental breakdowns from tickling my amygdalas too much?

4. I’ve had trouble trancing to hypnosis.

5. Trouble quitting addictions like weed and cigarettes.


Anyway regardless, it was probably a good thing I took a break from amygdala tickling. As I might have never made the nutritional connection, and mistook some odd these as side effects from too much tickling.


Also on other great news. I’ve found the best way to write hypnotic suggestions to be effective for behavioural changes. Compound the same suggestion 15 times before moving onto the next one. Not only does this make my hypnosis scripts easier to create, but the effects kick in much quicker. Unfortunately trancing still isn’t 2nd nature, but I think correcting my health is going to make big difference in this department.


So the new plan is correct nutritional deficiencies, catch up on all my sleep debt, start hitting the gym regularly again (like I was doing but was plagued with major insomnia due to exercise). Once these are done, and I’ve done them for a couple of months and the routine is created, I am going to use hypnosis around enhancing amygdala tickling and being able to deal with traumas.


I’m actually very optimistic at the moment, and have a newfound confidence that nothing will be able to stop me from popping my frontal lobes eventually. If I think of it anyway, I’m on Phase 2 in this sense.


Phase 1 = Tickling my amygdalas nearly everyday for a year (Feb 2018 - Mar 2019).

Phase 2 = Correct health via nutrition & exercise (April 2019 - TBA).

Phase 3 = Once in good health, back to amygdala tickling and self hypnosis related to it.


I notice yawning a lot when practicing this. I'm acutely aware, also, that the act of yawning is drawing circulation to that same area of my head.

I had three occurrences where vivid traumatic memories resurfaced. I have only had that happen with Holotropic Breathwork previously.
I didn't notice any issue with doing it while driving but I'll be careful. I ordered some of Neil Slade's material - should be good vacation reading :-)


I remember when I first started clicking years ago I would yawn a lot.


Neil wrote about traumatic flashbacks in an reply email I got when enquiring about trauma therapy, so it definitely is something you may experience with amygdala tickling. I myself haven’t experienced this, but I’ve wrote plemty on strong negative emotions rising.


I would love to combine holotropic breathwork with amygdala tickling, but I can never do it well. I even went to a group back when I was 18, and ended up fall asleep because I slept badly the previous night (I’ve had insomnia problems since forever).


Please keep us updated on your experiences with amygdala tickling. Feel free to post in this thread.


I was wondering if you are still supplementing with pregnenolone and what the results of that were?
Since I read about pregnenolone deficiency causing ADD-ish symtoms I've become very interested in it.


Major insomnia. I had to order 5mg and then split them into 4, and take 1 (1.25mg), but I feel it had too much effect on my hormones (saggiest balls ever), so I’ve stopped it for now. Since I’m only now discovered and correcting my Vitamin A, D, and serotonin deficiencies, I may revisit pregnenolone again in the future if I feel I need to.

#52 zorba990

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Posted 11 April 2019 - 12:32 AM

You may wish to try pantethine as a source for adrenal hormone production.

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#53 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 11 April 2019 - 05:42 PM



Thanks for the suggestion, if I still experience symptoms after supplementing Vitamin D & A, I’ll look into and try other nutrients that could potentially help.


To be honest, just adding Vitamin D & A (& 5-htp before bed) is making a world of difference right now.


Here’s a list of things I’ve noticed:


1. My constant indegestion to many foods are gone. I’ve eaten a lot of pizza the last couple of days, with Tabasco sauce, and no stomach problems.


2. My IBS is less. Now I don’t know whether I had full blown IBS or not. But eating Tabasco would have resulted not being able to sleep, as I could feel I needed the toilet and would have to wait. Last night I could feel it coming, but went to sleep anyway, and woke up fine and went to the loo. 


3. My vision is much clearer.

4. I’m more happy, confident, and more emotionally connected with the world.

5. I get restful sleep, and have much more energy during the day, even if my sleep was cut short.

6. More pleasurable orgasm.


With 5-htp I have 50mg capsules. However I’ve experienced serotonin syndrome at this dose, where my sleep was very bad and I was tossing and turning. So I open the capsule, put half in some water, and drink it, and it works like a charm.


Last night I took 800 UI of Vitamin D (I had already taken some in the monrning). I ended up falling asleep and waking up an hour later. I didn’t fall asleep until 5:30am, and woke up at 10:45am. I usually take all my supplements in the morning except for 5-htp, but was feeling a bit adventurous in upping my vitamin D levels. It won’t happen again. But I still woke up with energy for the day.


I believe Vitamin D (and the other 2) is going to allow me to change my sleeping pattern for the better. I’m already convinced I will be able to change my pattern to allow me to become an early riser eventually.


The future is looking very bright, and I don’t think all that tickling the last year was done in vein.


Plan is simple:


1. Catch up on sleep debt and establish a routine.

2. Become an early riser around 6:30am.

3. Hit the gym at 7am and do 45 minutes of cardio everyday.

4. Listen to hypnosis to reinforce exercise motivation and falling asleep quicker.

5. Establish this routine for 2-3 months, before moving back on my amygdala tickling and hypnosis surrounding it.


The compounding of hypnotic suggestions made exercising much easier and no big deal. Problem was I would do the exercise and end up getting major insomnia and worsening my sleep debt, and I couldn’t keep doing it until I sorted that out. Now I found the problem and in the process of fixing it, I’m quite confident at the moment that I’ll be able to achieve my plan.


In fact if I can get to sleep at a reasonable time tonight (before 12am), my alarm will be set to 6:30am. And hopefully I can catch up on the sleep debt while maintaining this sleep routine, before moving onto gyming.


Anyway the whole point of this, is I’m quite excited and confident in my ability to do this right now. But at the same time it’s too early (less than a week since I’ve started correcting these deficiencies), so it’s going to be a few weeks, to a couple of months, and have the routine in place, before I can say with 100% certainty I’m on track. So I feel confident and on track, but I need longer before I can say, yes I am.


Future is looking very bright. Hope I can maintain and improve upon this. Time will tell!



QUICK HYPOTHESIS: I reckon my serotonin/vitamin d deficiency, may have been the reason why I had trouble with amygdala tickling blurring the lines of appropriate or not. Nothing to calm down my excitory brain.

Edited by manny, 11 April 2019 - 05:45 PM.

#54 WiseN666

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Posted 12 April 2019 - 01:28 PM

This sound like some esoterical non-sense, lol. How come this guy hasn't been banned yet? 

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#55 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 12 April 2019 - 02:02 PM

This sound like some esoterical non-sense, lol. How come this guy hasn't been banned yet?

Other than the numerous anecdotal reports I’ve collected in this thread from other people, as well as Lingo’s 30 years of research into the subject at his brain lab, and my own experiences, I guess it is esoterical non-sense.

Being banned from this forum wouldn’t bother me, but it would deprive those who are interested in the frontal lobes pop phenomenon and someone’s journey in trying to achieve it.

In other words, suck my balls asshole. :D

Edited by manny, 12 April 2019 - 02:10 PM.

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#56 WiseN666

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Posted 12 April 2019 - 06:18 PM

Yeah, nice "science" you've posted, lol. 


If we keep drinking milk and eating cereal as you say then we are all gonna soon see god, indeed. Hahaha. 

Edited by WiseN666, 12 April 2019 - 07:00 PM.

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#57 pamojja

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Posted 13 April 2019 - 08:41 AM

Manny, I can assure you it is not me. I only post with experiences and reasoning. In the milk and cornflakes thread out of concerns you could become depleted of many nutrients, which you actually confirmed in this very thread:


Long story short, I’ve only just discovered that I’m serotonin deficient, as well as Vitamin A and D deficient. I won’t go into all the experiences of how I discovered this, but major insomnia and sleep debt in general, as well as when I did cardio exercise or eat a high carb meal, forced me to figure out what the hell was going on with me, also I had trouble seeing things properly like the TV, and the fact that I was supplementing all my vitamins except A, D, & K made it easier to narrow down. Anyway I’m in the process of correcting these, and I’m already seeing amazing results (I only started 2 days ago). But I can already feel the difference in my health, sleep, and energy, and am now waiting to for my sleep debt to correct itself.


I'm glad you meanwhile realized it yourself (not for no reason my online-name is in Pali for 'gladness'. In particular the gladness which arises out of ethical conduct, and which in Buddhist meditation is seen as its foundation). That you continue to call me arrogant for trying to help you to find that out, is only one of the many facets of your personality.


In future before making such unfounded all out attacks, I would recommend you first contact the moderators. Who could verify if indeed true, and take action.

Edited by pamojja, 13 April 2019 - 08:58 AM.

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#58 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 13 April 2019 - 01:38 PM

Unfounded attacks? The evidence is overwhelming!


You want me to believe that 14 days after our debate in that cornflakes/milk thread, that some random nobody joins the forum, and his second reply (2 minutes after introducing himself) was on that very same cornflakes/milk thread trolling me, what a coincidence! And then continues to attack my threads and post anti-milk sentiments. And yet when he's not targeting me, he gives neutral advice and experiences on other threads. Right.... 


And your reply timing here is also highly suspicious. You've never commented on this thread, you've never followed this thread, you've never shown any interest or asked questions in this thread, and yet here you are 7 hours later like clockwork, 8:41am in the morning, and your first post for today is on this thread! hmm... 


This is all the evidence I've collected in my limited technical ability of being a user here. You can suggest asking the mods, but lets be honest here, while matching IP addresses is the champion of evidence, in this day and age of VPN's, they can be easily changed. Alternatively it could be a friend or associate of yours, but I don't think that is the case.


Regardless, my "attack" was not unfounded. I have good reasonings to believe it is you, and have laid them out here for all to judge for themselves. You can "assure" me and those who read this it wasn't you, but I trust my research and reasonings, and like I said, others can judge for themselves.


In the milk and cornflakes thread out of concerns you could become depleted of many nutrients, which you actually confirmed in this very thread:


No no no Mr pyjama, don't tell porkies. I posted that I was interested in retrying this diet on the 23rd of March, and adhered to it for only a few days. So other than those few days where I ate cornflakes/milk 3 times a day, my diet has been normal. But what you're trying to claim is, I became vitamin a & d (& thus serotonin) deficient in those few days of that diet. Let's ignore all the symptoms I've had for years on a normal diet (bad sleeping pattern, insomnia, indigestion, ocd, addictive personality), where I've eaten plenty of variety in meats and vegetables. No it was those few days I ate cornflakes with milk which made me deficient.


I even make it a point in point 5 of my last rebuttal to you, that if I am deficient in certain nutrients, I can just supplement it away right? Which is exactly what I did.


Hell if I had never went on the cornflakes diet, I would have never have made the low serotonin connection, why is high carb giving me insomnia when it should be helping me get to sleep, just like exercise is giving me insomnia when it should be helping me to sleep, I really need to look into this and fix it, aren't carbs and exercise meant to release serotonin, why might I be lacking in serotonin etc...


And now I've started to correct these deficiencies by covering the 3 essential nutrients I wasn't taking, and feeling the difference and my symptoms correcting itself, I see no problem on just focusing on my macros, which was the reason for that milk/cornflakes thread in the first place.



Edited by manny, 13 April 2019 - 02:37 PM.

#59 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 13 April 2019 - 02:25 PM

Just a quick supplement update.


So this past week I've been trying to correct my deficiencies (mainly Vitamin D) and testing doses and supplements. Yesterday I tried 4000 UI Vitamin D. I had plenty of energy, but suffered major insomnia and constipation (I remember this constipation effect from Vitamin D years ago (2011), one of the big reasons I stopped taking it back then).


In general these days I seem to respond to lower amounts of supplements better anyway, I have become much more sensitive to them than in my earlier life (most likely due to my yonder years of megadosing).


But my point of all this. I notice most of the positive effects from Vitamin D at 400-800 UI dose. So while it might not be "wise" to dose at 800 UI a day because that might not correct any vitamin D deficiency I might have. It seems this dose does works well for me (reducing negative symptoms, increasing positive results). 


It's also the same with vitamin C, where I find 1g of Vitamin C perfect for me, but 2g or above can worsen my insomnia.


Regardless, I think I'm finally settling on my new additions to my stack. I have a Vitamin K2 M4 supplement coming Monday, and hopefully adding one of them into the stack won't cause any side effects, and I can just take it, hoping it's doing something good in the body with vitamin d.


Anyway it's all too soon to say anything. If my threads weren't being trolled I would have replied later when I was more sure on my stack and routine. But now I've said my piece, my next update will hopefully be once my routine and sleep stabilizes.


I've also reported WiseN666 (not sure whether anything will be done), but I won't be engaging with the troll anymore, and if he posts while I ignore him, he's just keeping my threads at the top of this forum. :P

Edited by manny, 13 April 2019 - 02:40 PM.

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#60 WiseN666

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Posted 13 April 2019 - 10:46 PM

Nice try, but the only troll here is you, posting these misinformations to endager any random person who might be browsing these forums and don't understand nutrition. Very kind of you for a christian boy. 

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