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Tickle Your Damn Amygdala's You Neurotic Fools!

amygdala visualization frontal lobes brain exercise

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#61 maxwatt

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Posted 14 April 2019 - 10:00 PM

FYI: WiseN666 and Pamoja post from different IP addresses.  Unlikely the same person.


Be civil guys, even if you disagree.  As long as the invective is confined to this thread, we'll let it slide.  Ignore the trolls.  And don't poke them either.


It's Manny's thread, feel free to ignore it.  If posting an opinion try to post it dispassionaty, please.  And Manny, you need a thicker skin. 

#62 zorba990

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Posted 15 April 2019 - 01:53 AM

Electro acupuncture for calming the amygdalae:


2. Stimulation area two: The line between Taiyang (M-HN-9) and Tianchong (GB-9) and Shuaigu (GB-8).

The above points are commonly used classic acupuncture points for the treatment of mental disorders. The treatment method is that one acupuncture needle inserts from Taiyang (M-HN-9) toward Shuaigu (GB-8) and Tianchong (GB-9), and another needle inserts from Tianchong (GB-9) penetrating Shuaigu (GB-8) toward Taiyang (M-HN-9). These two needles are then attached to the electric wires through which a high-frequency continuous electric pulse is delivered from the electric device. The small electric current is passed between the pair of needles to stimulate the amygdala and hippocampus regions to regulate the neural activity of fear and anxiety. For the locations of selected points in the treatment protocol, see Figure 2.

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#63 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 15 April 2019 - 01:21 PM

It's Manny's thread, feel free to ignore it.  If posting an opinion try to post it dispassionaty, please.  And Manny, you need a thicker skin. 


The whole point of reporting WiseN666 was because he was a targeting troll and I was trying to nip it in the bud before it continued. He joined the forum and immediately goes to post on my threads, follows all my threads, and disrupting them on purpose (while staying neutral in other peoples threads), and this is acceptable behaviour to you on this forum?


I could have ignored him, but what exactly is the point of moderators and reporting then? Isn't this your job here?


If the user was here for debate or discussion it wouldn't have been a problem, but it's obvious he had malicious intent and was targeting my threads, rallies for me to be banned, calls me "christian boy". 


I'm not sure how long I would last if I joined this forum, started following another users threads, adding nothing to debate in those threads but disruption, and if the user was gay call him "gay boy", or if they were muslim call him "muslim boy", and see how long I'd last?


I don't think the moderators would be telling that user, hey you need thicker skin, doesn't matter if this new account of 6 days old disrupts your threads and starts calling you "gay boy" or "muslim boy", thicker skin that's what you need. 


Be civil guys, even if you disagree.  As long as the invective is confined to this thread, we'll let it slide.  Ignore the trolls.  And don't poke them either.


Invective: 1 : insulting or abusive language 2 : an abusive expression or speech


Oh wow great moderating. A 6 days old account can continue to post insulting and abusive language as long as it's confined to this thread. Great work moderators, really great. You're telling me he can continue to insult me, call me "christian boy", and disrupt this thread and thats fine, no repercussions.


Is this the exact same thing you are going to tell a gay or muslim user? Hey guys, I know this 6 day old account is targeting you and being invective in your thread calling you "gay boy" and "muslim boy", but we're going to let it slide and allow it to happen continually as long as it's in this one thread, just grow thicker skin alright.


Will this extend to race next? I'm Indian (manny is short for maneesh), would a 6 day old user account be allowed to continue to use "indian boy" or "black boy" in his posts on a users thread, as long as it's confined to that specific thread, and you'll let it slide?


As far as this judgment goes. It's saying it's open season for targeted trolls to join the forum, target a user, and be invective against you and your religion, sexuality, or skin colour, without any repercussion, as long as it's confined to one of that users thread, just grow thicker skin dawg.

Edited by manny, 15 April 2019 - 01:42 PM.

#64 zorba990

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Posted 15 April 2019 - 01:51 PM

Manny you are killing your own thread. Something which I am genuinely interested in discussing.
And proving the point that you are not at all in control of your strong emotions (most people are not, but consider the subject matter we are discussing here)
Take a break.
Progressive relaxation.
Rise Above.
Come back and contribute.

#65 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 15 April 2019 - 02:08 PM

Electro acupuncture for calming the amygdalae:


2. Stimulation area two: The line between Taiyang (M-HN-9) and Tianchong (GB-9) and Shuaigu (GB-8).

The above points are commonly used classic acupuncture points for the treatment of mental disorders. The treatment method is that one acupuncture needle inserts from Taiyang (M-HN-9) toward Shuaigu (GB-8) and Tianchong (GB-9), and another needle inserts from Tianchong (GB-9) penetrating Shuaigu (GB-8) toward Taiyang (M-HN-9). These two needles are then attached to the electric wires through which a high-frequency continuous electric pulse is delivered from the electric device. The small electric current is passed between the pair of needles to stimulate the amygdala and hippocampus regions to regulate the neural activity of fear and anxiety. For the locations of selected points in the treatment protocol, see Figure 2.



Also here for the whole paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC4104565/


This is actually one of the most exciting things that's been posted on this thread. I've always wondered about electro stimulation directly to the fronts of the amygdalas via electrodes, but for a normal user that would be impossible to do (unless your were part of a brain study where they insert electrodes into your brain).


But this paper not only gives the exact points of electro acupuncture, but also the results of the treatment, and on someone who has PSTD no less!


If we believe Lingos theory traumatic experiences are the cause of neurosis and lower brain function, as well as the amygdala being the "master click switch" to higher brain functions, and people with PSTD are the perfect example who have big/deep traumas and have hyperactive amygdalas, then this could be a great link, lets look into it further.




After six sessions of acupuncture treatments, the patient completely recovered from PTSD, went back to work, and now lives a healthy and happy family life.


Excuse me! Completely recovered from PTSD!


I think we may have found one of the best ways to stimulate the amygdalas through external means! If this treatment alone can cause recovery of PTSD, then who knows how it would effect normal people with not as strong traumas, or people who are specifically practicing amygdala tickling.




The demonstration of remarkable immediate and long-term effects of this treatment protocol reveals new and developing prospects of scalp acupuncture for the treatment of anxiety disorders.


Immediate and long term effects!


I reiterate, this is one of the most exciting things that has been posted on this thread! Very related to amygdala tickling and Lingos trauma theory. Don't forget Lingo was a PSTD Vietnam war veteran when he started his research.


I am going to bookmark this study and study it more, and see if I can get an acupuncturist to follow the same method.


Very exciting stuff!

#66 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 15 April 2019 - 03:59 PM

Manny you are killing your own thread. Something which I am genuinely interested in discussing.
And proving the point that you are not at all in control of your strong emotions (most people are not, but consider the subject matter we are discussing here)
Take a break.
Progressive relaxation.
Rise Above.
Come back and contribute.


One thing you'll find if you tickle a lot, is you don't really give a monkeys (btw I restarted tickling yesterday, vitamin D seems to be doing wonders).


I could have let it slide and ignored the troll because it really wasn't a big deal to me. But I wanted to fight back and expose the troll, and after getting the ruling from the mods, point out the bias and fallacies in their ruling.


Do I care if someone trolls me, no. Do I care if the moderators have this weird policy on new accounts who are targeted trolls, no. I could have chosen to ignore it, but I chose to to expose it instead.


A little drama in this thread isn't going to kill it, I'm not here to represent or convince people of amygdala tickling, these are just my experiences and research into it. I'm human, and just as much an asshole and fallible as the next. If my crazy responses in this thread are enough to convince anyone to stay away from amygdala tickling in-spite of all the other anecdotal reports and research posted here, then that's up to them.


While I vehemently disagree with the mods decision and have posted my reasonings why, at the end of the day they're the ones in power, and like a judge or a referee, their decision goes and I respect that. Their decision had their own logical conclusions on what the best course of action was, and I've made my protest and said my piece on why I think the decision has fallacies in it and is an insult to fairness. But I don't equate this one decision to their characters, I've been on this forum for years and think the mods are generally reasonable even if you disagree with them, hence why I had no fear with challenging them on their decision in the first place.


Regardless, I've said my piece and explained my reasonings on the matter, I wipe my hands of it now. No more debating it, no more arguing on the matter. I'm not trying to get the last word on this, if anyone wants to say their piece on the matter or troll, feel free. But as far as I'm concerned, I've washed my hands of it, and if it isn't related to topic at hand, then I'll ignore it.


I'm an asshole!

I'm a cunt!

I'm a jackoff!

I'm crazy!

I'm an idiot!

I'm a fool!

I'm a loser!

I have a massive EGO!

No one should listen to me!

No one should follow me!

No one should take my advice!

No one should take me seriously!

No one should give credence to anything I say!



And... Smile :D

Edited by manny, 15 April 2019 - 04:08 PM.

#67 zorba990

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Posted 17 April 2019 - 12:20 AM

Also here for the whole paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC4104565/

This is actually one of the most exciting things that's been posted on this thread. I've always wondered about electro stimulation directly to the fronts of the amygdalas via electrodes, but for a normal user that would be impossible to do (unless your were part of a brain study where they insert electrodes into your brain).

But this paper not only gives the exact points of electro acupuncture, but also the results of the treatment, and on someone who has PSTD no less!

If we believe Lingos theory traumatic experiences are the cause of neurosis and lower brain function, as well as the amygdala being the "master click switch" to higher brain functions, and people with PSTD are the perfect example who have big/deep traumas and have hyperactive amygdalas, then this could be a great link, lets look into it further.

Excuse me! Completely recovered from PTSD!

I think we may have found one of the best ways to stimulate the amygdalas through external means! If this treatment alone can cause recovery of PTSD, then who knows how it would effect normal people with not as strong traumas, or people who are specifically practicing amygdala tickling.

Immediate and long term effects!

I reiterate, this is one of the most exciting things that has been posted on this thread! Very related to amygdala tickling and Lingos trauma theory. Don't forget Lingo was a PSTD Vietnam war veteran when he started his research.

I am going to bookmark this study and study it more, and see if I can get an acupuncturist to follow the same method.

Very exciting stuff!

I'm wondering if we could duplicate the effect by placing magnets at those points, or maybe using the ICES PEMF device or some such.
It would be nice to literally flip the switch and turn down or off amygdala fear processing.

Edited by zorba990, 17 April 2019 - 12:20 AM.

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#68 zorba990

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Posted 20 April 2019 - 07:40 PM

Essential oils as an amygdala target (Boswellia, frankincense):

Incensole acetate, an incense component, elicits psychoactivity by activating TRPV3 channels in the brain

Incensole acetate, an incense component, elicits psychoactivity by activating TRPV3 channels in the brain

"IA significantly increased c-Fos in the lateral septum, central nucleus of the amygdala, and solitary nucleus, while significantly reducing c-Fos in the motor cortex, medial striatum, and hippocampal CA3 region (Fig. 4; Table 1; Supplemental Fig. 1)."

"At 50 mg/kg, IA exerted a potent anxiolytic-like effect, causing mice to spend significantly more time in the aversive open "

Edited by zorba990, 20 April 2019 - 07:52 PM.

#69 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 22 April 2019 - 10:42 PM

Essential oils as an amygdala target (Boswellia, frankincense):

Incensole acetate, an incense component, elicits psychoactivity by activating TRPV3 channels in the brain

Incensole acetate, an incense component, elicits psychoactivity by activating TRPV3 channels in the brain

"IA significantly increased c-Fos in the lateral septum, central nucleus of the amygdala, and solitary nucleus, while significantly reducing c-Fos in the motor cortex, medial striatum, and hippocampal CA3 region (Fig. 4; Table 1; Supplemental Fig. 1)."

"At 50 mg/kg, IA exerted a potent anxiolytic-like effect, causing mice to spend significantly more time in the aversive open "


It’s been written on Slades website that the amygdala is connected directly to the nose, and can be clicked forward with pleasant scents, and clicked backwards with disgusting smells.


You can see it here: http://neilslade.com/easy.html


I also remember reading Egyptians used essential oils to help induce trance/meditative states, and I think even bliss. This needs more research, as I’m not sure whether they were used for bliss or my memory fails me.


But here is an experience completely related to this and amygdala tickling, as it was created in an amygdala clicking thread back in 2002!


Link: https://forums.learn...=11828&page=all




Hi Makesense, I have almost all of his books, and they ROCK! After playing some brain games for a bit, (the effects accumulate with repeated behaviors) I was smelling rose geranium oil throughout the day, and went into bliss! It felt like I was channeling bliss, with alot of good energy rushing up my spine. This went on for a half hour, and with continued efforts these types of experiences get longer and more intense! It's all good! I'm sure you're enjoying the book, it'll change your life for the better, it has mine! WOOO HOOOO!!! A major increase in positive energy. And the positive energy you put out, comes back to you, sometimes moreso than you put out.

Happy clicking!



This person went into bliss smelling rose geranium oil throughout the day, good energy rushing up their spine, and lasted half an hour.


I personally never followed through in trying to tickle my amygdalas via nice scents, but maybe it’s time to keep a bottle of rose geranium oil with me. :)



Personal Update:


So after finding the Vitamin D/Serotonin connection and trying to correct my deficiency, I was hit with a massive cold and was out of commission for a little bit, but have just about recovered. However since adding Sea Kelp & Vitamin K2 M4, I no longer get constipated with higher doses of Vitamin D, and can now take 5000 UI daily.


I hypothesise I was vitamin D deficient which caused my brain to be serotonin deficient and also low thyroid. I suffered from OCD, bad sleeping pattern, insomnia from exercise and high carbs, low energy during the day, and battling an addictive personality (porn, weed, cigarettes) among other things I can’t think of right now. While I need more time to see concrete results, and I’ve just about recovered from that cold, I can already see a better balance in myself and a diminishing of these symptoms I use to suffer with, though a reduction in libido and I feel a bit too calm/lazy.


Funnily enough I came across someone else who experienced this calming effect from Vitamin D/Serotonin to the degree it made them lazy.

YOLF post #29 here: https://www.longecit...ndpost&p=844922



Vitamin D/Serotonin & Mental Breakdowns Hypothesis


I hypothesise that the low serotonin was the cause of my mental breakdowns and the strong negative emotions whiched arised from tickling too much. It should be reiterated, I’ve never had a mental breakdown in my life before, until I made a good effort from Feb 2018 to start tickling my amygdalas a lot (via visualisation).


I’m hoping this hypnothesis is correct, and thus will not require anything else (such as hypnosis) to try and negate these issues. I’ll be able to tell you in my future updates if I still suffer from mental breakdowns or strong negative emotions from tickling a lot, but I’m hoping that’s the end of it.



NO Trauma Therapy Needed! Let’s look at that study again!


So the realisation only came to me yesterday. But that scalp electro acupuncture study might prove something that can help put amygdala ticklers minds to rest. We probably don’t need to ever work on past traumas to experience the full frontal lobes pop.


Lingos theory is trauma causes our neurosis and this neurotic energy (which had yet to be discharged through trauma therapy) keeps us stuck in lower brain function. By releasing 51% of your infant, child, and adolescent traumas, you automatically pop into your frontal lobes. Trauma therapy was a big part of his teaching. 


Slade simplified Lingos work to just tickling the amygdalas, and cut out the trauma therapy as he thought it was unnecessary.


I’ve always been doubtful if it is possible to pop your frontal lobes without discharging past traumas. Even though I’ve experienced a mini pop in 2011, and have had many positive experiences from tickling, I always thought the Big Bang was for people who worked out their traumas, or had a happy childhood and upbringing and wasn’t as in neurosis as others. Now I’m not so sure.


Let’s take that study into consideration. The patient had PTSD! Pretty much the standard of a severely psychologically traumatized person. 


He served as a combat medic in Iraq and has had 21 broken bones and multiple concussions in his time on the battlefield. His symptoms were severe anxiety, insomnia, nightmares with flashbacks, irritability, and bad temper.


And yet he was able to be completely cured of his PTSD in a mere 3 hours total of this acupuncture therapy (30 minutes a week for 6 weeks), without any psychotherapy! Think about that. No need to discharge or work on traumas.


I.e. Once the advanced brain and amygdalas were stimulated by external means, the brain healed itself, no psychotherapy required.


While I know this cannot be generalised for all people. It’s definitely something we should pay attention to, especially if this study is accurate/true, and the patient was completely cured of PTSD!


I still believe neurosis is caused by traumas, I don’t doubt that at the moment. I also still believe trauma therapy may help with amygdala tickling progression, especially if you can find someone who can hypnotise you to access traumas quickly and discharge them quickly (one of my theories). But the good news from this at least, is you could just tickle a lot, and let your brain do all the healing work for you instead.



Summary of what I believe is some of the best Amygdala Tickling things so far


1. Cover all your vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamin D if you have symptoms of serotonin deficiency.


2. Tickle your amygdalas via visualisation.


3. Tickle your amygdalas by smelling nice essential oils regularly throughout the day. One person experienced 30 minutes of bliss smelling rose geranium oil regularly.


4. Electro scalp acupuncture has promise of a possible external way of amygdala tickling/frontal lobe stimulation.


5. Cardio exercise.

Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 22 April 2019 - 10:44 PM.

#70 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 28 April 2019 - 12:50 PM

Okay, so I lowered my Vitamin D from 5800 IU to 3800 IU. I previously said I was taking 5000 IU, but this was incorrect, I was taking 5 x 1000 IU & 2 x Vitamin A supplement, which also had a little bit of Vitamin D in it (400 UI per cap, i.e. 2x = 800 IU), thus 5800 IU.


Now I lowered my Vitamin D to 3800 IU because the increase in serotonin diminished my libido and made me a bit too calm, giving me less drive to do anything.


However I can confirm that while 3800 IU doesn’t effect my libido or make me too calm. It also does not negate the anger/strong negative emotions/mental breakdowns I get when I tickle my amygdalas.


I want to try with 5800 IU to see if it would work as I find it very calming. The problem is it’s much harder to make yourself tickle because you’re so apathetic. Also there’s no guarantee it will negate the strong negative emotions, but I still think it could, because you really do become so calm.


Oh how freaking annoying amygdala tickling is. When I first did it all those years ago, never got these negative emotional side effects, I would experience synchronicity all the time and flew high on life. But I was lazy and stopped. Then in 2011 I did it for a month, just before bed, only for 30 minutes or so. I didn’t really notice much in general during those 30 so days, but just after those 30 days of doing it, I was coming back some what intoxicated in a taxi, BOOM, transported into a higher reality of positive emotions, no fear, pure happiness, super happiness, my brain really woke up, for a nice 10-15 minutes before coming back down to normal lower reality. That was my biggest experience so far, but I’ve had many small experiences also, too many to list.


I will not say since starting this again it’s all been in vain. But it’s a freaking pain, especially since I’m married now. I’m at the stage where I need to be left alone, because amygdala tickling brings out something in my mind which warps it and causes uncontrollable anger and upset for a little while. While it’s not as strong as before, it causes friction in my relationship, because your emotion is so strong it takes over your self control over your words and actions. It’s madness in it’s purest form. One of my worse mental breakdowns last year was when I felt so hurt/upset, I was crying, driving to go live somewhere else (running away), and I got like 30 miles before I came back to my senses and turned back around. And it should be reiterated, never have I experienced such fierce negative emotions or mental breakdowns in my entire life. It should also be noted I don’t experience either if I do not practice amygdala tickling. But yet now, every time I tickle, my brain digs out some strong negative emotion is wants me to deal with, and act like a fucking retard.


But it’s not all in vain. I’ve seen a general positive effects as well, in my confidence, happiness, and well being. But I wish that’s all that happened. With the good comes the bad.


I’ve also had some strange experiences with cannabis and amygdala tickling. I’ll give you some examples I remember, one I even wrote in my diary:


1. I remember last year when I was high, I felt a strong swirling sensation in both my amygdalas, and just wanted to feel it and not speak, I didn’t speak for about 15 minutes.


2. I get insights into my actions, thoughts, subconscious behaviours, usually an understanding of them, and an associated sadness of it.


3. Other times I watch TV, and you see the thoughts behind the action. It’s disassociative, because usually when you watch TV, you’re absorbed or don’t question it. But this is more like, I see the acting behind the actors. Or if I’m watching reality TV like Shark Tank, you see the trueness behind the actions and words. It’s like being able to read people. I now think all those investors on shark tank have some sort of game with each other which is only known behind the scenes. For example if you’re going out, and it’s obvious everyone else is because it’s such a bad business/product, whoever gives the most crushing going out speech wins, and then you see them compete with each other one by one, they give all these really nice compliments like they’re about to invest, and then give that crushing blow and smirk afterward. Same with when they try to get away with really unfair investments, see who can get it, before the other sharks try to cockblock you. Whatever the case, whether true or not, you look at things in a different perspective.


4. This last one I wrote in my diary on March 8th 2019. I tried tickling my amygdalas when high (usually I don’t). And at one point I literally heard 3 audible pops in my head. They sounded like firework going off and echoing one after another. 



Thankfully since taking Vitamin D & increasing my serotonin. Cannabis is something I can easily avoid now, even if my cousin smokes it all the time next door. I never was a major addict, but could definitely see addictive tendencies growing and wanting to use it even though earlier that same day I wanted to quit it (thankfully not a problem now). But what’s interesting about this connection, is the serotonin. A lot of the experiences I was getting from getting high, I could distinguish whether it was just normal cannabis, or something amygdala tickling added to it. And a lot of these experiences I’ve had, are ones you should be getting from tickling normally (without taking drugs). So I think there may be a connection with serotonin and these experiences, though this may be short sighted, as cannabis probably has many mechanisms than just effecting your serotonin. 


Lastly, and I want to put it as a note for myself. When I experienced that mini pop in 2011, I swear I was mostly using the feeling method. i.e. Feeling like I was pushing my amygdalas forward, rather than visualization. So in attempt to stop any negative emotions, as I thought I might be tickling wrong via visualization, I switched to the feeling method. Now I’ve already had one mini breakdown, and this was from the feeling method. What’s good about this, it shows I probably don’t have to visualise, and to be honest, the feeling method is easier. I can just lay in bed, and push the front of my brain, usually while falling asleep, or relaxing on the bed and listening to music. This needs more testing, as I’ll see if I have any more mini breakdowns, meaning I am tickling without visualization (that would be great news). The bad news would be I still get mini breakdowns. But if I can establish that the feeling method works just as well as the visualization method. I can then combine that, and a higher dose of Vitamin D (5,800 UI) and see if I can negate the breakdowns. The reason I dropped the feeling method is because I emailed Slade about it years ago, and he only recommended visualisation as the way to do it, so I ended up dropping it. But Slade also says if you get negative emotions from tickling then you’re doing it wrong, and with my own experiences and others I’ve posted here who experienced mental breakdowns from tickling, I don’t agree with him. I think there are exceptions, and not every route has been explored. I’ll keep exploring, before I finally give up on it all. But until then, keep tickling.



#71 zorba990

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Posted 28 April 2019 - 03:27 PM

Tempbanned I get the sense you are trying too hard to stimulate the amygdala instead of gently tickle it forward. Also reccomend you treat your other symptoms like ptsd and seek treatment and not try to self treat with supplements.

#72 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 28 April 2019 - 09:25 PM

I never considered myself having PTSD (even though I had an abusive father growing up), but you might be onto something. For some reason I decided to google “emotional flashbacks” to see if it was a thing (as I always assumed flashbacks were something you saw), and low and behold it is a thing and is associated with complex PTSD.


Not only that, but it pretty much mirrors exactly these “mental breakdowns” and “fierce negative emotions arising” I was getting from tickling my amygdalas (since last year).


Emotional Flashbacks: Unlike specific memories of events, emotional flashbacks involve strong negative emotions. A person will be flooded, for small reasons or no reasons, with an overwhelming sense of sadness, rage, terror or frustration. It can happen when you wake up, for example, or when someone criticizes you, or gives you a present. You are not reliving some childhood experience consciously — you know that you are here in present time. But the emotions don’t know it and are reacting like you did during the original trauma.


Emotional flashbacks are sudden and often prolonged regressions ('amygdala hijackings') to the frightening circumstances of childhood. They are typically experienced as intense and confusing episodes of fear and/or despair - or as sorrowful and/or enraged reactions to this fear and despair.


Complex PTSD and emotional flashbacks. If you have complex PTSD you may be particularly likely to experience what some people call an 'emotional flashback', in which you have intense feelings that you originally felt during the trauma, such as fear, shame, sadness or despair.


The thing is the trigger for me is not environmental, it’s tickling my amygdalas. I look back now on these emotional flashbacks and the crazy things I did this last year and a half. I remember smashing plates one time (something I’ve never done in my life), and taking a load of paracetamol to kill myself. Also the driving away incident I mentioned in the last post. These were all attempts to illicit a response of understanding from my wife, as the emotions I was going through were so strong, all I wanted was some understanding, someone just being there to comfort me. Unfortunately my wife is the least comforting person in this situation, as once I’ve upset her, there’s no empathy or maternity instinct. But to be honest she suffers from PMDD and had a much worst childhood than me, so she lacks these things as she “had to make it on her own” so to speak. She’s lovely in real life, but the last person you would go to when your weak.


But like I said I never suffered from emotional flashbacks until tickling my amygdalas. And I haven’t had any big crazy ones like I listed for a long time. Usually they last 15 minutes or so. So I feel progress in this area.


Funnily enough I identified mild OCD and anhedonia in myself before this. OCD was helped with vitamin c and recently vitamin d. Anhedonia was helped with amygdala tickling believe it or not. So regardless of these flashbacks, I’m making progress in areas. I still suffer from ejaculatory anhedonia (no orgasm) since the age of 16, I created a thread on here years ago. Then again i was masturbating since the age of 5 (I only know this because my mother told me), which I believe was a way to cope with stress of an abusive father (though I don’t believe I was ever sexually abused). I can’t really remember my childhood much, I just remember I was depressed, was somewhat suicidal, and was a very sensitive child and bullied at school. So being bullied at school and having an abusive father didn’t help. Oh I also suffer from slight paranoia, and suffer from extremes in my thinking.l, and insomnia and bad sleeping pattern.


There’s probably other things I could add to this if I really thought about it. But in the end progress will be made! I can only do what I can to try and reverse my neurosis, and don’t really think doctors or therapists are really any help (have they cured PTSD yet?). Supplementation has helped a heap with my mental well-being, and the last thing I want to go on is meds or anti-depressants like I see so many people around me on in this country. Plus I’m normal and non erratic in society and live a normal life, no one has said I need to seek help or I’m crazy or mentally ill (my persona online might be more expressive though). If I didn’t mess with my amygdalas, I’d never experience emotional flashbacks. Though because of them, at one point I started to question my sanity and hold of reality. But I can stop them as easily as I can cause them (amygdala tickling). So if it ever gets too much I just take a hiatus.


At the end of the day, I’m pretty fucked up, so no one should listen to me. But I believe supplementation and amygdala tickling have improved my life the most out of everything I’ve tried. So I think I have to keep going and see if I can get past these emotional flashbacks (I already know they are much less in intensity and duration than previous times). It’s either that, or be like everyone else and wait for the experts to figure everything out, and hope the industry isn’t influenced by the love of money. I’ll take my chances on myself, and if nothing comes of it, give up on it and live the boring normal life.

Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 28 April 2019 - 09:31 PM.

#73 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 30 April 2019 - 01:07 AM

Okay this is it. The revelations have finally landed, the connections have finally been made. I thank God for his guidance on this, and zobra for his postings here.


Simple put. Amygdala tickling didn’t stop working for me. In fact it continues to work exactly as it should!


What! Let’s break it down.


Brief history:


1. When I first learnt and tried it 15 years ago, I would get constant synchronicity and some crazy laughing fits. But was lazy & didn’t continue.


2. 8 years ago I tried it for 30 days, no obvious signs like synchronicity or laughing fits, but then out of the blue (30 days later since starting), slightly intoxicated & coming back in a taxi from a club with uni friends, I get my first mini pop, a higher reality of positive emotions and 0 fear, a proof of an existence of something bigger we’ve been cut off from. But was lazy & didn’t continue.


3. Fast forward to (Feb 2018), I decide to make a real go of it and create this thread. While I rarely experience synchronicity or other previous experiences like before, I have different experiences. If you read through the thread, at one point I was experiencing dull headaches (for like a month), but not anymore and never did previously. And now these emotional flashbacks, something I never experienced previously with amygdala tickling (or earlier when I started this thread), but now I do.


4. Looking back since Feb 2018, while I’ve gone through some craziness and other experiences. I can 100% say my mental well being is happier and more confident and generally better than prior to Feb 2018.


So what’s the question here? Why does amygdala tickling cause different experiences at different stages?


Let me mention something else. While I have made a firm connection that these emotional flashbacks happen due to amygdala tickling, I have never had one that was not in private. That means I have never had one happen around people who weren’t close to me or in public, saving embarrassment and my public image.


Why? Why did it not emerge randomly at the most inconvenient time?


Let’s talk about trauma. Since experiencing these emotional flashbacks, they were much worse when they first started (in intensity and duration) then they are now. I even mention how it felt like after the emotions were released, I started feeling more zen and calm in normal life. 


Is this not progress?


So what’s the connection of all this then? Simple. Higher intelligence.


I’m a born again Christian, so I believe it’s Gods guidance. Lingo was an atheist, but wrote extensively on higher intelligence and genetic intelligence from a evolutionary perspective. Whatever you believe, stay with me here.


Read the electro acupuncture PTSD study again. How was his PTSD cured and the other patients GAD cured in 3 hours spread over 4-6 sessions (45-30 minutes once a week)?


See the connection yet?


Whether you activate the frontal lobes by amygdala tickling or external means, you access your brains higher intelligence from the frontal lobes, which knows exactly what steps to take to mend your broken psyche!


Lingo theorised once you remove/neutralise 51% of your traumas, you automatically click into the frontal lobes and get the big frontal lobes pop, because you’ve freed up enough energy from the lower brain. You don’t need 100% trauma removal, 90% removal, 80%, 70%, 60%, just 51%. Because once you’ve released enough trauma energy, 51%, and get that big nirvana pop (which can last up to 4 days), you have a constant stream of higher intelligence working out and mending your psyche. So you become transcended from the mental neurosis plaguing your life, no more confusion, no depression, no problems etc...


This is why my experiences have been different each and every time. My higher intelligence knew exactly the route to take to build up my confidence via experiences that amygdala tickling was real, build up my confidence I could actually do it (I doubted myself for years), give me the revelations and connections to continue going in the right direction, and fix me little by little.


I’m going to end this because it’s nearly 2:30am here and I’m getting tired.


But simply put. Every time you tickle those amygdalas, you access a tiny bit of your frontal lobes higher intelligence. And that higher intelligence does whatever it knows best to do, to fix your lower brain problems. It does it in the order it needs to work it out best for your psyche. It focuses on the problems it knows best, and not what you think you know best. It knows which order and which stages of your psyche and brain it needs to work on to keep progressing you, depending on your entire life’s experiences, because everyone has developed their own strengths and weaknesses in their psyche. So the higher intelligence that trickles down every time you tickle, will automatically sort out all your mental problems, all you need to do is give it the right stimulus. Just like when building a muscle, your genetic intelligence will build that muscle automatically given the right stimulus. Well the same thing happens with your brain and psyche. You brain will fix your psyche for you, including past traumas, if you give it the right stimulus to access higher intelligence.


Too sleepy now. Good night. :D


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#74 Clavius

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Posted 30 April 2019 - 06:33 AM

Thanks for the update. I'm still trying it daily, with no luck. I've been searching online, because I think I might be doing it wrong, but no luck.

#75 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 30 April 2019 - 11:13 AM

Calvin’s keep going! It took me 16 years of on and off amygdala tickling before I was confident I was even doing it. You have to keep going, look for the smallest changes, and trust in the process. Eventually your higher intelligence with enough tickling will bring you your own personal revelations that tickling works.


Now let’s look at genetic intelligence and all the things we have no control over via our conscious awareness.


Think about it. Really think about it.


Do we grow our bones? Do we grow our organs, our body, our brain? No genetics does this. We don’t consciously control these actions. We don’t consciously tell our body to do the majority of things it does, and yet it still continues to work by itself through it’s genetic intelligence.


When we are ill, do we tell the body to increase or decrease the hormones, white blood cells, and other bio chemicals needed to get over the illness? No, our body does these things by itself.


Imagine the days before essential nutrients were discovered, and deficiencies and illnesses were more rife due to this lack of knowledge. Our genetic intelligence knows how to heal our body, but you still need to provide it with the right ingredients and stimulus. Without the right ingredients, our genetic intelligence does all it can to still allow our bodies to survive, by adapting the best way it can, before it completely goes poof!


Think about auto-immune diseases and allergies. While our genetic intelligence is very smart, sometime it gets it wrong. It’s doing it’s best in order to survive the way it knows how, with the external chemical threats that exist today, and the nutritional deficiencies that are common. But your genetics are not trying to destroy you, they are doing what it thinks is best to help your body to survive, but got confused along the way.


Think about genetic disorders. If I’m born with the genetic disorder of not being able to create carnitine in sufficient doses. We are almost doomed from the start, especially in yonder years. Now with increase of knowledge and solutions from the world of research, a person with this genetic disorder can supplement l-carnitine directly, and prevent the problems associated with being deficient in it.


My point here is. We don’t consciously have control over our genetic intelligence. Our genetics does the best it knows how with what’s written in them. I cannot consciously change my eye colour, it is determined by my genetics and whatever influences those genetics. I don’t say I want a nice tan and then consciously will it to my skin. No, but I know my genetics respond to tanning my skin, if I expose my skin to UV light or the sun.


Think about animals who don’t have self awareness. They lack the frontal lobes. A dog still has characteristics of a dog, they bark, they’re loyal, they loves smelling things, and eat food. A cat still has characteristics of a cat, it meows, likes being stroked, knows how to hunt for food. They all have the genetic intelligence they require to survive. They don’t need frontal lobes or self awareness or conscious decision making to do this. And yet we can still domesticate certain animals, because we can influence their memories & emotions in the brain via training and upbringing. It doesn’t mean their genetic intelligence to bark or hunt or whatever else disappears, but genetic intelligence developed parts of their brain to adapt (via neurochemical responses like dopamine), to associate and mould their behaviours to best adapt to their environment, in this case, domestication.  


Lets look at the mind you are cut off from. Tell me, can you pinpoint the exact traumas or experiences in your past that cause you to act or react in certain ways today? Maybe a few, but you really don’t know. What reinforcement or experiences caused these emotions and the brain chemical responses to develop your behaviours and thought processes today? And even if you have a good idea, can you consciously change these easily? Or does it take constant reinforcement the opposite way to break the habit so to speak.


And yet! Hypnosis accesses a mind you consciously have no access to. While you aren’t likely to know the exact memories or causes of a certain behaviour consciously, in a hypnotic trance with access to your subconscious mind, you can pinpoint the exact past experiences and traumas that led you to start over eating, biting your nails, be low self confidence, or any other negative behaviour you struggle to control today.


On the flip side, you can also overwrite these negative behaviours in hypnosis via direct suggestions over a few hypnotic sessions without even visiting the original cause! There is something called compounding, where the suggestion given gets stronger and more rooted the more the same suggestion is repeated. Put someone in trance and give them the suggestion “You forget about biting your nails” again and again (usually 15 times before moving onto a similar suggestion for the same problem), and you may have cured that person of their lifetime of nail biting in one or two sessions without even visiting the original cause.


This shows us there are 2 ways to tackle the problem. Discharge the original cause of the problem, or use the highly suggestible state of hypnosis to overwrite the problem in the subconscious mind (convert it into a positive behaviour). If the problem is deep and has a lot of emotional energy attached to it, you may need to employ both methods. For example my brain is not letting me progress with amygdala tickling, until I discharge these strong negative emotional energies that have been encoded into my amygdalas. However to someone who has had a happy upbringing, they might not have to go through as much negative emotional release, and thus see only the positive experiences amygdala tickling brings, because the negative emotional release is much more subtle or non existence (just gets converted/overwritten like direct suggestions do).


So ask yourself the simple question. Why does trauma, however small, cause the brain to lower itself and cut us off from this higher reality of positive emotions and intelligence. Why do normal people, still suffer from perceived problems, when the majority of perceived problems are mental, and are caused by a lack of being happy as you are. Because this trauma happens when your brain is not fully developed and cannot understand or fight back when something is wrong. Unless a child is brought up with a traumaless upbringing (no one is in modern society), then we are destined to lower brain function. Why? Because our genetics do this to protect us, it’s their natural protection for trauma. Examine yourself, you didn’t develop your negative behaviours and thought processes out of love, it was out of protection. Your genetics did what it knew best, it created your ego to survive mentally the traumas you experienced when growing up, and this ego created certain behaviours and thought processes (negative & positive) of what it thought was the best way to survive in this world.


If your genetic intelligence didn’t create your ego to protect you, I can only assume you would have gone insane and unable to function on a normal level. Remember your genetics determine everything, including how to develop the brain and how to protect you physically (from illness), and mentally from illness. So it’s in our genetics to create the ego as protection when we go through traumas.


Now lets take the extreme example, and God forbid I wouldn’t want this to happen to anyone. But imagine being brought up by really evil people, parents or not. I’m talking about children who are constantly sexually and physically and emotionally abused i.e. tortured. What are the chances that they will not develop multiple personality disorder in order to cope with such severe trauma? Why do they develop it? Most likely because genetic intelligence says this trauma is so severe, that one cannot cope with just one ego and the subconscious processes and memories that ego hold onto, that if this person is to survive without going completely insane, we have to create multiple egos, so this person has a chance of mental survival. 


Think about that for a second. Your genetic intelligence knows that one ego will not be able to survive the trauma without you going completely insane. That it has to create multiple ones to cope. It does this because the traumas and memories of the highly traumatized egos need to be cut off and buried completely, that it creates an entirely separate (new) egos to cope. And notice these other egos have their own personality, thoughts, and behaviours, meaning they’ve been compartimalized with there own unique subconscious. Why is one multiple personality addicted to cigarettes, and the other is not. The multiple egos have their own subconscious and thus different thoughts, behaviours, and personalities.


Multiple personality disorder is probably the only response your genetic intelligence can do, to at least give you a chance of survival of a normal life once you’re finally old enough to escape those traumas being inflicted on you.


If your trauma is not severe enough, it creates the one ego inside you. You still might have had a traumatic childhood, but not enough to split off into a new ego. So when you grow up, you grow up with all the problems normal people can experience in their one ego and subconscious processes of that one ego, i.e. anxiety, lack of confidence, depression etc... While these problems seem bad, at least you can function on a certain level, with certain intelligence, without having to go to a psychiatric ward, and thus have a higher chance of survival. Your genetic intelligence would rather have you develop an ego with depression and suicidal tendacies, but with enough normal intelligence that you can seek treatment in these areas and tackle these problems with therapies (and thus have a chance of growing into a happier person who survived trauma), then split you into multiple egos and complicate the recovery process even further.  


Please note these are all theories of how I believe this all fits together. It could be wrong, and should not be taken as medical advice or treatment. Everything I write here are just my experiences, thoughts, and insights into how psychology and the brain work.

Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 30 April 2019 - 11:40 AM.

#76 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 02 May 2019 - 07:20 PM

So I felt another emotional flashback coming on (I’ve been tickling a lot again). I just couldn’t shake the feeling. When this feeling comes, I just can’t get rid of it.


I decided to finally sit down, open my diary, and write. I write to my God to help me with my thoughts, my confusions, and these feelings. I wrote and I wrote. Toward the end, I started to feel much better, and now there is just very slight lingering feelings, practically gone, a miracle!


Now I give all praise to God for helping me through this, but I also think he was teaching me some knowledge to help in these situations.


While I was typing in the diary, at one point for no apparent reason, I started to massage the side of my head with my knuckles. Just like a muscle massage with tender trigger points, I found tender points on the side of my skull. These were in the temple areas of the head, and if you press down hard enough and massage in a circular motion, you will feel like you’re massaging a tender point on a muscle. And when I massage my muscles, I like to massage as deeply as I can (before the pain threshold) to really massage them well, and I did the same with these tender temple points.


Anyway I remembered this connection while toward the end of writing in my diary. And it made me wonder, could this had been what helped with getting rid of my strong emotional flashback feelings that were coming on? Usually I can’t shake these feelings at all, and they don’t disappear over time either, but now they’re mostly gone!


The other possibility, is it also could be the fact I kept writing and writing to the Lord, trying to make sense of my sadness. And writing a diary is known to help process emotions in one study.


Regardless all praise goes to my God, but he may have been teaching me to massage my temple areas in these situations.


Also don’t forget the amygdalas are found in the temple area.


I’ve always heard about a “temple massage” or “massage your temples” for stress. But this always sounded like a gimmick to me. But if it was indeed the thing that helped me reduce these strong negative emotions so well, then there is way more to the temple massage than I ever thought.


So I wanted to post this here just in case there is a connection. Can massaging the temple area calm strong emotional stress and not just normal to light stress?


I will be looking for studies on this. If anyone else finds any interesting information on temple or scalp messages and reducing negative emotions, please post it here.

The only way for me to test it out, is the next time I feel an emotional flashback coming on (strong negative emotions start to build up which I just can’t shake), I will massage my temples. If after a good massage it doesn’t subside after 30 minutes, then I will test writing in my diary out. 
BTW this post might not be so coherent. Doesn’t seem like my thinking is very clear at the moment.
BTW this all just happened in the last hour, so I’m posting it down now since it’s a very positive leap for me.

Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 02 May 2019 - 07:29 PM.

#77 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 03 May 2019 - 06:52 AM

Major Update!


Okay, so things are getting weirder and weirder.


So yesterday I must have been processing a lot of emotion. My mind wasn’t isn’t it’s sound state, I didn’t feel mentally right most of yesterday because of the emotional flashback feelings I was experiencing in the background. After I was finally able to shift/reduce them by either writing in my diary or massaging my temples (or God took it away from me directly), I had sort of lingering feelings, or maybe it was mental exhausting feeling. Anyway I just really wanted to relax, and I ended up smoking about 1/3 of my cousins joint, this is the first time I’ve used weed in awhile.


Now here’s where it gets interesting. As I’ve noticed previous times of smoking weed, is if I’ve been amygdala tickling a lot, my highs seem to give me some strange experiences, usually experiences of insight into my subconscious behaviours and actions of the day.


So let me explain what happened this time to the best of my recollection. So I’m high, and I’m trying to find something to watch on Netflix. I see a picture, and my mind sort of absorbs into it, and I start going into a long train of thought. I’m seeing a stream of images, this train of thought all strung together, fast thoughts one after another, and I’m pretty sure it was a slightly fearful train of thought. In other words I was basically tripping. Anyway I remember getting up to go into my kitchen, and I start feeling painful electrical shocks running up my right leg every time I walked on that leg. Eventually my train of thought ends and I come back to my normal senses (still high), and I’m like wow, that was weird/trippy. But I’m still feeling still electric shock pain travel up my right leg whenever  I walk. I think it could be a trapped nerve or something I’ve somehow developed temporaryly since getting high, and the electric shocks are somewhat painful.


Anyway I go to sit back down, because it feels like these shocks are travelling up my body and into my brain. So once I sat back down, I decided to focus on tickling my amygdalas. Well these shocks start increasing, going up the right of my leg and into my brain. While these waves of shocks travel up my right leg and into my brain, my body starts convulsing/waving along with them. I can’t remember how long this all lasted, I’m thinking it could have been as little as 2-5 minutes, but I also have a feeling it lasted for as long as 15 minutes. Eventually they stopped or my focus shifted or I had enough, and I went back to watching TV and munching on food (my go to subconscious behaviour when high).


Now these shocks were real painful electric shocks travelling up my right leg and into my brain, and my body was convulsing with it. Now I don’t want to downplay my amygdalas, because I’m pretty sure they were buzzing while this was happening, but my memories hazy of all the event details. 


Anyway I wake up after a 4 hour cycle, and am just remembering this, so I’m typing up the experience now. But also after thinking about this experience, my mind takes me back to an anecdotal experience I remember reading on the old brain explorers forum, who also talked about pain in their leg.


So I go search for it and here it is, funny thread named “What happened to me?”:





A couple of years ago I was doing the clicking with what I thought were acceptable results..a definite change in perception.  Then, one night, suddenly it was like the top of my head came off.   The shift was so sudden and so powerful I thought I had lost my mind.  It lasted for some time and was accompanied by electrical sensations coursing through my body, with pain in my left leg.  

This happened a few more times over the next few weeks and ended with me being afraid to do the clicking anymore.  What happened?  Is this common?   No description I can write is adequate to portray what I experienced.  

Thanks for any thoughts,



Thank God for that old forum. Because with my highness on weed, I usually get insights and different perspectives of myself, and last night I experienced these things as well. And I’m starting to look at my whole amygdala tickling journey in disbelief, and I understand how others would view how crazy and bullshit this all sounds. To sum up the feeling I’m experiencing right now, I’m feeling like, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON! Thankfully this old forum post helps reassure me that I’m not the only one who has ever experienced these weird effects from tickling, otherwise I’d really be doubting myself right now.


I also want to note, that the day before yesterday, when I was lying in bed and tickling a lot. I did feel painful electric shocks go up the left side of my neck. My mind instantly went to a trapped nerve, or my head resting wrongly on the pillow, so I tried to adjust it, but still couldn’t get rid of this painful shock feeling.


And previous times, I’ve had tingling feelings go up my spine and into my lower neck (not shocks). In fact these tingling sensations use to become so prevalent when trying to do self hypnosis, that I had to dedicate a whole section of suggestions in my script, to try and get my subconscious to ignore them (they were that tingly and prevalent).


Here’s part of a script I wrote awhile back:



And any distractions or sensations that come from your body will disappear, and will send you deeper into a hypnotic trance.

This is because all the nerves in your body will have become completely relaxed, making them disappear, and you fall deeper into a hypnotic trance.

If any sensations in your body tries to distract you, those sensations will disappear and send you deeper into a hypnotic trance.

It doesn't matter what distractions or sensations might happen in the body.

It could be an itch, numbness, tingling, twitching, a feeling inside your nose or throat, or maybe even a random nerve activating.

Or anything else, it doesn't matter.

Because you easily and naturally get comfortable, and all distractions and sensations in the body will disappear, and send you deeper into a hypnotic trance.

This is because your subconscious is the control center of your body.

So it can easily shut down nerves and impulses from the body.


So now I’m thinking I developed these tingling (distracting) sensations up my spine when I started amygdala tickling. Because I’ve never had that problem before when trying to relax and use self hypnosis before Feb 2018.


So basically. If you tickle, you may develop tingling sensations in your spine/nerves. And at one point, painful electric shocks course through certain nerves of your body.


Regardless, this whole experience is making me question myself and this whole amygdala tickling journey. It’s like I’m little shaken up at the moment, and I can honestly see the other persons perspective of how all fucking crazy and insane this and this entire thread sounds, I’m questing this whole journey myself right now. Maybe I’m in shock, it sure feels like I’m in disbelief, like I said, my feeling right now is like, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!

#78 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 03 May 2019 - 10:15 AM

I just want to say, with amygdala tickling, insights into oneself come.


I’m recognising more and more, there has been something fundamentally wrong with my thinking most of my life. I’m talking about some sort of undiagnosed autism or aspergers or something. Could be C-PTSD, it could be ADHD. I’m not sure, and I’m not going to get it diagnosed now, as I think the insights I’ve been getting from tickling are helping me recognise the problem, and slowly fixing it bit by bit.


I already diagnosed in myself mild OCD and anhedonia, before getting these amygdala tickling insights. But I’m seeing my life more and more from the view of a normal person so to speak (when I experience these tickling insights).


I now feel that all my life it feels I’ve been rather thinking dominant. I took a personality test years ago, and came out as INTP if that’s anything to go by.


But all my life I’ve always been curious about finding out more than the average person would care to, researching and looking at the alternative views of whatever I was interested in, and not just rely on the mainstream. And I always wanted to know the best way or no way, an extreme thinking I’ve had since a young age. 


This has been helpful of being ahead of the trends. If I have an interest in a subject, I seem to obsess and research it more than what’s in the mainstream, and often are years ahead of everyone else I know with the information I’ve obtained (and they’re likely to reject it as outlandish), before it then becomes mainstream years later (sometimes more than a decade) and is accepted as normal. For example in health, things like coconut oil, certain supplements, intermittent fasting, cold showers, those type of things. And as you can see in psychology, I’m looking at this amygdala tickling thing, and alternatives like hypnosis and mnemonics. It’s almost like I want to know a better way than what’s standard, and keep an open mind to possibility.


But it’s not all good. Researching the alternatives of whatever I’m interested in can also cause naivety and blindness to some fundamental truths, and I’ve had to learn, and continue to learn, that I need to become more conservative in my thinking and beliefs so to speak.


It’s also caused problems relating to normal people. While I want to share my interest, something I’ve learnt for example, the normal person is not going to care, as they usually just care about day to day living and having fun so to speak. Doesn’t matter if you recommend coconut oil and explain why vegetable oils can cause health problems, if you’re a decade ahead, you’re not going to be taken seriously. And I’ve learnt I can’t have a deep discussion about most things with the people around me, so I try to keep my thoughts to myself, but at the same time I can now start to see the views of normal people on my behaviour and how crazy they thought I was, like how my uni friends thought I was crazy because I was taking cold baths.


Still to this day, I can’t relate on a basic level and desire to live a normal life. I can’t just get my pay cheque, have fun watching football, have a laugh, and relax and enjoy the moment like the majority of people.


So there have been advantages and disadvantages to my thinking and personality, which have caused advantages and disadvantages to where my current life has progressed to. It’s helped me see things differently, always looking for a better way or researching the alternatives than what is currently available, which has benefitted my life in certain ways. But I’ve also not been able to relate on a normal level of living with the normal person, and can be naive at times.


I’m actually thankful for my parents that they didn’t treat me any differently when growing up, so I really didn’t know I was any different to other people. I can’t imagine what it feels like to feel there is something fundamentally wrong with you (by being made aware of it by others), for example how some children growing up may have felt when being singled out for their strangeness, when really they were suffering from things like dyslexia or adhd or autism or something else.


One example my mother told me she realised I was a bit different, was when I still believed in Santa Clause at an older age than most children, and how angry I was after I found out about it (was angry for being lied to all those years). I remember when it happened, I was just starting the 5th Grade. So my age would have been 9 and a half years old.


So I don’t know what all this means, or if I am on the spectrum of some sort of autism or other mental illness. But it’s crazy I never realised how I wasn’t as normal as everyone else until very recently (I’ve just turned 31 years old). I definitely feel some sadness writing this, melancholy so to speak. But I’m glad I’m starting to see outside of my own thinking, a different perspective which has only been brought on recently by tickling.

Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 03 May 2019 - 10:51 AM.

#79 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 03 May 2019 - 11:35 AM

Can You Smell Your Way to a Better Brain? Science Says Yes.





Any odor you breathe in affects your limbic system, which governs emotional processing, motivation, fear, and pleasure, including your hippocampus and amygdala, all three of which impact learning and memory. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, "Imaging studies in humans help show the effects of smells on the limbic system and its emotional pathways." That means they can actually see smells affecting people via brain scans.

It is currently being studied as a natural treatment for stress, anxiety, and even for symptom management in cancer patients.




The science: how essential oils help mental focus, clarity, and memory.
  • study in 1990 showed that smelling peppermint essential oil enhanced alertness, focus, and concentration. (It should be noted, later researchshowed that eating peppermint did not have the same effect as smelling it did in the previous study.)
  • Another study confirmed that smelling peppermint enhanced accuracy of memory.
  • An English study that found that rosemary essential oil increased memory and alertness.
  • This Japanese study found that inhaling lavender essential oil while on breaks actually increased concentration when going back to work.
  • This British study published in the International Journal of Neuroscienceshowed that inhaling lavender essential oil before doing math problems helped subjects complete the problems faster and more accurately than the control group, while inhaling rosemary essential oil helped subjects be more alert and therefore they completed the problems faster than the control group.
  • study on children with ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) found that inhaling vetiver and cedarwood essential oils improved brain patterns and decreased ADHD symptoms (inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity).
  • This Japanese study found that diffusing lemon and rosemary essential oils in the morning and lavender and orange essential oils in the evening improved cognitive function in Alzheimer's patients.
  • Lemon was shown to increase typing accuracy in another Japanese study. Workers made 54 percent fewer errors while smelling lemon, 33 percent fewer errors while smelling jasmine, and 20 percent fewer errors while smelling lavender.



#80 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 03 May 2019 - 11:40 AM

The effect of a scalp massage on stress hormone, blood pressure, and heart rate of healthy female






[Purpose] A scalp massage was conducted on female office workers divided into a 15 minute group and 25 minute group and its effect on stress hormone, blood pressure and heart rate was analyzed in order to provide a theoretical rationale to apply scalp massage as stress therapy. [Subjects and Methods] A scalp massage was applied to 34 female office workers twice a week for a total of 10 weeks; the subjects were classified into 15 min., 25 min. and control groups, and their stress hormone levels, blood pressure and heart rate were evaluated. [Results] Significant differences in norepinephrine, cortisol and blood pressure (SBP & DBP) were found in terms of interaction by time interval and between groups. [Conclusion] As a result of applying scalp massage to female office workers for 15 and 25 minutes, positive effects were observed on stress hormone, blood pressure and heart rate. Therefore, scalp massage can be used for stress control with no spatial or time limit.

Key words: Massage, Stress hormone, Blood pressure


#81 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 03 May 2019 - 11:43 AM

Massage therapy research review






Moderate pressure massage has contributed to many positive effects including increased weight gain in preterm infants, reduced pain in different syndromes including fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, enhanced attentiveness, reduced depression and enhanced immune function (increased natural killer cells and natural killer cell activity).Surprisingly, these recent studies have not been reviewed, highlighting the need for the current review. When moderate and light pressure massage have been compared in laboratory studies, moderate pressure massage reduced depression, anxiety and heart rate, and it altered EEG patterns, as in a relaxation response. Moderate pressure massage has also led to increased vagal activity and decreased cortisol levels. Functional magnetic resonance imaging data have suggested that moderate pressure massage was represented in several brain regions including the amygdala, the hypothalamus and the anterior cingulate cortex, all areas involved in stress and emotion regulation. Further research is needed to identify underlying neurophysiological and biochemical mechanisms associated with moderate pressure massage.


Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 03 May 2019 - 11:51 AM.

#82 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 03 May 2019 - 11:49 AM

Changes in cerebral blood flow under the prone condition with and without massage.






To investigate changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) under the prone condition with and without light massage on the back, we measured rCBF quantitatively in healthy human subjects using positron emission tomography with H(2)15O. Biochemical tests showed that the light massage (palm-pressure) reduced levels of stress-related serum cortisol and salivary stress protein chromogranin-A measured after the PET examination. Absolute rCBF significantly increased in the parietal cortex (precuneus) under the prone condition compared with the supine condition, and this rCBF increase was in parallel with comfortable sensation and slowing heart rate during the massage. Correlation analysis in statistical parametric mapping showed that the amygdalar and basal forebrain rCBF correlated with parasympathetic function (heart rate reduction), indicating involvement of the forebrain-amygdala system in mediating activities in the autonomic nervous system in the presence of comfortable sensation. To conclude, prone posture itself can stimulate the precuneus region to raise awareness, and the light massage on the back may help accommodate the brain to comfortable stimulation.


#83 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 03 May 2019 - 11:55 AM

Tactile stimulation improves neuroanatomical pathology but not behavior in rats prenatally exposed to valproic acid.






Autism is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder with a population prevalence of 1 in 68, and dramatically increasing. While no single pharmacologic intervention has successfully targeted the core symptoms of autism, emerging evidence suggests that postnatal environmental manipulations may offer greater therapeutic efficacy. Massage therapy, or tactile stimulation (TS), early in life has repeatedly been shown to be an effective, low-cost, therapeutic approach in ameliorating the cognitive, social, and emotional symptoms of autism. While early TS treatment attenuates many of the behavioral aberrations among children with autism, the neuroanatomical correlates driving such changes are unknown. The present study assessed the therapeutic effects of early TS treatment on behavior and neuroanatomy using the valproic acid (VPA) rodent model of autism. Rats were prenatally exposed to VPA on gestational day 12.5 and received TS shortly following birth. Whereas TS reversed almost all the VPA-induced alterations in neuroanatomy, it failed to do so behaviorally. The TS VPA animals, when compared to VPA animals, did not exhibit altered or improved behavior in the delayed non-match-to-sample T-maze, Whishaw tray reaching, activity box, or elevated plus maze tasks. Anatomically, however, there were significant increases in dendritic branching and spine density in the medial prefrontal cortex, orbital frontal cortex, and amygdala in VPA animals following early TS treatment, suggesting a complete reversal or remediation of the VPA-induced effects in these regions. The results suggest that postnatal TS, during a critical period in development, acts as a powerful reorganization tool that can ameliorate the neuroanatomical consequences of prenatal VPA exposure.


#84 zorba990

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Posted 03 May 2019 - 05:45 PM

The effect of a scalp massage on stress hormone, blood pressure, and heart rate of healthy female

Thats funny because I have been doing this somewhat instinctively lately.
Make sense, any chronic tension in that small muscle above the jaw by the Amygdala is going to reduce function there potentially.

My tip of the week: close your mouth. Mouth breathing without extreme exercise or physical limitation is stress breathing. Relax the breathing and close the mouth.
Click it forward and self inspect for suffocation type trauma.
Spend some time and people watch. See who has their mouth open and what level of stress you perceive in them.
For advanced fun try a HIT workout without opening your mouth.

Edited by zorba990, 03 May 2019 - 05:56 PM.

#85 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 03 May 2019 - 07:11 PM

Yes I instinctively massaged the sides of my head yesterday while diary writing to God. And it was the first time I’ve ever been able to get rid of those emotional flashback feelings, so this is huge progress for me. 


That last study I posted said autism induced rats, had a complete reversal (healing) of the brain anatomically when early tactile stimulation was employed! Is that not crazy?!?! 


“Anatomically, however, there were significant increases in dendritic branching and spine density in the medial prefrontal cortex, orbital frontal cortex, and amygdala in VPA animals following early TS treatment, suggesting a complete reversal or remediation of the VPA-induced effects in these regions.”


Now I had to look up tactile stimulation as I didn’t know what is was, and it looks similar to a massage, it seems to work by stimulating the different receptors under the skin (pain, heat, cold, touch).


We also have that research review that taught us moderate pressure massage effects several emotion and stress related centres of the brain, including the amygdala!


So the evidence is out there and I’m so glad it exists. Another tool for the amygdala tickling toolbox.


Nice tip. I always breath through my nose, it was one thing my Grandad corrected me on when I was breathing through my mouth when younger. Same with when doing exercise.


But it’s interesting you mention suffocating type trauma. I think I posted this previously in this thread, where I had an experience when tickling and having an emotional flashback (while drunk), where my throat became tight and my glands really tender. The experience took me back to when I was younger and use to get so upset from the stress/trauma I was experiencing, that I couldn’t breath properly. Not if that’s what you mean my suffocating trauma, or you’re referring to getting caught on an umbilical cord or something.


Was a bit melancholy this morning but I do get that after-effect with weed. But now I’m ready to take on amygdala tickling even more. I mean hell, electrical sensations were traveling up my leg and into my brain, I’ve never had that before, it’s been a long time since amygdala tickling has caused something new. And the link between diary writing to God and massage to possibly abate any future emotional flashbacks, hell if this works, how can I not make progress?


Plus we are making strides in amygdala tickling research here, giving more possible tools for people who may come into similar roadblocks. Hell I haven’t even had time to explore that electro acupuncture root yet, let alone smelling essential oils throughout the day, or massaging my scalp on a regular basis. We’re lucky to be making a lot of connections at the moment.


Keep tickling!

#86 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 04 May 2019 - 11:44 AM

Okay, so I’m always thinking of how I can help others with their own frontal lobes pop and traumas, once I’ve experienced mine. So I am thinking far far far ahead on this, and thus my thoughts are at their utmost infancy.


So here’s a hypothesis of mine:


Frontal lobes pop unlocks visualisation skill. This skill can be used in conjunction with mnemonics to learn and understand material faster.


Frontal lobes pop will allow you to read people on a whole other level, picking up facial cues and body language much more easily.


So assuming these 2 points are correct and I pop my frontal lobes. My goal would be to master hypnotic induction remotely (via video calling/skype). If I can pick up on the facial cues and thoughts of the person, I may be able to trance even the hardest trancer, using a tailored hypnotic induction (Ericksonian style).


In other words, become very good at inducing hypnotic trances over video calling.


Once I master inducing hypnosis remotely, I can work with people who are interested in speeding up their amygdala tickling and frontal lobes pop progress, and build a model around this.


Hypnosis Trauma Removal Model Hypothesis:


I would want to make the model:

  • Private
  • Safe
  • Effective Trauma Removal (Convert/Neutralize/Overcome or Discharge)
  • Let Their Subconscious Guide Them & You
  • Enquire

Private: I believe we should be able to remove trauma, without the client sharing one piece of information about that trauma. This will ensure any shame or guilt or embarrassment the person may have attached the to event, is completely bypassed. People can lie to you under hypnosis, but why would they, if you don’t ask them to share anything they don’t want to tell you.


Safe: We can create a temporary safe space of higher love and brain function. We’re fractioning the ego temporarily from the bigger main ego. So when they are regressed into the trauma, they are in their safe bubble so to speak.


Effective Trauma Removal (Convert/Neutralize/Overcome): With what we’ve learnt recently, it may be unnecessary to release the negative energy, but rather let the higher brain fix it. We may be able to let the higher love and forgiveness of the higher brain, to overcome the lower brain negative emotions.


Effective Trauma Removal (Discharge): If the higher brain cannot overcome the lower brain emotional trauma. It may need to be released (expressed) to discharge it fully. However I’m thinking less and less that the higher brain can’t heal the lower brain itself, such as in the PTSD electro acupuncture study.


Let Their Subconscious Guide Them & You: Consciously you don’t know and they don’t know what exact trauma they need to deal with. But their subconscious will. So let their subconscious guide them to the exact thing they need to deal with it, and you do this by using open ended questions.


Lets Give an Example of this Model in Practice


Let’s assume the clients name is Adam and we have already induced a hypnotic trance and deepened it.


T = Hypnotherapist, C = Client


Create Safe Space First (Fraction Ego temporarily from main Ego and connect to higher brain emotions of love)


T: Now Adam I’d like your subconscious to take you to back to the time where you’ve experienced the most love you’ve ever felt in your life, and once you get there nod your head.


C: [Nod’s head]


T: Now Adam, I want you to take all this love and encompass it all around you. Make it a bubble where you are in the centre of and can bathe in it continually. Once you do that nod your head.


C: [Nod’s head]


T: Now Adam this bubble is your safe space. We can travel all around your subconscious mind in this bubble, and you will always feel bathed in this love you are feeling right now. So whatever you discover about yourself, you will remain connected to this wonderful love you are feeling. Nod your head if you understand.


C: [Nod’s head]


Privately finding the trauma


T: Now Adam, we are going to travel in this bubble of love to other parts of your mind. I want you to travel to an event you know is holding you back emotionally in your life. And you can travel there remaining in your bubble of love, and nothing in your mind can ever bring you down from this love. So now travel to an event you know you need to deal with, safely in your bubble of love. When you get there nod your head.


C: [Nod’s head]


Convert/Overcome with Higher Love


T: Now the event details are not the important thing. What’s important is the emotional energy your mind is still holding onto. Is it possible for you to overcome this emotional energy with the higher love you have access to in your bubble?


C: Yes




T: Okay use that higher love to overcome these lower emotions, and once you’ve done that, tell me how you feel...


Repeat if necessary until emotional energy is neutralised, before moving onto the next trauma.


I’ll finish here.



This to me is all in the realm of possiblity, but until I test such things, I could be completely off track. But basically I believe we could conquer traumatic negative energy and help progress to a frontal lobes pop quicker, if we use a combination of hypnosis and higher brain function (higher love) together. But this is all theory, but I do hope one day I will be able to try and see if I can create such a model on fast and effective trauma removal.


#87 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 05 May 2019 - 07:02 PM



New reddit thread made on February 2019 in the Semenretention subreddit. Loads of anecdotal reports of people trying it out. Here is part of the original post explaining his experience with amygdala tickling.



Now for the reason I posted this here on semen retention...

I've been using this method myself and one of the effects I've noticed is increasing pleasure each time I "click forward".

This has progressed to the point where I am able to experience full-body orgasms if I concentrate, with zero genital stimulation.

There are many other benefits to this practice that I won't get into here, but this is what is pertinent to SR...activating the prefrontal lobes can "rewire" your brain to experience pleasure and bliss at will.

These full body orgasms that I experience with no genital stimulation appear to have a SUPERCHARGING effect on my energy/magnetism levels. 

Just wanted to share this method and my experience in hopes it will help someone else.


While I cannot share any experiences of orgasm as I’ve suffered from ejaculatory anhedonia for the last 15 years, and also suffer somewhat from normal anhedonia. 


I will say the biggest effect amygdala tickling is giving me at the moment is a large increase in mental energy. I’ve been getting insights and thoughts and lots of mental energy to write them, hence my many posts in the last week. 


My main hope is to unlock that more pleasurable and emotional side of my brain eventually. My general anhedonia and lack of pleasure or emotions in normal things, is probably related to my ejaculatory anhedonia. So I’ll probably  be researching alternative ways anhedonia is helped, and see if that adds anything to my amygdala tickling experiences.

#88 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 07 May 2019 - 09:58 AM

I’m going to try the electro acupuncture treatment. 


I’ve gone once already about 3 weeks ago, but the acupuncturist pointed one of the needles the opposite way (as shown in the study) because it was too close to my nose. I was also suffering from a major cold at the time, and it wasn’t the best time to try the therapy. Also one of the needles on the right side of my head fell out because you’re resting on the acupuncture bed/table. 


The price is very reasonable. £30 for 1 hour. About 15 minutes of this is putting in the needles, so I get 45 minutes of stimulation/treatment.


I was also looking into Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). A non invasive treatment for mental illness problems such as PTSD & OCD. I can say without a doubt I suffer from OCD & Anhedonia, and with recent revelation due to my recent emotional flashbacks and my upbringing history, most likely C-PTSD. You can get Smart TMS treatment done privately in the UK, but the cost is around £6000 for the 30 sessions required, a bit too much for my current financial situation. So I’m hoping this electro acupuncture may provide results at a reasonable price.


The electro acupuncture study showed that the treatment required 3 hours in total. So it was either 6 sessions of 30 minutes or 4 sessions of 45 minutes to completely cure one patients PTSD and another’s OCD. So I have to try at least 4 times to see if I have any changes in my mental well being, as the treatment/stimulation is 45 minutes long.


My anhedonia, OCD, ejaculatory anhedonia, and emotional flashbacks, may all be symptoms of the same problem. I assume this problem is something to do with my frontal lobes or amygdalas. Currently I hypothesise, the more advanced brain (frontal lobes), heals these mental issues/symptoms and lower brain problems automatically, when the frontal lobes is stimulated. This can be done via amygdala tickling, or external means (electro acupuncture, TMS).


Regardless, I can afford to try out this electro acupuncture treatment for 4 sessions. And if I see any improvement of symptoms, I might go regularly to see if it can enhance amygdala tickling, and take my mind/brain further than what is considered normal recovery (mini pop, frontal lobes pop). If I don’t see much difference after 4 sessions, I’ll drop the treatment. 


Things I might try differently are:


Ask if I can sit up instead of lie down.


Bring a small square pillow with me to raise my head so the needles don’t touch the bed, and has less chance of falling out.


Ideally, if I can sit in a chair and do this, the better. It really depends how long the wires to the electro box, and whether i can raise the box enough while sitting down.


Anyway my session is booked in tomorrow at 10am. So I can tell you more after then.

#89 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 08 May 2019 - 11:48 AM

Typical Chinese stereotype. The session only lasted 40 minutes when an hour was paid (I wanted at least 45 minutes in the session) and price went up by £5 when it came to pay. I don’t have too much issue with this, just a bit of dishonest business practice.


My main issue is with following the study instructions accurately. When adding those crocodile clip wires for the electro stimulation, the weight pulls the needles in slightly different positions, and the practioner isn’t too concerned about the positioning or to accommodate it (even though he brought up the issue). And the study is specific of the points the needles direction should point to. Originally I was sitting up, but this was worse than lying down, as I had to hold onto the wires to make sure they weren’t pulling the needles into different positions from their weight (especially the top needle). About 15 minutes in when he came back in (usually leaves you there with one visit in the whole session) we switched to lying on the bed.


Anyway. I tried to do a bit of tickling while lying there. But mainly I just relaxed, and time flew by quite quickly.


Now coming out of the session, the world was a bit clearer. I’ve noticed this recently anyway with regular tickling before this session. Yesterday when driving round, I’m starting to get a little bit of joy watching the trees and the birds. The trees seem like they’re a bit more 3D than they use to be. Reality is more clearer. The brain feels like it’s waking up more.


I know from my mini pop in 2011. That when you get one, your brain really wakes up. You don’t realise you’re half asleep until you experience a mini pop. 


All in all, I’m not sure whether I want to go for 3 more sessions. Mainly because I’ll be moving soon, so a 2 minute walk requires driving into town and paying for parking. And I’m not sure how much this treatment will contribute to my amygdala tickling. Would 45 minutes of lying in my bed and tickling my amygdalas be a better use of my time?


Also 4 days ago (4th May) I had an emotional flashback coming on when I was out with my family in a restaurant. Since I wasn’t able to just massage my temples or write in my diary, I just sat and stayed quiet trying to control it. Eventually the emotional flashback subsided. This was the 2nd emotional flashback I was able to get rid of, and came 2 days after that 1st one I was ever able to get rid of (2nd May). So I definitely feel progress in this area. It’s been 4 days since my last emotional flashback, and I have been tickling everyday. So I feel this is starting to become less and less of a problem now. I will say I became a little bit irritable yesterday night, but I was able to shake it off eventually, and it didn’t turn into a full blown emotional flashback.


I will end with the last thing I’ve been noticing. If I tickle my amygdalas for a long while, I’m starting to feel more electric and tingles in the amygdalas, while before I use to feel more of a movement feeling instead. Also I feel slight electric go up my neck, which always feels like a trapped nerve type feeling. And at one point when tickling while lying in bed, I was feeling slight electrical sensations and numbness going up my right arm. But nothing full blow weird electric sensations, like that time I got high and painful ones were going up my right leg and into by brain (and convulsing with the movement).


Anyway weird things are happening. Sometimes mental energy bursts, sometimes I get insights, sometimes reality seems more 3D and clearer, sometimes I enjoy watching the birds and trees while driving, sometimes I feel electric going up my nerves, sometimes I get tingles, sometimes I get dull synchronicity, and emotional flashbacks are getting better.


I wanted to post all these things now, because it now seems like I’m going to get small changes regardless, and there’s no point posting every single small change. These last 30 days have been a journey of self discovery, research, and revelations. The exact ones I needed to get over my biggest amygdala tickling hurdle, emotional flashbacks. As of before I was cautious to continue tickling as it would always cause “fierce negative emotions that would rise in me and overtake me, my logic and actions”, I now know these were emotional flashbacks which is a common symptom of C-PTSD. Now only that, but discovering the tools such as the temple massage and diary writing, and being able to quash my last 2 emotional flashbacks, I feel like I’ve finally overcome this hurdle. Not to say I will never get another one, but I’ve never been able to stop one either until the last 2.


So with all this last months progress in mind. I feel I can now just focus on amygdala tickling full steam ahead. And only come back and post when there’s truely big updates and experiences.


The last thing I want to say, is the great thing about posting here, is the pressure I don’t have to help the world with their own frontal lobes pop. There’s one side to me who wants to see if this can be shortcutted in people using various methods after getting my own pop. Then there’s another side who wants to get it himself and just live a life of a happy nobody, and not have to do all the research or experiments to help others. And that the great thing about this thread. People can see my log, and the tools and research I and others have done. So at least if I decide to go the root of not looking more into this phenomenon after my own pop, people can see my own crazy ups and downs and experiences in this log, and hopefully it will be helpful to them.


I think the main issue I see with amygdala tickling, and I have no idea if I can shortcut the process for other people with things like hypnosis. But the main issue is getting the full frontal lobes pop is a complete bitch (as you can see right here in this log), at least for some people (like me). Even without me researching into alternatives and I get my own pop, and I said, okay, the best way to pop is to practice amygdala tickling whenever you have free time for the next 6 years, and at one point in those 6 years, your brain and mind will be taken to another level of functioning, pleasures, and positive emotions. How many people are going to go at it. It’s taken years to get exercise as popular as it is in the current population (think how unpopular it was before 1900’s, even with doctors), and yet with all the research and benefits discovered, the majority of the world aren’t doing regular exercise.


So my destiny points in 2 ways. And thankfully if I choose not to further research into way of helping others achieve their own pop (after achieving mine), at least they can see my own crazy journey to get there.


And never forget one very important thing. The world is full of assholes and pussies. The pussies are too afraid to live their lives the way they want, and therefore envy you for doing things your own way and are passive aggressive in their behaviour. And the assholes are the ones who try and force you to live the life they think you should live, and their behaviour is more aggressive and coercive. You can either succumb to their level, or you can be a dick, and being a dick is the best thing you can be. You see the assholes and pussies think and tell you you’re a dick because you don’t succumb to their view of how the world works, and that’s why they call you a dick (usually not using this exact word). You can be the nicest guy, not breaking any laws, but because you do things your own way and can’t be guilted, coerced, or manipulated into their way, they don’t like that, so in their mind you’re a dick. But keep being a dick long enough, and you’ll be more happy and in control of your life than any of the assholes and pussies. Because in the end assholes and pussies get fucked by the dicks of this world eventually, because they dared not take the harder and more mentally and emotionally challenging road that the dicks took. And remember, it’s never too late to take that road and be a dick yourself, stand up against all those miserable assholes and pussies out there who want to bring you down to their miserable level. So be a dick, live your life the way you want, and fuck all those assholes and pussies. :)

Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 08 May 2019 - 11:55 AM.

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#90 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 12 May 2019 - 03:18 PM

Seeing the Madness of it all

Every action, thought, and behaviour within our ego is driven by a deep emotion on a subconscious level. There is a need and want from a person to have their thoughts, actions, and behaviours understood by someone else other than themselves. Their emotions drive the person on a deeper level, and are manifested through their thoughts, actions, and behaviours. Their emotions are rationalised and then expressed through their thoughts, actions and behaviours. It doesn’t matter if your subconscious emotional drive is positive or negative, the person needs to rationalise and compartamalize this emotional drive into their ego, and is expressed via their thoughts, actions, and behaviours. I have had glimpses into this process and the madness of it all.

Amygdala tickling allows you to shoot out of your own ego (have glimpses) of what the other perspective might be, seeing other people’s rationalisations and expressions driven by their own emotional drives from within their own ego. It’s empathy on a level outside of your own ego’s construction. Rather than trying to empathise within your own ego’s emotional drive and not fully understand it, you see if from their egos perspective, their emotional drives perspective, which is manifested in their thoughts, actions, and behaviours.

Think about subconscious processes and emotional drive and how they drive everything.

Lets take the sex drive as the first example as it’s the most obvious one. Your fetishes (thoughts & actions) have been linked to your sex drives/libidos emotional state. Now every time you are horny and your libido is in full force (the emotional drive behind the scenes), your normal thoughts, actions, and behaviours are taken over as your mind has rationalised how to express this strong emotion. This libido emotion can be linked and reinforced to any fetish, and hence why when taken over by it, peoples sexual thoughts, actions, and behaviours are expressed in the most craziest ways (through their fetishes). If you watch enough of a new fetish through porn, and bust enough nuts to reinforce the link, soon all your thoughts and behaviours will end up liking what you’ve reinforced when the libidos emotional drive is in full force. There’s a reason one person likes MILFs, another likes BDSM, another likes anal, another like hairy women, another likes women of a certain ethnicity, another likes dominating women, others like submissive women, or whatever your fetish and sexual fetishes are. While one persons ego has rationalised their libidos emotional drive with BDSM, another person may not get turned on at all by the thought of this and yet will be turned on by MILFs. You are both experiencing the same strong libido emotional drive, but have linked them to different things. There may have been other emotional states and linkages that made you inclined to seek out certain fetishes, which you ended up solidifying with your libidos emotional drive by indulging in that fetish as an adult, such as enjoying dominating women because you grew up under a dominating mother. So linking the libido and fetishes isn’t all black and white, as other emotional drives and rationalisations of these emotions from childhood upbringing can influence everything else. And these deep emotions from a childhood, are probably the strongest emotional drives that you’ve rationalised and effect your adult life today.

The whole point of this example, is emotions and their linkages drive everything!

So now take a milder example of smoking cigarettes. Your knowledge may know it’s bad or destroying you, but you’ve made linkages to cigarettes and emotional states on a subconscious level. So you may have started because it was acceptable and cool with your friends, so you were too afraid of rejection (fear, lack of self confidence, so you avoid this negative emotion), and wanted to be accepted as an equal (positive emotion of being accepted by friends) that you start smoking. Other emotional states may have been linked along the way (such as advertising or pop culture/media), where they build on top of each other, which get linked to the nicotine or cigarette itself. So whenever the craving appears, or another trigger you’ve linked your emotional states and smoking with, you rationalisation that when your stressed or need to relax, or whatever comes into your rationalisation to express these subconscious emotions, you fulfil them by smoking cigarettes.

Have you read Alan Carrs book? Here’s the good point. When you’re on a plane, or there is a time you want to smoke but can’t. You can hold off smoking. Your upbringing of fearing the law and punishment (linked emotional state), or societal pressure (linked emotional state), as well as your own rationalised morals from emotional states, prevent you from lighting up a cigarette on the plane.

This is why you cannot rationalise rape of a women because they were “asking for it” (because they were scantily dressed). Nearly all healthy men have the same strong sex drives (emotional state/drive), and all see the same beautiful women scantily dressed in a club or walking on the beach, and our libidos emotional drive may wish we were with her intimately. But we’ve also been brought up emotionally to fear the law and punishment, we’ve been brought up and have innate emotions such as empathy which work with our rationalisation that say, we wouldn’t force something on someone else who didn’t want the same thing as you (consent) as it would cause hurt to another person and thus is not right, and because these emotional drives and rationalisations are deeper and stronger, this is why the majority of men don’t rape every women that stirs up their libido.

When a child is brought up in a home where the father beats the mother. He may grow up (but not necessarily) to be a wife beater himself. His father did it because his mother made him “angry”. So the child as an adult may rationalise the same thing, the cause of anger is from his wife (when his anger could’ve been caused by anything else), so he has a right to beat her (his rationalisation).

So I’ve taken extreme and milder examples. But now apply this theory to everything else. The way you think, the way you act, your personality and behaviours, your ticks, your automated responses, think everything behind thought, action and behaviour. There are deep emotional drives to all of it, many rationalisations built upon your emotions (the linkages between the two), which end up driving the way you think, act, and behave.

This is the madness of it all. This is the EGO!

This is why you relate to people who have rationalised their emotional drives (created linkages) similar to yourself. You understand each others egos emotional drives and their rationalisations on a deeper emotional relatable level. Boy has been brought up by dominating mother in the household, girl has been brought up by dominating mother in the household, both may have (but not necessarily) been driven into a similar sexual fetish such as female domination, they meet, they consent, they relate, they end up getting married.

Boy brought up with wife beating father, girl brought up thinking being beaten by men is okay and normal in exchange for their emotional drive for love, they may end up meeting, he may beat her, and she’ll stick around and even marry him, though logically she has had many opportunities to escape this situation, seek help, find other nicer men, or leave before getting married. I’m not rationalising why this is okay because it’s not, but the victim and the perpetrator can both rationalise their emotions that it’s okay, or that leaving would be worse, which is driven by their deep subconsciously learnt linkages of emotional states.

Grow up with a family of a certain political class. Emotionally driven inside you that this political class is the best for people like you by families emotional drives. Socialist, conservative, communist, whatever. Chances are as an adult, this person will vote on similar political views, even if there are things they don’t agree with, they can rationalise that their emotional drive agrees enough to still vote inline with the same political party/class.

This is the EGO! This is the madness of it all! You have compartamalized and rationalised your emotional drives!

Lets take an example of one emotion. Love. Person A and Person B may have the same emotional drive of love. Yet their rationalisations have different ways of expressing this love via their thoughts, actions, and behaviours.

Person A and Person B vote differently, because they have both rationalised why their party will give more love to their country and help the people.

Person A smacks their children out of love because they want them to grow up with a fear of punishment (rationalisation). Person B doesn’t smack their child out of love because they think love itself wouldn’t cause any pain (rationalisation).

Person A and Person B become activists for opposite causes. They are both driven by their emotional drive of love, and think people and the world will benefit more from their cause vs the opposite.

The examples can be endless. This is the madness. Both people are acting and rationalising their emotional drive of love in different ways. The same happens will all other emotions.

Rewards, pleasure, emotions negative and positive, the wiring of the brain, all come down to rationalisation of reality for that person in their own unique way (their EGO and subconscious linkages with their emotions). No one has the exact same experiences, upbringing, or linkages and wiring, not even twins. We are also born with unique personalities causing different linkages and reactions to the same event, and goes as far back as developing in the womb and influences our mothers went through (biologically and psychologically). Our experiences and rationalisation and wiring is uniquely different, even if we experience the same thing. And yet on the fundamental level, we all experience the same emotions driving us. This is what makes us uniquely different and similar at the same time!

This is the EGO!

Emotions on the fundamental level are the same. But though our experiences and linkages we compartamalise and rationalise them which creates our ego, which manifests itself through our thoughts, actions, and behaviours. This is why people are emotionally driven in different ways on a subconscious level. Peoples tastes, hobbies, etc... One person loves painting and another doesn’t, why? One person is a workaholic, another likes doing the least amount of effort, why?

Emotions, experiences, rationalisations, linkages, some deeper, some not as deep. This is the EGO. This is the construction of our reality!

Put 2 people in the same room, or make them experience the same event. And yet, the physically reality is experienced in a unique way by their own filtered EGO reality. People get a gun pointed at them, they react differently, some freeze, some run, some fight back etc.. Hence why we are similar but unique.

So how does this all relate to amygdala tickling and the higher brain?

Simple. You have constructed your EGO and rationalisations. This EGO and rationalisations can change, this is why our views, thoughts, and actions can change over time. Same with quitting smoking for example. So it is malleable 100%. But the deeper you go, the deeper the emotions and emotional drives & linkages, the deeper they take a hold and are harder to change. Your childhood effects you more than you realise, we are victims of circumstance. You may be able to change some of your ways and thoughts over time and reinforcement, and yet however hard you try to change other things about yourself, you find it near impossible. For example being driven in you from a young age that your worthless and will never amount to anything, and you may drift through your life giving up on everything you start, or you may become highly successful as you rationalise this emotional drive to prove everyone wrong.

What amygdala tickling does is activate the higher brain. The higher brain in it’s magic can overcome the lower brain and emotional holds. Imagine the EGO as a bubble. Imagine the higher brain outside of this bubble, which has access to unrationalised emotional power. When you activate the higher brain, you experience a trickle of this emotional power outside of your own EGO’s rationalisations. Exercise causes activation in the higher brain. Creativity and fun comes from the higher brain. These things and many others, we could all look at as a form of escapism. We also know neurotransmitters isn’t the full cure for negative emotions though it may help alleviate some problems, because your EGO and rationalisations of your emotional drive is more powerful, and you can’t biologically remove the cause without psychologically challenging and removing these irrational emotional linkages. You can be nutritionally and biologically healthy, and yet still suffer from the rationalisations of your emotions (EGO). This is also why people who may be much less nutritionally and biologically healthy than yourself, experience more positive emotions and a bigger positive outlook of life.

Wake up your most advanced part of your brain, whether temporarily or permanently, and you feel more positive emotions. Completely remove all neurosis, all illogical emotional driven rationalisations, and you experience the frontal lobes pop and have unfetted access to these higher positive emotions continually.

There are temporary solutions, and there is a permanent solution.

What stops you from singing when you walk down the street or dancing at an event? The fear of judgement? You want to sing but you don’t, you want to dance but you don’t. If the street is public, and there are people talking, people busking, and you sing for your own joy, and are not loud enough to be considered disruptive or a nuisance and walk out of peoples vicinity in seconds, why don’t you? Fear of people judging you, judging your vocal abilities, fear of whatever, your EGO has rationalised your fear in these circumstances.

Your EGO rationalisations of emotions are a tiny view and experience of a filtered emotional reality and perspectives. Tickle your amygdala and activate the higher brain, and eventually you shoot out of your compartamalized reality (EGO), and start to see and experience reality in a different light. Eventually with enough activation of the higher brain, your EGO collapses and you experience your emotional reality without any filters. Raw powerful positive emotions you’ve been cut off from, coming in at full force. The end of illogical rationalisations and linkages of your emotions (filters created by the EGO).

You still have a subconscious, the EGO is not the subconscious, but rather a compatamalised subconscious, which has rationalised in illogical ways to avoid negative emotions and increase positive ones, which causes filtration of your reality and experiences today. Even the depressed vegetable of a person who has shut down so to speak, their EGO is doing what it thinks it has to do to protect that person.

The EGO is a natural psychological response to all negative emotions and trauma, it is the survival mechanism which it tries to interpret how the world works with the emotions and reality it has created. When the child is young, it does not have full maturity and understanding, and so it’s negative and positive experiences growing up form it’s EGO to form understanding of how to interpret reality. A child cannot understand the attacks (negative emotions) it experiences before solidifying them and forming understanding, and so it cannot fight against the illogical emotional linkages the EGO creates as a child. If a child was raised free from all negative emotion being inflicted on it (physically or psychologically), then as an adult, the triggers and linkages aren’t there, and attacks are rebuffed with their true unfiltered understanding of reality.

Anyway this took me hours to write. This is where all my brain energy and insights today have exploded on. Don’t take anything I write as 100% certainty, this is how my thoughts and perspectives are evolving with amygdala tickling. If you want to simple version. Just tickle, and keep tickling, and eventually you will start to see outside your own filtered formation of reality and will get your own insights and brain energy.

Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 12 May 2019 - 03:59 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: amygdala, visualization, frontal lobes, brain exercise

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