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Tickle Your Damn Amygdala's You Neurotic Fools!

amygdala visualization frontal lobes brain exercise

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#91 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 14 May 2019 - 09:27 AM

I think amygdala tickling is going to effect each person differently depending on their personalities dominant and submissive traits.


In my case I seem to have been very thinking dominant most of my life and have weak emotional maturity. This is more evident as I suffer from anhedonia, so I’ve been very out of touch with feelings, pleasure, and emotions for a long time. And since amygdala tickling is causing a resurgence of such, my output has been processing them through my dominant thinking trait, hence my mad ramblings. If I was someone who’s dominance was particularly creative, such as painting, I’m sure I’d be creating some crazy art right now.


I think the biggest thing I am seeing, is how emotions underlies everything we do. Whether the emotions are subtle or strong, we have constructed our reality on top of our emotions, and they are the driving force behind every thought, action, and behaviour. 


This is why our processing of reality can be changed and warped.


When I went through an emotional flashback, I find it near impossible to control my thoughts and behaviours. I can’t logically or rationally stop myself, because my logic and rationality changes due to the emotions I’m feeling being so strong.


The same with if you’ve ever used hypnosis to change behaviours. I remember using it to enjoy and get pleasure for going to the gym, and at one point I realised, something I use to find hard to do, is now so easy to do, and it shocked me how my reality changed so much. But with hypnosis, without constant reinforcement to drive in the change of behaviour, your reality may be warped only temporarily before reverting back.


So how I see it, is we construct our reality on top of our emotions. We create the linkages to our understanding, that filters these emotions to play out in our everyday lives through our thoughts, behaviours, and actions.


I’m not saying we create or change true reality. This isn’t some new age, the secret, BS, where if you think hard enough, you can manifest things in true reality.


But your inner reality, your EGO, your subconscious, your linkages, all effect the way you filter true reality.


So one of the big factors of what amygdala tickling does in a person, is you are basically rewiring or breaking your inner realities emotional linkages. It’s basically a form of therapy. So if you are scared of dogs (because of a traumatic past experience and linkages of that emotional fear to dogs), then whenever you see a picture of a dog or a dog in real life, tickle your amygdalas. I would have a guess, that with enough tickling and reinforcement, that person would eventually lose their fear of dogs.

Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 14 May 2019 - 09:30 AM.

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#92 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 14 May 2019 - 10:44 AM





Whereas TS reversed almost all the VPA-induced alterations in neuroanatomy, it failed to do so behaviorally... Anatomically, however, there were significant increases in dendritic branching and spine density in the medial prefrontal cortex, orbital frontal cortex, and amygdala in VPA animals following early TS treatment, suggesting a complete reversal or remediation of the VPA-induced effects in these regions. 


If we look at the autism induced rat study again, we can see that their brain a complete reversal of damage from early tactile stimulation, but their behaviours stayed the same. The linked behaviours have already been established, regardless of a complete physical healing of the brain.


Take the example of phantom limb syndrome. A limb is lost, but the linkage in the brain has not recognised this, and continues to try and process the lost limb with sensations and pain. And yet you can alleviate this pain and sensations by tricking the mind, by using a simple illusion of a mirror on your opposing limb to make it look like you still have both.


Hypnosis can be used to create phantom limbs also, people have used it to create the feelings of tails. Rewiring the brain to think something exists when it does not.






Our minds are so powerful, so cognitive processes and attitudes and beliefs can really block a pleasurable sexual response," Tepper says. On the contrary, being open to new sexual experiences and finding pleasure in different ways can help someone have—and enjoy—sex post-injury. For example, he tells a story of a man who learned to orgasm when his girlfriend sucked his thumb. Tepper himself has learned to experience orgasmic sensations through full body massages. "We’ve shown in lab studies with women that orgasm is largely a brain-mediated response," and that for some women, focusing and using the imagination can bring strong orgasmic responses.


Where does orgasm happen? In the genitals? No, it’s in the brain! 


The genitals are just the nerves that trigger the orgasm response within the brain. The genitals and their nerves are the natural genetic linkages to our brains orgasm response.


Yet there are quadriplegics who have learnt to rewire the trigger of orgasm to other triggers, which are not necessarily using the sense of touch as a trigger. One man can orgasm when his girlfriend sucks their thumb in the above example. The trigger is a particular action that occurs when experienced from his sense of vision, a totally different sense to touch!


What about that anecdotal reports of people we’ve collected here in this thread who have use amygdala tickling to experience orgasm? Most recently the same retention subreddit thread in post #88 (page 3) of this thread.


So what does this all mean!


As far as I can see, it’s all wiring and linkages of the brain, the construction of your current EGO. I don’t see a difference between the normal healthy person and the quadriplegic who can orgasm from seeing his girlfriend suck their thumb, except on how yours and there EGO has linked the orgasm trigger and response. With enough work on a subconscious level, you can create the exact same triggers and response.


So imagine every trigger and response in your current EGO’s constructed reality on all your thoughts, actions, and behaviours. Person A has no problem letting go and dancing their heart out in front of people at a dancing event, person B has anxiety or fear doing such. Person A was raised in a culture that it was totally acceptable and fine, person B was raised in a culture that it was uncool and you look stupid. The difference between person A and person B, is how their EGO has constructed their reality, the linkages between the triggers and response. The trigger (dancing), has been linked to pleasure and fun emotions (response) for person A, but with person B their response, are emotions of fear, shame, and embarrassment.


Now think about all your actions, thoughts, and behaviours. There are underlying triggers and responses to all of them.


There is nothing stopping you from experiencing anything another person can experience mentally. You just need to imitate and reinforce the same triggers and responses, and nullify, severe or overwrite the opposing ones on a subconscious level. Regardless of how you go about doing this, though I see hypnosis as the most powerful and direct way, at the end of the day any therapy designed to tackle a mental or behavioural problem, all comes down to rewiring your trigger and responses.

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#93 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 15 May 2019 - 12:00 PM


Amygdala–medial prefrontal cortex connectivity relates to stress and mental health in early childhood


Early life stress has been associated with disrupted functional connectivity between the amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), but it is unknown how early in development stress-related differences in amygdala–mPFC connectivity emerge. In a resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC) analysis with 79 four- to seven-year-old children, we found a significant correlation between more adverse experiences and weaker amygdala–mPFC rs-FC. We also found that weaker amygdala–mPFC rs-FC was associated with higher levels of aggressive behavior and attention problems. These findings suggest that the impact of stress on emotional circuitry is detectable in early childhood and that this impact is associated with mental health difficulties. Connectivity in this circuit may be useful as a marker for mental health risk and for tracking the efficacy of early interventions.


Keywords: stress, adversity, amygdala, medial prefrontal cortex, functional connectivity



Childhood adversity increases the risk for mental health disorders (Shonkoff et al., 2009Green et al., 2010McLaughlin et al., 2012). One pathway by which adversity may confer mental health risk is through changes to the amygdala, a brain region central to threat detection and emotional salience (Phelps and LeDoux, 2005), and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), a brain region thought to modulate amygdala activity in support of emotion regulation (Quirk and Beer, 2006Etkin et al., 2011McLaughlin et al., 2014). Disruptions in frontoamygdala functional connectivity have been observed in a wide array of mental health disorders, including depression (Kaiser et al., 2015), anxiety (Kim et al., 2011Hamm et al., 2014), post-traumatic stress disorder (Gilboa et al., 2004Bryant et al., 2008), and personality and conduct disorders (Marsh et al., 2008). Thus, characterizing the link between early adversity and atypical development of the frontoamygdala network may provide insight into the emergence of psychopathology.

Adversity has been linked to amygdala volume (increases: Tottenham et al., 2010Evans et al., 2016; decreases: Hanson et al., 2015), reduced cortical thickness and volume in mPFC (Hanson et al., 2010Kelly et al., 2013), and increased amygdala reactivity during emotion processing and regulation tasks (McCrory et al., 2011Dannlowski et al., 2012Marusak et al., 2015Swartz et al., 2015). Low socioeconomic status (SES), which elevates the risk of experiencing adversity (Brooks-Gunn and Duncan, 1997), is also associated with amygdala volume (Noble et al., 2012Evans et al., 2016), mPFC structure (Noble et al., 2015) and amygdala reactivity (Kim et al., 2013).

In addition to its associations with the structure and function of the amygdala and mPFC, adversity has also been linked to the communication between these regions. Causal experimental designs in animals have shown that stress alters amygdala–PFC interactions (Sánchez et al., 2001Milad et al., 2006). In correlational studies in humans, early life stress has been linked to altered amygdala–mPFC functional connectivity during emotional tasks (Gee et al., 2013Javanbakht et al., 2015Marusak et al., 2015Herringa et al., 2016). Stress-related changes have also been observed in resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC). Such changes are of particular interest because rs-FC is not biased by a task—it is thought to be a dynamic measure of the history of co-activation between brain regions (Guerra-Carrillo et al., 2014Gabard-Durnam et al., 2016Poldrack, 2017). In adults, exposure to childhood trauma is consistently negatively correlated with amygdala–mPFC rs-FC (Herringa et al., 2013Birn et al., 2014Fan et al., 2014). Early childhood cortisol levels also show a negative relationship with amygdala–mPFC rs-FC in adulthood (Burghy et al., 2012). Altered amygdala–mPFC rs-FC has been observed in older children and adolescents, between the ages of 9 and 15, but the directionality of the finding is reversed: two studies, one on negative life events (Pagliaccio et al., 2015) and one on trauma exposure (Thomason et al., 2015), observed a positive correlation between stress and amygdala–mPFC rs-FC. It is possible that stress interacts with ongoing developmental changes, leading to inconsistencies in correlation direction.

Amygdala–mPFC rs-FC not only reflects individual differences in early life stress exposure it also mediates the relationship between early life stress and mental health symptoms (Burghy et al., 2012Herringa et al., 2013Pagliaccio et al., 2015). These findings suggest that early life stress alters frontoamygdala circuitry, conferring risk for mental health problems (VanTieghem and Tottenham, 2017). However, because studies to date have focused on participants from late childhood through adulthood, it is unclear how early such alterations emerge. Little is known about the effects of stress on amygdala–mPFC functional connectivity in early childhood, a time during which the brain is perhaps most plastic and amenable to intervention (Fox et al., 2010). Further, because many previous studies have focused on severe cases of adversity and trauma, it is unknown whether more typical variation in early stress exposure relates to differences in amygdala–mPFC circuitry and mental health in early childhood.

In the current study, we investigated whether exposure to stressful life events, such as the death of a family member, parental conflict or a serious accident, is associated with weakened amygdala–mPFC rs-FC in children between the ages of 4 and 7 years old. We also tested whether weakened amygdala–mPFC rs-FC is related to mental health symptoms that reflect early developmental risk for broad adult deficits in emotion regulation (Holtmann et al., 2011Bellani et al., 2012). We focused on the dysregulation profile of the Child Behavior Checklist, which includes the ‘AAA’ symptoms: aggressive behavior, attention problems and anxiety/depression. This profile was first identified by a meta-analysis on the mental health symptoms associated with bipolar disorder in childhood (Mick et al., 2003), and since has been associated with Axis I disorders more broadly (Biederman et al., 2012Mbekou et al., 2014Uchida et al., 2014). Longitudinal studies have found that elevated AAA symptoms in childhood predict impaired psychosocial functioning in adulthood, including mood and anxiety disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), disruptive behavior disorders and substance abuse (Meyer et al., 2009Althoff et al., 2010Holtmann et al., 2011). Finally, because socioeconomic status (SES) has been linked to early life stress (Brooks-Gunn and Duncan, 1997), amygdala–mPFC connectivity (Javanbakht et al., 2015) and mental health symptoms (Lorant et al., 2003Reiss, 2013), we recruited a socioeconomically diverse sample and conducted our analyses with and without controlling for SES. To our knowledge, this work represents the first investigation of the links between normative stress exposure, amygdala–mPFC functional connectivity and mental health symptoms in young children.


#94 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 15 May 2019 - 12:05 PM



Understanding anhedonia: What happens in the brain?

Recent studies have shown that other brain areas are also involved, including:

  • the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in planning and personality expression
  • the amygdala, which processes emotions and is involved in decision-making
  • the striatum, which is the area that houses the nucleus accumbens, implicated in the reward system
  • the insula, which is thought to be important in consciousness and self-awareness

The prefrontal cortex seems important in high-level processing of rewards, including cost-benefit analysis and decision-making. Its connections to the ventral striatum seem to be particularly important in motivation and therefore anhedonia.

#95 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 15 May 2019 - 12:10 PM



The neurobiology of anhedonia and other reward-related deficits


Deficits in many areas of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) have been implicated in anhedonia. In schizophrenia patients, self-reported anhedonia severity was negatively correlated with OFC, ventromedial (vm) PFC and dorsolateral (dl) PFC activity [35,36].


Among other functions, the amygdala is involved in the evaluation of rewards [78,79,80,81]

Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 15 May 2019 - 12:15 PM.

#96 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 15 May 2019 - 12:15 PM



Here's What We Know About Anhedonia, a Disorder That Makes It Impossible to Feel Pleasure


Anhedonia, which is Greek for 'without pleasure', is a symptom of several psychiatric illnesses, including depression and schizophrenia.

Normally when we experience pleasure, the neural signalling chemical dopamine floods a part of our brain's reward centre called the striatum.

Previous research suggests anhedonia may be linked to lower activity in a part of the brain called the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), which may act as a kind of conductor for the brain's reward system. But we still don't understand exactly what's going on.

To investigate further, Stanford neuroscientist Emily Ferenczi and her colleagues used brain imaging and stimulation techniques to induce anhedonia in rats.

First, they stimulated dopamine neurons in the animals' midbrains (where dopamine exerts its effects) by shining light on light-sensitive nerve cells, a technique known as optogenetics. This caused a boost in activity in the reward area or striatum, which was measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a technique that detects blood flow in the brain.

Next they stimulated neurons in the rats' mPFC, and found that it decreased activity in the striatum. In one experiment, the stimulation made the animals lose their interest in drinking sugar water, which they normally prefer over plain water. In another experiment, stimulating the mPFC made rats less social when presented with another young rat.

Finally, stimulating the mPFC strengthened its connections to other areas of the brain, while weakening connections to some regions involved in depression and schizophrenia, the researchers report in the study.

The results suggest that anhedonia causes its effects via the mPFC, which controls the release of dopamine in wide-ranging parts of the brain.

These findings are in line with those of several previous studies of anhedonia.



Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 15 May 2019 - 12:16 PM.

#97 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 15 May 2019 - 06:50 PM



The amygdala and reward.



The amygdala -- an almond-shaped group of nuclei at the heart of the telencephalon -- has been associated with a range of cognitive functions, including emotion, learning, memory, attention and perception. Most current views of amygdala function emphasize its role in negative emotions, such as fear, and in linking negative emotions with other aspects of cognition, such as learning and memory. However, recent evidence supports a role for the amygdala in processing positive emotions as well as negative ones, including learning about the beneficial biological value of stimuli. Indeed, the amygdala's role in stimulus-reward learning might be just as important as its role in processing negative affect and fear conditioning.



#98 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 16 May 2019 - 11:38 AM

Time for an amygdala tickling update! & other new and hopeful connections!


1. I've been to the electro acupuncture 3 times. Though I consider it 2 times, as the 1st time one of the needles fell out, and another one was facing the wrong direction.


2. After the 3rd electro acupuncture my brain felt a bit fried. I didn't feel all with it afterward, but it could have been the combination of sleep deprivation I was experiencing that day.


3. Yesterday I was tickling my amygdalas using a different visualization. I imagine two beams of white light coming through my skull, down my frontal lobes, and into my amygdalas. I've also been using another visualization recently where my amygdalas shoot out blue balls rapidly (when imagined close up), and sometimes changing the view in my mind further away, so I see these blue balls shoot from my amygdalas and into and up my frontal lobes, and burst this energy like a firework, and imagine all the neurons lighting and sizzling up with electricity for a second, and I would do this repeatedly, shoot out blue balls and burst them in my frontal lobes.


4. This morning I was in pre-conscious awareness, and felt pure emotions and pleasure for a minute. It wasn't strong or overwhelming amazing. It was just a state of pure emotion and pleasure for a minute. Note this is the first time I've experienced this.


5. I have not had anymore emotional flashbacks! And I've been tickling enough to cause one. I consider this mostly cured, either by the electro acupuncture, or pushing through them and releasing enough with tickling.


6. When tickling, I've been getting slightly "pinching" electric signals go up my nerves in various parts of the body, but most notably my lower left neck, and my right arm. These happen occasionaly. 


7. Tickling also causes these electric tingles/small shocks in my brain and amygdalas occasionally, whereas before it was more of a movement feeling.


8. My visualization skill has improved slightly. Less blankness and effort to tickle now, and I can make more complex visualizations, hence why I've been incorporating new imagery of the frontal lobes and energy going through them and into my amygdalas, or energy shooting out the amygdalas and into them and lighting up the frontal lobes neurons. This visualization is no where near the skill I once developed after my mini pop and practicing mnemonics, where I could conjure up a whole crystal clear 3D image, which had natural physics with it.


9. There have been times I've enjoyed music again, and even spent an hour blasting it out and singing along with it at home.


10. I am starting to like looking at trees and birds flying around when driving, there's a very slight joy in it.


11. I've noticed my vision and reality get a bit more clearer and brighter at times, and feels like your brain wakes up a little more. I can relate to this already, because my mini pop in 2011, your brain really really wakes up, and I realised we're all half asleep when awake and don't even know it.


12. I've had bursts of insight, clarity, and mental energy. One time I was writing down a theory for 5 hours non stop before my brain was finally tapped out!


13. Yesterday I made a new and very exciting connection. I was looking at youtube for videos of anhedonia, and one person said sarcosine (something I had never heard of) really helped their anhedonia. I then did some more googling into sarcosine and there are quite a few anecdotal reports of people using it to alleviate or completely cure their anhedonia! Sarcosine is a byproduct of glycine synthesize and degradation. It is used in conjunction with N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), and has something to with NMDA. You can find a little bit more about it here https://profrontal.com/, though there's not too much information, but the combination was designed to help people with anhedonia (and maybe other problems) because of something it does with NMDA. 


14. Hangover rebound is a term I've only yesterday just learnt was a thing. I know that in the past I've noticed euphoria and on top of the world feeling from some hangovers (when I wasn't practicing tickling), an effect I thought was strange at the time, but didn't realize other people got it either. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but need to look more into this.


15. I also wonder if there is a connection between my month of amygdala tickling (in 2011) and then my (first and only so far) mini pop while intoxicated, has something to do with this hangover rebound phenomenon. I think one of the current theories is it has something to do with NDMA, and if we go by the anecdotal reports of sarcosine & NAC which does work on NMDA (not sure how yet) and helps cure people of anhedonia, I think the intoxicated mini pop I experienced might all be linked. Don't forget this was after drinking and coming back from a club in a taxi, and if I know me back in 2011, I always made an effort to dance a lot (to try and build up confidence back then) which would always sober me up fast. So maybe I was experiencing a mini pop because of something to do with this hangover rebound and my prior month of amygdala tickling.


16. Oh I nearly forgot to mention, I'm getting some sexual pleasure build up just before ejaculation. More noticeable after doing a lot of tickling and I'm a little bit high when I engage in sexual activities, but could also be due to the electro acupuncture treatment. And no it's not just the cannabis, as there have been several previous experiences with weed which has resulted in no sexual pleasure the same as if I'm not high. I put this sexual pleasure build up around a 2 or 3. Don't forget I've suffered from ejaculatory anhedonia for 15 years now.


17. But I will say (and noted previously in this thread), sometimes cannabis enhances my amygdala tickling effects in different ways, most notably with changes of perception which has occurred the most often, the second effect less occurring is losing yourself in a train of thought and story with many images coming one after another, the one time last year where there was a strong swirling sensation in my amygdala area where I just stayed quiet for 15 minutes, and the recent (and one time) shooting slightly painful electric signals were going up my right leg and into my brain and my body was convulsing with it (I posted a anecdotal report of this happening to someone else from tickling who wasn't high from the old forum, check post #78). So while I say cannabis may make what should be normal amygdala tickling experiences more prominent, I don't really see it as a major enhancer or helps progress with tickling, and it's effect are hit and miss (most of the time nothing happens), with the change in perspective being the most likely occurrence.


18. --------------------------------------------------------------


I am trying to hold off on my theories, and the fact I haven't had a mental burst or enough insights recently to write them clearly.


But my last theory basically looks at all psychology as existing entirely on the quantum realm. Your thoughts, pleasures, and emotions. And your brain is just a huge quantum receiver, and all your brain biology, neurotransmitters, receptors, and neurochemicals are designed to receive and interpret this quantum reality properly (emotions, thoughts, pleasure).


When you mess with your brain biology (receptors, neurotransmitters, neurochemicals), whether through recreational or medicinal drugs, you are changing how you receive and process this quantum reality. Hence why you might trip and hallucinate on psychedelics, or reality is slower and more wavy on cannabis, or the psychological changes you get from alcohol, or any psychological side effects you get from medicinal drugs. 


The brain biology is designed to interpret reality as it was designed to do from the quantum realm, and messing with the biology, messes with the receiving. In a mentally "healthy" person this quantum realm is received more normally, while in a mentally ill person it isn't.


We already know both biology (drugs, nutrition, health) changes the psychology of people, and that you also biologically react in different ways from your own psychology (getting emotionally angry changes blood pressure and other biochemical responses for example).


Your subconscious and all negative emotional energy it holds onto through it's linkages, effect how you receive this quantum reality today (your psychology, thoughts, emotions, pleasure), and these subconscious linkages also have a biological knock on effect which is the reason your brain is not running at it's full potential (hence underused neurons). So when you suffer from anxiety, depression, anhedonia, or whatever mental illness, your signal from the quantum realm is being distorted/not properly received. It doesn't matter if your are biologically healthy, eat right, or exercise, you are still not psychologically healthy because the linkages of negative emotions are still held deep in your subconscious mind, and thus distort this reality and mental health.


This is why hypnosis working directly with the subconscious mind can make you happier, more confident, eliminate anxiety, etc... Because it tackles these issues by changing how your subconscious and brain interprets the quantum realm, by removing or converting the negative emotional linkages that was distorting or lowering this signal. So every time you discharge/neutralize/convert a negative emotional linkage in your subconscious, you feel mentally better, and the "past" no longer effects your psychologically anymore, because a better reception from the quantum realm is restored.


This also explains the synchronicity phenomenon you get from tickling, which was observed and the term coined by Carl Jung. I also think Lingo wrote a lot about 0 point instantaneous thought energy, which I haven't read into yet.


However to merely disregard this as foolish is foolish itself. As we have now firmly established that the quantum realm exists, and that quantum physics defy normal physical reality. So to theorize that our psychology or brain doesn't have anything to do with the quantum realm would be short sighted, and we should be open to this possibility that psychology is not merely biological in nature. Are not our thoughts and visual mind infinite?


I will go one step further and say all life and reality is interpreted from the quantum realm. DNA is the biological code that interprets the quantum realm, and also when genes turn on and off, they change the receiving signal from this realm and change your biology with it (hence why we go through stages in biology like growing or puberty or grey hair). If we genetically modified every single thing, insect, animal, plants, would not reality look a hell of a lot different? The same as when the faster we get to the speed of light, the more we can change the laws of time itself, physical reality. So who's to say we don't access this quantum realm through our mind, it could very well be a possibility.




Regardless, I now look forward to getting hold of some sarcosine & NAC and see what it can do. If it can help cure or alleviate anhedonia in a lot of normal people (who don't tickle). Then if it can help my anhedonia even a little bit, as I'm already getting slight results of alleviation from anhedonia from tickling alone, then that would just be super!




Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 16 May 2019 - 11:41 AM.

#99 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 18 May 2019 - 08:44 PM

Other strange happenings in my brain:


1. Auditory hallucinations in my brain!


So 16th May at night I ended up getting high. Toward the end of my high, I decided to tickle my amygdalas a lot. I started hearing something like the dull sound of water drops happening every so often in my brain! And then sometimes they’d stop, and another few minutes you’d hear another one. The best way I can describe it, is sounds like the sound of when you blink, and I was doing this with my eyes closed. Previously I’ve had popping sounds like fireworks echoing when I was high, but that happened only 3 times, this time it was more like 20+ times of dull water drops sounds.


Then 17th May before bed, I was doing a lot of tickling, and I hear the same dull water drop sounds, and this time I’m not high. It’s weird man.


Amygdala Tickling was originally coined as Amygdala Clicking by Lingo, because some people would hear clicks in their head.


2. Felt a shot of electricity shoot through my left hemisphere today!


Ok so I’m working at my computer doing work. Been working since 10am, and at about 3pm all of a sudden I feel electricity travel from the back of my left hemisphere to the front in about 1-2 seconds. And I wasn’t tickling, just working on bug testing an app.


3. Yesterday I got an emotional flashback for around 15 mins.


The emotional flashback wasn’t as intense or long as the previous ones, and I was able to snap out of it after 15 minutes. But it seems like I’m not 100% pass these as I thought. At least the occurrence is happening less often. For example at one point if I tickled, I was guaranteed to get emotional flashback the next day. Now the last one before this one was 4th of May. So that’s 13 days before I got that one yesterday (17th May).  


4. Through the day I feel electrical tingles in my brain and amygdala area.

Pretty much says it all.




None of this stuff is particularly fun or pleasurable. There has been no mini pops or pleasure, or orgasms or anything. Just weird and freaky stuff. In fact the first time I heard the water drop noises, it freaked me out a little bit and gave me a bit of anxiety. 


I’m just posting this here as observations. The more I write about this stuff, the more is sounds like bullshit. I’m getting a lot of weird experiences at the moment. Yes I wish I could just tickle, feel pleasure, or even orgasm from it, and not get all these extra crazy things, but I can’t. The only thing I like about these weird happening right now, is it’s new and different, and thus I must be progressing or something, so I’m going to keep pushing through.


Because I’m just reminded of that guys experience on the old brain explorers forum, that these zaps made it feel like he blew the top of his head off, and electric sensations coursing through his body, and pain in his left leg, and that he was too afraid to continue. I wouldn’t consider I’ve blown my head of yet (though the zap through the left hemisphere today was a first and maybe the start). But I’ve definitely experienced the electric sensations going up my body, and that pain in my right leg with electric going up to my brain (once when I was high). So I guess I’m round about where he/she was when they posted this years ago, shame they didn’t continue, I’d like to see what they would have experienced next.




A couple of years ago I was doing the clicking with what I thought were acceptable results..a definite change in perception.  Then, one night, suddenly it was like the top of my head came off.   The shift was so sudden and so powerful I thought I had lost my mind.  It lasted for some time and was accompanied by electrical sensations coursing through my body, with pain in my left leg.  

This happened a few more times over the next few weeks and ended with me being afraid to do the clicking anymore.  What happened?  Is this common?   No description I can write is adequate to portray what I experienced.  

Thanks for any thoughts,



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Posted 14 August 2019 - 02:48 AM

I MAY have found the last piece of the puzzle... NAC!


Okay so you've seen I've stopped posting for awhile. While weird and crazy things were happening to me and my brain. I was still getting emotional flashbacks, and I decided to take a break from it, and it's been 3 months since I've tickled.


But at the same time I stopped tickling, I started taking taking 2 new additions to my stack, 500mg NAC & 500mg Sarcosine.


Now I've been on a pretty good well rounded stack for awhile now for general health. But I have never cured my OCD, Anhedonia, Ejaculatory Anhedonia, or lack of Motivation.


But since I've started taking NAC & Sarcosine, my motivation and energy for life has been through the roof. I didn't even have time to waste on tickling my amygdalas anymore, I had too much to do, and not enough time to do it. Suffice to say productivity and work benefited greatly and continues to do so.


Another thing this combo has done, is reduced my anhedonia significantly. It's was hard to tell whether I was just my normal self or whether it was this combo, until I recently took a break off NAC & Sarcosine for a couple of weeks, and my motivation was gone again and I was googling things like "bored of life".


On the combo I've also started to find some foods and meals taste absolutely delightful, and things I've started eating that I don't enjoy, I'll stop and put back or chuck away.


Now here's where it get's really interesting for me when I stumbled across this post: https://www.longecit...d-side-effects/


The OP in this thread had OCD and Ejaculatory Anhedonia (for 4 years). He started supplementing NAC at 2400mg a day, and in 2.3 months, his OCD had reduced by 85-95%, and he had restored his orgasm.


He also experienced the same food tasting effects and started to become picky with food!


Now I've had OCD for a very long time, and Ejaculatory Anhedonia for 15 years i.e. I haven't had an orgasm in 15 years.


So I start doing some more googling, and low and behold, I never knew anorgasmia was relatively high in women with OCD! 51.2% in one study! And I feel this must translate for men with OCD and anorgasmia/ejaculatory anhedonia.


So I've just been googling and trying to find connections, and I think it all might be linked with low histamine in the brain. And that NAC helps increase histamine secretion.


I've posted most of the studies here: http://ejaculatoryan...pic,5473.0.html


One of the most interesting for me is this:



Tourette-like tics vanish in mice treated with histamine | YaleNews

5 Jun 2017 - Histamine's role in immunological reactions such as allergies has been intensively studied, but in recent years the neurotransmitter histamine in the brain has been linked to a variety of conditions, such as Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, autism and obsessive compulsive disorder, as well as Tourette syndrome.


And this:




Trichotillomania (TTM) is a disorder characterized by repetitive hair pulling resulting in hair loss and it is usually difficult to treat with a chronic course of illness. Currently, the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most frequently prescribed drugs for adults with TTM. Various studies and case reports give mixed results. Therefore, the treatment effectiveness of SSRIs remains uncertain. There is a growing interest regarding the use of glutamatergic agents in obsessive compulsive disorder and obsessive compulsive spectrum disorder. Here, we report an 18-year-old female patient with TTM, which successfully treated with glutamate modulator n-acetylcysteine.


I've actually only remembered, when I was young, I use to pull my eye lashes out. And here we have an 18 year old female with TTM being cured with NAC.


And let's not forget histamine is connected with arousal and sexual functions as well, so who says it's not connected to anorgasmia?


So I think a lot of it all comes down histamine imbalance in the brain, possibly low production.



NAC > Cured TTM in 18 year old girl (something I suffered from when I was younger, pulling out eyelashes)
NAC > Cured OCD of op of other thread (which I suffer from)

NAC > Cured Ejaculatory Anhedonia of op of other thread (which I suffer from)

NAC > Cured my general Anhedonia 

NAC > Cured my lack of Motivation

NAC > Made some foods and meals taste absolutely delightful


Which I think is mainly due to NAC restoring proper histamine balance in the brain. (simplified view, I'm no expert)




NAC > Cure my Emotional Flashbacks I was getting from tickling my amygdalas?



I think the biggest evidence for me. Is I've been covering all my Vitamins, Minerals, and taking some extra additions (pycnogenol, ginger, gingko) for a long time, but it's never had an effect on my OCD, Ejaculatory Anhedonia, Anhedonia, or Motivation for life. Only when I've added NAC+Sarcosine the latter 2 have significantly changed, and I believe with higher and continued doses of NAC could cure the former 2 also.


Last point. The reason I ended up taking only 500mg of each was irritability. Now I know irritability is associated with higher doses of Sarcosine, but I didn't know until recently that NAC reduces irritability in autism. So the past couple of days I've tried doses up to 5g of NAC, and have had no out of control irritability.


So I'm back on the amygdala tickling train again, hoping dosing NAC at 2500mg+ a day will prevent any emotional flashbacks from tickling and that I only get positive results from this practice from now on. Let's hope so!

Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 14 August 2019 - 02:50 AM.

#101 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 14 August 2019 - 05:15 PM

NOT YET, Emotional Flashback Just Like Clockwork


So I tickle my amygdalas last night, and bit throughout today. And I just literally had an emotional flashback. I will say it didn't seem as severe as previous times when I use to tickle, but remember I haven't had ANY emotional flashbacks in the 3 months I stopped tickling (when I took a break from it). Well now it seems like I need to go back on my break right away. 



I will reattempt amygdala tickling after I give high doses of NAC a try for 3+ months, and see if I can cure my ejaculatory anhedonia and OCD just like the op of the following thread did in 2.3 months of 2400mg of NAC: https://www.longecit...d-side-effects/


If NAC can cure my OCD (something I've suffered since childhood) and ejaculatory anhedonia (something I've suffered from the last 15 years), then I think my brain will be in a much healthier position to try amygdala tickling again. 500mg NAC & Sarcosine has already cured my general anhedonia and given me motivational drive in life like no other. So hopefully higher doses of NAC 3g+ over a period of time can sort the rest of my dysfunctional brain out, and prep it to handle emotional flashbacks from amygdala tickling better.

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Posted 19 August 2019 - 03:26 PM

Another piece of the puzzle found?
I was talking to someone on Discord, who told me how he cured his severe OCD (hand washing till the point of bleeding).
He referred me to this study:
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is briefly characterized, and several of the hypothesized neuroanatomical and neurochemical substrates of this etiologically heterogeneous syndrome are noted. Importantly, alterations in the CNS balance of monoaminergic neurotransmitter systems are probably involved in the pathobiology of OCD. Inasmuch as calcium (Ca) concentration regulates neuronal neurotransmitter release, presynaptic Ca deficiencies can disrupt normal neurotransmission. Supporting this, a case report is presented of a subject with intermittent OCD and comorbid cardiac pathology for whose latter condition a regimen of increasing doses of a Ca channel blocker (CCB) greatly exacerbated the OCD. Upon reducing, then discontinuing the CCB dose, the OCD sympomatology was greatly ameliorated. It is suggested that minimal use of CCBs is indicated for OCD subjects and that, if possible, they be substituted with other drugs. In view of the widespread use of CCBs, this cerebral Ca deficiency hypothesis of OCD etiopathogenesis should be further tested by seeking other OCD subjects, especially from cardiology practices.



He doesn't take Sarcosine or NAC. Rather he increased his mineral intake, his regime is:

salt= sodium-> 5-6g of salt is enough for RDA-> 4g~ of potassium total, most likely you don't get enough from food, at least I take 4g, since RDA is prolly too low, 400mg of magnesium/1g of calcium daily
I always throw salt into the water and try to avoid intake from other sources during a day
take 3g of supplemental potassium
and calcium/magnesium is quite easy to get anyway- poppy seeds and cocoa are 2 good examples of foods where u can get em



And I asked him was his OCD cured or reduced. He answered completely cured. Magnesium and Calcium I couldn't be deficient in. But I've never thought about Potassium or Sodium. Funnily enough I really like salt when I was younger.
Anyway I've been adding loSalt to my morning stack, which is 66% Potassium Chloride, 33% Sodium Chloride. Now the first day I tried 4g of loSalt (2.64g Potassium) with 3g NAC, and ended up with major insomnia. The second day I tried 10g of loSalt (6.6g Potassium) with 500mg NAC, and ended up with major insomnia. I also must have calculated this dose wrong, as I thought i wouldn't be hitting my potassium 4.5g, I think I must have used 33% in my calculation. Today I've used 2g (1.32g Potassium) with 2g NAC (and my regular 500mg Sarcosine, I took on all previous days also along with my normal stack). I'm very sensitive to supplements, and have to take them in low doses. This is also why I take everything in the morning. I'm hoping today I will be able to fall asleep fine tonight on 2g of loSalt.
But here's the interesting bit. Potassium (and possibly sodium), has a calming effect on my brain. I feel much more balanced, level headed, and don't have highs of life where I feel a bit out of control of my excitability.
Time will tell, but adding Potassium feels like it has corrected an imbalance in the brain. I don't even feel that OCD today (haven't been checking the doors to see if they're locked multiple times after I locked them).
It's only day 3, but I am going to start tickling again, and see if I can control or push through my emotional flashbacks I get from tickling with my new additions.
Oh and the last interesting thing he asked me was Trauma? I said yes, and he said it's a common in people with OCD. He also suffers from anorgasmia/ejaculatory anhedonia, i.e. no orgasm, even though he has been able to cure his OCD completely through higher mineral intake.
Anyway we'll see, but definitely have renewed hope with the increase of Potassium/Sodium, NAC, and Sarcosine. Hell my OCD doesn't feel much today at all, and I feel more calmer and level headed. Remember I didn't take any of this stuff before I went on a break from Amygdala tickling. So I'm getting back on the bandwagon again, and see if I can push through. Wish me luck!

#103 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 20 August 2019 - 12:09 PM

kkkzzk Re-fulling complete. kkkkzz Ground Control we're ready for take off. kkkkzz Roger that. kkkkzz T minus 10.



Sitting on this barstool talking like a damn fool

Got the twelve o'clock news blues
And I've given up hope for the afternoon soaps
And a bottle of cold brew
Is it any wonder I'm not crazy? Is it any wonder I'm sane at all
Well I'm so tired of losing- I got nothing to do and all day to do it
I go out cruisin' but I've no place to go and all night to get there
Is it any wonder I'm not a criminal?
Is it any wonder I'm not in jail?
Is it any wonder I've got
Too much time on my hands?
It's ticking away with my sanity
I've got too much time on my hands
It's hard to believe such a calamity
I've got too much time on my hands
And it's ticking away, ticking away from me
Too much time on my hands
(It's t-t-t-t-ticking away)
Too much time on my hands
(And I don't know what to do with myself)
Too much time on my hands
Too much time on my hands
Too much time on my hands
Too much time on my hands
Now, I'm a jet fuel genius - I can solve the world's problems
Without even trying
I got dozens of friends and the fun never ends
That is, as long as I'm buying
Is it any wonder I'm not the president
Is it any wonder I'm null and void?
Is it any wonder I've got
Too much time on my hands?
It's ticking away with my sanity
I've got too much time on my hands
It's hard to believe such a calamity
I got too much time on my hands
And it's ticking away, ticking away from me
Too much time on my hands
(T-t-t-t-ticking away)
Too much time on my hands
(And I don't know what to do with myself)
Too much time on my hands
Too much time on my hands
(T-t-t-t-ticking away)
Too much time on my hands
Too much time on my hands
(Too much time on my hands)
(Too much time on my)


Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 20 August 2019 - 12:23 PM.

#104 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 27 August 2019 - 09:57 AM

So update time:


1. The main thing that happens when I do amygdala tickling, is hear clicks in my head. They sound a lot like that squidgy noise when you rub your eyes, except it's in your head.


2. Some a little electric sensation going up my left neck. 



Emotional flashbacks and the frustration were appearing but I may have ameliorated somewhat.


3. 2 days ago I couldn't shake the feeling of frustration, and just before bed I tried self EMDR on youtube, and followed the moving dot for 10 minutes (didn't do any of the other things you're meant to do with EMDR). It seemed after 10 minutes the feeling finally left me which I had all day. But it's something I need to test more, just in case it was a placebo effect, or I was winding down to sleep.


4. I've been using self hypnosis to help with emotional flashbacks and trauma. And this hypnosis has post-hypnotic reinforcements, like every second I breath, shower, drive my car, and dream, the suggestions will be reinforced. The problem is I need to listen to it more, but going into hypnosis I've never enjoyed it (although getting better at it). The good news is, only after 2 listens, I feel 



Thought I was going to POP last night.


5. I've been drinking lager recently, to see if it had any effect on tickling, as my first mini pop was when I was drunk. It really doesn't do anything to help. However as I was falling asleep, my frontal lobes was shaking a lot, and I felt a bit like I was starting to float, it was crazy, I actually thought I was going to pop, but then I stopped tickling, was too tired. 


But what I realized, as I had also taken lavender pill and melatonin 300mcg, and the lager has hops in it and I had drunk a lot of it. I was actually falling asleep very fast, and in my last thought before going to sleep I was tickling. So I was sort of on the verge, that line between conscious and unconscious, because I still had slight will, but then said I'm too tired and fell asleep. I've noted my frontal lobes shaking feeling at the beginning of my journey in my dreams, Lingo called it a Frontal Lobes Shiver. But so far it has only happened in my dreams, or in this case on the verge of sleep.


I will say one thing, and I don't know why, maybe because I've had experiences like this before with this substance but forgotten, or some sort of hypnotic state. But my mind kept pointing to the melatonin. So I'm going to start taking that regularly every night, and see if I can click on the cusp of the conscious/unconscious verge.


6. Talking about dreams. They've been pretty horrific, in a good way. As in fighting evil at a castle, but without the fear. Almost like you're watching an episode of Futurama or something. They've been extremely vivid as well, not as blurry. I put the vividness down to melatonin mainly, but could also be due to the tickling. And I put these horrible dreams down to my post hypnotic reinforcement suggestion which deals with traumas.



Closing thoughts:


There's been a lot of frustration these past few days. Thinking I should give up on it all together. Feeling lost on my direction. Annoyed that results seem impossible to come by. That the physical trauma endured as a child, which caused me cptsd/ocd/anhedonia/anorgasmia is my biggest stumbling block, and a normal happy childhood person would be getting so much better results right now.


But to be honest, I honestly think this was the feeling at the time I was just dealing with, and EMDR seemed to ameliorate it (needs more testing though), as well as generally the post hypnotic reinforcements.


At the end of the day, it's either keep trying, or go home. People suffer with their PTSD all their lives, and everyone has their own trauma however small. 99.99% of people never experience their full brain potential or experience a frontal lobes pop. Hell I've only experienced a small one once, which only lasted 15 minutes.


I think the hardest thing for me is turning back on what I now know, and how far I've come. I can live the next 60 years of my life like everyone else, with regret of why didn't I at least try it for 6 years as originally planned. Or I can try and unlock my brains full potential, and try and ameliorate the negative side effects as I go through it.


At least I'm hearing clicks now in my normal waking life (don't have to be high to hear them). And are a great indicator that my tickling is working. Lets see where all this goes.

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Posted 31 August 2019 - 11:08 AM

Okay, results are finally happening! Let's go over yesterday, mainly in order of the day.


1. There is something to sodium & potassium, NAC & Sarcosine.


I took yesterday morning:

  • 2g NAC
  • 500mg Sarcosine
  • 2g loSalt (1.32g Potassium Chloride, 0.67g of Sodium Chloride)


Soon after I increased my sodium intake even more when I ate some Tomato soup and added table salt to it (didn't measure, but was salty tomato soup). Since that moment for most of the day, I felt very disassociated with myself, hard to concentrate on anything. There's something to increase electrolytes I think.


2. I then go a 4 hours later to work, and I'm SMILING! :D


I'm having uncontrollable natural smiles come on my face regularly. It's like a deep happy emotion coming out of nowhere, and I have to check myself in my car mirror to see if I'm smiling, and I am! I'm trying to tickle a little, but it's really hard to concentrate due to feeling so disassociated.


But it's hard to explain the smile. It was an INNER SMILE. Coming out of nowhere. No external triggers (except maybe some inner tickling thoughts). But I couldn't stop myself naturally smiling lol.


3. I got rid of my disassociation feeling bigly!


So I'm doing my job delivering in my car. And at one stop, as my partner goes to deliver the package as I stay in the car, I spend good time messaging my left temple, which is really really sore. Not my right temple, but my left one is really sore, the muscles of whatever. So I spend a good time massaging it. And guess what, after my massage, my disassociation abated greatly. After which I felt electric tingles in my left amygdala area. 


4. No emotional flashbacks, hypnosis seems to be working!


So I create an initial hypnosis file with some amygdala tickling/emotional flashbacks suggestions. I think I tranced to it only twice. I then created a new one, with more trauma based suggestions and automatic amygdala tickling, which I think I've tranced only once. Trancing isn't second nature, I've never been able to trance super easily. 


But the main thing is the suggestions in these files are reinforced every second I breath, shower, drive my car, or dream. i.e. try and reinforce them during my waking life, so I don't have to trance as much (which I'm not great at doing). And it seems to be working I think!


Here are some of the suggestions I'm using (they're repeated 3 times):

0. (Reinforcer) Now I am going to repeat the same hypnotic suggestions, and your subconscious will easily be able to stay in deep hypnosis and absorb each suggestion fully. The more you resist a suggestion, the stronger that suggestion becomes, and the stronger that suggestion becomes, the more the suggestion is accepted by your mind. And whenever a suggestion is repeated, it becomes more and more stronger in your mind, and when the suggestion repeats 3 times, it becomes a permanent part of your mind forever. And all these suggestions are reinforced permanently, every second you breeth, shower, drive your car, or dream when asleep.

1. Your subconscious knows when you are trying to tickle your amygdalas through various visualizations, and will make sure the fronts of the amygdalas and frontal lobes are stimulated, and will amplify this stimulation. And if any emotional flashbacks arise from tickling your amygdalas, your subconscious will replace these negative emotions from these flashbacks with forgiveness and love.

2. Your subconscious knows what feelings emotions and processes were required for your past frontal lobes pop. And whenever you tickle your amygdalas, your subconscious will use your past frontal lobes pop experience to create new ones.

3. You will tickle your amygdalas whenever you have free time, and it is safe to use your concentration. Tickling your amygdalas is fun and easy for you to do, and you do it as often as you can.


4. And every day, your subconscious will automatically stimulate the fronts of the amygdalas in the brain, every single second, until there is a full frontal lobes release. Every day, your subconscious will automatically tickle the fronts of the amygdalas in the brain, every single second, until there is a full frontal lobes release. It knows how to do this, and does it. This is a new subconscious routine being implanted in your subconscious, and your subconscious knows how to do this, and does it.


5. And every day, your subconscious will replace any emotional traumas, and negative emotions in your past, with forgiveness and love. And your subconscious will do this every day, until all your emotional traumas, and all your negative emotions in your past, are replaced with forgiveness and love. And if any emotional flashbacks arise from tickling your amygdalas, your subconscious will replace these negative emotions from these flashbacks with forgiveness and love.



5. I'm getting sharp and dull headaches.


As someone who never gets headaches normally, this is a pain in the head. However much this is due to tickling or experimenting with NAC/Sarcosine/Sodium/Potassium I can't tell you. I will say I went through a period of dull headaches for awhile last year when tickling, which I noted in this thread (posts 5 & 6). And I've been getting electric sensations and tingles in my body, left neck, and brain more often since tickling, so they're probably all connected to tickling more. Also the sharp headaches only lasts a few seconds.



Where do we go from here!!!


1. Keep listening to the hypnosis when I have time to do so and feel like I can relax into trance. 


2. Remember to incorporate temple massages every so often to make sure they're not extremely sore or tight.


3. Readjust my diet. I've decided to try and eat POTATOES! Lots of POTATOES! As in every proper meal, must include POTATOES! This is the easiest way I've decided to increase my potassium naturally. Which will increase my sodium also when I season them with normal table salt.


4. Readjust my supplement regime. I'm trying to tone down my supplement regime now, as I think increasing sodium and potassium is a better answer (especially from food). Thus I'm reducing loSalt to 1g in the morning, NAC to 500mg, and might drop my b-complex & gingko biloba completely.


5. Keep tickling!



Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 31 August 2019 - 11:23 AM.

#106 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 06 September 2019 - 09:37 PM

Last piece of the puzzle found?


1. So I've realized most of my electrical sensations in the brain, up through the body and neck, are all on the LEFT side.


2. https://people.socsc...-Psychiatry.pdf


“We found that veterans with PTSD exhibited significantly stronger oscillatory activity from 50 to 450 ms in the left amygdala compared to veterans without PTSD while processing threatening faces.”



3. Now here's the biggest part of it all. Lesson 83 from Lingo's book, Click into the Right Hemisphere.


"Also, you get closer to your sedentary frontal lobes through your child's right hemisphere than is possible through your adult's left-hemisphere. With right-hemisphere wisdom, no longer is there noise and friction in your Life. Even before full frontal lobes transcendence, you rise above it all -- above the nonsense and trivia -- by doing an end-around run through your right-hemisphere. You know -- simply know -- that this is the true way the 342 world works; the true way that all people should work. And would work, if only the left-hemisphered reptilian politicians and bosses would get out of the way. Everything -- from a drop of rain on a leaf of fescue grass glistening in the dawn ray to a love-winking star -- is absorbed in at-one-ment with your egoless Self. Everything is worship. Kindness. Elegance. Truth. Justice. There is no evil in the right-hemisphere; no killer ape. There is no confusion, pain or fear. Those negatives occur only in left-hemisphere neurosis. Right-hemisphere being -- just being -- is the magic of your eyes looking into those of a beloved with the unending, unbroken, unblinking gaze of infant trust; of infant honestly."




"you get closer to your sedentary frontal lobes through your child's right hemisphere than is possible through your adult's left-hemisphere."


"There is no confusion, pain or fear. Those negatives occur only in left-hemisphere neurosis."



4. When I tickle a lot, I can go into a very logical mode. And it seems I need to get my thoughts out and words out. (dominant left brain?)


5. I have had few pleasurable experiences in my journey. Just many strange happenings. My pleasure for things in life hasn't improved much. My anhedonia is mostly there. I'm not creative at all. (underused right brain?)


6. I did have another emotional flashback after my last post. (caused by left amygdala only?)



So this is probably the biggest connection I've made on my entire amygdala tickling journey. Is it possible to bypass all the negative effects I've been getting, and only get pleasurable effects, by only stimulating my right amygdala and excluding my left amygdala?


Lingo seems to think so. He said negatives only occurred in the left hemisphere neurosis, and there was no pain or suffering in the right. And that you can get to your sedentary frontal lobes faster through the right hemisphere.


Scientists showed PTSD veterans had significantly stronger oscillatory activity in the left amygdala only (and not in the right amygdala).


Most of my tickling journey has lacked pleasurable results (underused right brain?), but has contained negative results and strange happenings. Most of the electrical activity I feel is in my left hemisphere and left lower neck as I've noted several times. 



Last piece of the puzzle found? I can only hope.


So my journey begins anew. From this point forward, my right amydala is getting all the stimulation, and the left one is forgotten. Let's see where this takes me now.

Edited by TempBannedNotComingBack, 06 September 2019 - 09:42 PM.

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Posted 07 December 2019 - 12:48 AM

Oh the benefits of excessively writing on a public forum has come back to help.


So tickling my right amygdala didn’t bypass emotional flashbacks. So I’ve quit tickling my amygdalas since then (last 3 months), only with the occasional tickle to see what happens, and notice the behavioural changes.


Anyway since then I’ve been focusing on experimenting new supplements to add to my stack, as I was basically able to cure my OCD and much reduced anhedonia with NAC, but wanted to find other missing pieces to make me feel more mentally calm. Recently bought glycine to balance the NAC and however they both react with those NDMA receptors. Glycine, calms me mentally to the extreme. Only recently bought, but working that in my stack. Vitamin D 1000IU of the previous brand I was taking made a huge difference, compared to the current brand I was taking. Also doubling my b-complex.


And now drum roll, buda duda duda duda, thiamine! 


Previous thread of mine with lots of excessive talking: https://www.longecit...sexual-arousal/


So I was reading it, and I found some very interesting results:


* Reduced my OCD

* Sexual arousal was higher

* Motivation Higher

* Zen like control over my emotions (most interesting)

* Lower Anxiety


The reason I stopped the experiment, is because of brain fog and insomnia. 


But the zen like control over my emotions, and the stories I wrote, happened when I was not tickling my amygdalas.


Now even before this journey of amygdala tickling, my grumpiness, anger, and mood were getting worse with age. Have I ignored this vitamin for too long? If I can’t be zen like in my non amygdala tickling state, how can I face the deeper ingrained negative emotions that amygdala tickling brings out.


Also I’m not that smart, and don’t study or know enough on my experiments before undertaking them, throwing caution to the wind. So while I experimented with Thiamine HCL in megadoses, without a balance of a b-complex. I had no idea about benfotiamine. So I’ve ordered some and it’s coming tomorrow. I’m hoping I can get up to 500mg a day, but would settle for 250mg if I had to. I hoping the evolution of my stack compared to when I tried back then, will prevent things like the brain fog and insomnia I was getting.


Now here are some true stories I wrote about my thiamine experiment (remember without any tickling at the time):




Also I had a lot less stress when on sulbutiamine. For example the day I took it, and after writing this initial thread, I had to go out, and my sister was calling me to hurry up, but I couldn't stop typing and researching information on this thread, not until I was properly finished. Finally when I was done, I get ready and we start to leave, but she's still moaning at me for taking so long, and I'm indifferent to her complaints, so she lashes out and scratches me through my clothes. Then she got upset for lashing out and hurting me (some of my skin was grazed/scraped off), but it honestly didn't bother me at the time or even now. She was so upset with what she had done, that I had to calm her down and tell her it didn't matter, I forgave her, and let's get to the party. But usually something like that would of upset me a lot, because I have the firm belief that if someone can't handle a verbal argument or confrontation, then they should leave it, or not start one, but never resort to violence. When my sister would usually do something like this it would upset me and stress me out, I would think what gives her the right to act like that? But the sulbutiamine had made me happy and stress free, I was just thinking about all the possibilities of thiamine after writing this thread, and what a great supplement it might turn out to be if it's anything like sulbutiamine on it's effects. So really I just felt more relaxed, in control of my emotions; well actually I just felt high and excited, so I don't know whether I was in more control of my emotions, but rather the high and exciting emotions made it easy to block out any low and negative emotions. For example later on that day my dad said something callous that really angered me, but I had a hard time getting upset about the injustice done towards me; it's like when I tried to conjure up the negative feeling of anger, it just didn't overwhelm me where I could get badly stressed out about it.


The red text is especially intriguing as it sounds very similar to what amygdala tickling should do. Such high positive emotions blocking out the lower ones.






I had my first mini pop in 2011 only after a month of tickling. I know this because I was at Uni living in the dorms. I also first experimented with sublutiamine for the the first time ever that year. I remember experiencing its motivational effects while living in the dorm.


Did I top my brain up with thiamine, and then amygdala tickling worked a charm after that (within 1 month)?


Look at subsequent experiences I had with high dose of thiamine without any tickling (read red text above). It reads exactly like amygdala tickling, but I was getting it from sulbutiamine.


I’ve tracked down my post on a different forum on amygdala tickling.


My Mini Pop happened the 3rd of February 2011.


I don’t have an accurate date on sulbutiamine unfortunately. The first time I wrote about taking it was on the 16th of April 2011, which would be after I had my mini pop. But I could have bought it before then and taken it at times. I bought it off some nootropics website I can’t remember, and getting my order info would be hard because I’ve changed email addresses since then. 


But the connection of sulbutiamine and it’s eerily similar description to amygdala tickling except without the tickling gives me great hope. And makes me think though I logged my use of sulbutiamine 2 months later, I may have got it before February and taken it before my mini pop.


Regardless, this is probably the biggest nutritional connection I have with amygdala tickling.


1. Mini pop happened around the same time I first took sulbutiamine

2. Sulbutiamine itself (without tickling) gives positive emotions that override negative emotions and zen like stress freeness


I’m hoping my new evolving stack will negate previous side effects of thiamine megadoses (brain fog, insomnia). But according to my logs I didn’t get brain fog from sulbutiamine, it only happened with thiamine hcl. 


Anyway I’m going to order some sulbutiamine now just in case the benfotiamine fails me, the new journey on amygdala tickling begins soon, as soon as I get my stack in order and working for me without any tickling.


————————————————————— EDIT >

Using Google (as longecity’s user profile history doesn’t let you go years back), I found a thread on my sulbutiamine use: https://www.longecit...ic-dsyfunction/


The Sulbutiamine on the other hand, I only got recently, and took today.” 12th April 2011


I also wrote it doesn’t effect my motivation, which in later posts I said (and know) it does, so we can assume I didn’t take Sulbutiamine prior to my first mini pop.


However the red text above still gives me hope because of it’s similar attributes to amygdala tickling.


Also that thread was of me asking if sulbutiamine or broccoli helped alleviate my ejaculatory anhedonia/anorgasmia: “Anyway today some reason I was horny as hell, and had slight orgasmic sensations (nothing full blown) when ejaculating the second time.”


So I can add that to the possible list of low thiamine as I have yet to cure this problem in 15 years, and it may of helped.


Also I should note my memory in shot these days, like remembering things from yesterday or earlier on in the day. And I did use to binge drink a lot, mainly around the uni period, but every now and then if I drink too many then I can’t stop and end up binge drinking. Also my libido has been low for awhile now. And a bit of low back pain. Low thiamine indicators?


Last note, amygdala tickling before my first mini pop actually happened while I was drunk coming back in a taxi, and I had no indication I was going to pop, or no negative effects from amygdala tickling leading up to the pop, unlike now when I tickle and get negative effects.


 Anyway I’m sure I can provide an update in the next month once I’ve increased my thiamine intake.

Edited by Jesus is King, 07 December 2019 - 01:13 AM.

#108 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 07 December 2019 - 11:05 AM

Ok it's a good job I ordered some sulbutiamine, though it's freaking hard to find in the UK after that nootropics ban, damn you government, it's a freaking vitamin for the brain! But I'm going to have to wait a little longer for it to come (3-4 days).


But anyway here's why: https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC2435522/




Benfotiamine, a synthetic S-acyl thiamine derivative, has different mechanisms of action and a different pharmacological profile than lipid-soluble thiamine disulfide derivatives
Our results show that, though benfotiamine strongly increases thiamine levels in blood and liver, it has no significant effect in the brain. This would explain why beneficial effects of benfotiamine have only been observed in peripheral tissues, while sulbutiamine, a lipid-soluble thiamine disulfide derivative, that increases thiamine derivatives in the brain as well as in cultured cells, acts as a central nervous system drug. We propose that benfotiamine only penetrates the cells after dephosphorylation by intestinal alkaline phosphatases. It then enters the bloodstream as S-benzoylthiamine that is converted to thiamine in erythrocytes and in the liver. Benfotiamine, an S-acyl derivative practically insoluble in organic solvents, should therefore be differentiated from truly lipid-soluble thiamine disulfide derivatives (allithiamine and the synthetic sulbutiamine and fursultiamine) with a different mechanism of absorption and different pharmacological properties.


Anyway by luck I was googling sulbutiamine and I came across this report on reddit: https://www.reddit.c...amine_euphoria/



What a great decision. Dosage was 300mg twice a day. Effects were nearly immediate. Wakefulness, energy, confidence, very positive mood. Another poster described a feeling akin to "a swagger" and I wholeheartedly agree. Not at all dissimilar to the clean euphoric high and "invincible" confidence of insufflated cocaine, though completely without the stimulatory jitters or restlessness. No social inhibitions, enhanced verbal clarity, sharp wit, even a charisma. Also, my depression is (tentatively) cured.

At about day 14, I began to experience what I can only describe as waves of pleasure and euphoria throughout my chest and abdomen when thinking of my SO or engaging in enjoyable activities. The waves range from mild to intense, but never overwhelming. I would compare the more intense waves to a full-body orgasm.


All similar effects of amygdala tickling. But the last point of a full body orgasm was considerably alike to reported effects of amygdala tickling. While I never experienced any of that on sulbutiamine, but I also never really took it long term or routinely, but for it's immediate effects and stopped when tolerant built up (while this time I don't care about its immediate effects or tolerance, only that my brain is supplied with lots of thiamine). The former red highlighted text I did experience ad wrote down in my logs.



Also note to self, Arcalion is a pharmaceutical brand of Sulbutiamine.

Also sulbutiamine is heavy on the kidneys, don't mess with megadosing, but stick to 300-600mg a day max.

Edited by Jesus is King, 07 December 2019 - 11:10 AM.

#109 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 07 December 2019 - 07:26 PM


Powerful beneficial effects of benfotiamine on cognitive impairment and beta-amyloid deposition in amyloid precursor protein/presenilin-1 transgenic mice.




Reduction of glucose metabolism in brain is one of the main features of Alzheimer's disease. Thiamine (vitamin B1)-dependent processes are critical in glucose metabolism and have been found to be impaired in brains from patients with Alzheimer's disease. However, thiamine treatment exerts little beneficial effect in these patients. Here, we tested the effect of benfotiamine, a thiamine derivative with better bioavailability than thiamine, on cognitive impairment and pathology alterations in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, the amyloid precursor protein/presenilin-1 transgenic mouse. We show that after a chronic 8 week treatment, benfotiamine dose-dependently enhanced the spatial memory of amyloid precursor protein/presenilin-1 mice in the Morris water maze test. Furthermore, benfotiamine effectively reduced both amyloid plaque numbers and phosphorylated tau levels in cortical areas of the transgenic mice brains. Unexpectedly, these effects were not mimicked by another lipophilic thiamine derivative, fursultiamine, although both benfotiamine and fursultiamine were effective in increasing the levels of free thiamine in the brain. Most notably, benfotiamine, but not fursultiamine, significantly elevated the phosphorylation level of glycogen synthase kinase-3alpha and -3beta, and reduced their enzymatic activities in the amyloid precursor protein/presenilin-1 transgenic brain. Therefore, in the animal Alzheimer's disease model, benfotiamine appears to improve the cognitive function and reduce amyloid deposition via thiamine-independent mechanisms, which are likely to include the suppression of glycogen synthase kinase-3 activities. These results suggest that, unlike many other thiamine-related drugs, benfotiamine may be beneficial for clinical Alzheimer's disease treatment.


Contrary to the 2008 study in my last post, benfotiamine does effect the brain (and cognition) in this 2010 study. The last study concluded: Our results show that, though benfotiamine strongly increases thiamine levels in blood and liver, it has no significant effect in the brain. This would explain why beneficial effects of benfotiamine have only been observed in peripheral tissues, while sulbutiamine, a lipid-soluble thiamine disulfide derivative, that increases thiamine derivatives in the brain as well as in cultured cells, acts as a central nervous system drug. 


Will have to keep digging. 

Edited by Jesus is King, 07 December 2019 - 07:26 PM.

#110 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 07 December 2019 - 07:36 PM



Thiamine and benfotiamine prevent stress-induced suppression of hippocampal neurogenesis in mice exposed to predation without affecting brain thiamine diphosphate levels.

Thiamine is essential for normal brain function and its deficiency causes metabolic impairment, specific lesions, oxidative damage and reduced adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN). Thiamine precursors with increased bioavailability, especially benfotiamine, exert neuroprotective effects not only for thiamine deficiency (TD), but also in mouse models of neurodegeneration. As it is known that AHN is impaired by stress in rodents, we exposed C57BL6/J mice to predator stress for 5 consecutive nights and studied the proliferation (number of Ki67-positive cells) and survival (number of BrdU-positive cells) of newborn immature neurons in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus. In stressed mice, the number of Ki67- and BrdU-positive cells was reduced compared to non-stressed animals. This reduction was prevented when the mice were treated (200mg/kg/day in drinking water for 20days) with thiamine or benfotiamine, that were recently found to prevent stress-induced behavioral changes and glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) upregulation in the CNS. Moreover, we show that thiamine and benfotiamine counteract stress-induced bodyweight loss and suppress stress-induced anxiety-like behavior. Both treatments induced a modest increase in the brain content of free thiamine while the level of thiamine diphosphate (ThDP) remained unchanged, suggesting that the beneficial effects observed are not linked to the role of this coenzyme in energy metabolism. Predator stress increased hippocampal protein carbonylation, an indicator of oxidative stress. This effect was antagonized by both thiamine and benfotiamine. Moreover, using cultured mouse neuroblastoma cells, we show that in particular benfotiamine protects against paraquat-induced oxidative stress. We therefore hypothesize that thiamine compounds may act by boosting anti-oxidant cellular defenses, by a mechanism that still remains to be unveiled. Our study demonstrates, for the first time, that thiamine and benfotiamine prevent stress-induced inhibition of hippocampal neurogenesis and accompanying physiological changes. The present data suggest that thiamine precursors with high bioavailability might be useful as a complementary therapy in several neuropsychiatric disorders.




Long-Term Cognitive Improvement After Benfotiamine Administration in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease.

To date, we still lack disease-modifying therapies for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Here, we report that long-term administration of benfotiamine improved the cognitive ability of patients with AD. Five patients with mild to moderate AD received oral benfotiamine (300 mg daily) over 18 months. All patients were examined by positron emission tomography with Pittsburgh compound B (PiB-PET) and exhibited positive imaging with β-amyloid deposition, and three received PiB-PET imaging at follow-up. The five patients exhibited cognitive improvement as assayed by the Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE) with an average increase of 3.2 points at month 18 of benfotiamine administration. The three patients who received follow-up PiB-PET had a 36.7% increase in the average standardized uptake value ratio in the brain compared with that in the first scan. Importantly, the MMSE scores of these three had an average increase of 3 points during the same period. Benfotiamine significantly improved the cognitive abilities of mild to moderate AD patients independently of brain amyloid accumulation. Our study provides new insight to the development of disease-modifying therapy.


I'm assuming the 36.7% increase uptake in the brain was thiamine, but I may be interpreting this study incorrectly from it's abstract.

#111 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 07 December 2019 - 07:39 PM



Comparative autoradiographic investigations on the tissue distribution of benfotiamine versus thiamine in mice.



The tissue distribution of two therapeutically applied preparations of B-vitamins were investigated in blood and selected organs (liver, brain, muscle, kidney) of laboratory mice using autoradiographic techniques. Incorporation of lipid-soluble 3H-benfotiamine (CAS 22457-89-2) and water-soluble 3H-thiaminehydrochloride (CAS 67-03-8) (200 microCi, equivalent to 105 mg vitamin/kg body weight) was monitored between 0.75 and 168 h after an oral or subcutaneous administration. The labelled tissue slices were autoradiographically analysed after a differential histochemical extraction procedure to evaluate the respective total radioactivity, the uptake into lipid-soluble, water-soluble and residual macromolecular compounds. Evaluation of these autoradiographic data (given as mumol vitamin preparation/mg tissue equivalent) proved that benfotiamine is incorporated much better than thiaminehydrochloride independent of the administration mode. In muscle and brain tissue a 5 to 25 fold higher amount of tracer incorporation was registered following benfotiamine as compared with the thiamine application, whereas in all other organs the difference in the label was mostly between 10 and 40%. Concerning the organ specific distribution, liver and kidney were the structures labelled highest by both substances and administration procedures. In the liver, concerning all incorporation times, a higher proportion of residual macromolecular compounds was found, whereas in the kidney the proportions of lipid- as well as of water-soluble materials prevailed. These data should be clinically relevant.


Edited by Jesus is King, 07 December 2019 - 07:40 PM.

#112 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 07 December 2019 - 07:43 PM



Thiamine and benfotiamine counteract ultrasound-induced aggression, normalize AMPA receptor expression and plasticity markers, and reduce oxidative stress in mice.

The negative societal impacts associated with the increasing prevalence of violence and aggression is increasing, and, with this rise, is the need to understand the molecular and cellular changes that underpin ultrasound-induced aggressive behavior. In mice, stress-induced aggression is known to alter AMPA receptor subunit expression, plasticity markers, and oxidative stress within the brain. Here, we induced aggression in BALB/c mice using chronic ultrasound exposure and examined the impact of the psychoactive anti-oxidant compounds thiamine (vitamin B1), and its derivative benfotiamine, on AMPA receptor subunit expression, established plasticity markers, and oxidative stress. The administration of thiamine or benfotiamine (200 mg/kg/day) in drinking water decreased aggressive behavior following 3-weeks of ultrasound exposure and benfotiamine, reduced floating behavior in the swim test. The vehicle-treated ultrasound-exposed mice exhibited increases in protein carbonyl and total glutathione, altered AMPA receptor subunits expression, and decreased expression of plasticity markers. These ultrasound-induced effects were ameliorated by thiamine and benfotiamine treatment; in particular both antioxidants were able to reverse ultrasound-induced changes in GluA1 and GluA2 subunit expression, and, within the prefrontal cortex, significantly reversed the changes in protein carbonyl and polysialylated form of neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) expression levels. Benfotiamine was usually more efficacious than thiamine. Thus, the thiamine compounds were able to counteract ultrasound-induced aggression, which was accompanied by the normalization of markers that have been showed to be associated with ultrasound-induced aggression. These commonly used, orally-active compounds may have considerable potential for use in the control of aggression within the community. This article is part of the Special Issue entitled 'Current status of the neurobiology of aggression and impulsivity'.


#113 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 07 December 2019 - 08:17 PM



I have been taking benfotiamine for four days now. It has been everything I hoped thyroid would be. The effects on the brain have been amazing. The world looks like it was before I got sick. I feel pleasure in random events, everything feels more interesting. I feel less angry and irritated. I have loads of energy and I feel like I want to do things. There have been other effects as well like better muscle function, easier breathing, increased appetite, more pleasure from food, a very strong libido, increased heart rate and the skin looks better.

I went from 50mg to 100mg and continue to experiment and it has been the best supplement or drug I have ever tried.



Very interesting anecdotal report.

Edited by Jesus is King, 07 December 2019 - 08:29 PM.

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#114 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 07 December 2019 - 08:23 PM



I started B1 (benfotiamine) about 3-4 weeks ago. I'm taking 80mg one time a day. Had some decent responses (sleeping a little better, a little warmer, skin a little better). However, I've noticed some calf cramping the past 2 weeks or so.



I experienced calf cramping when doing my megadosing thiamine hcl experiment.


Note to self: Must make sure my magnesium and potassium intake (potatoes) is sufficient.



https://raypeatforum...ty.24091/page-2  - 

Need Sustainable Nootropics For Mental Acuity



Thanks, that's a good suggestion for most people. But I've already tried Thiamine Hcl and even Mononitrate (up to 1500mg/dose), Benfotiamine (250-500mg), Sulbutiamine, and Allithiamine. Surprisingly Benfotiamine was the best and Sulbutiamine the strangest, but I only get mild effect from all of them.




Just collecting anecdotal reports here on benfo, might stop posting the links as they're not that relevant to tickling and I just want to know peoples experienced.

I'm also gonna recommend Benfotiamine like most of the others because I am experimenting with it right now and can eat twice the carbs (white rice, potatoes, grapes). In fact it feels like I have to up the carbs with Benfo and even more so when I stack it with aspirin and other related tools.

Edited by Jesus is King, 07 December 2019 - 08:27 PM.

#115 zorba990

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Posted 08 December 2019 - 03:26 PM

I use allithiamine when needed. It's also OTC (fat soluble thiamine). Coconut water is excellent for potassium (I use 'harmless coconut water' which has nearly 1g potassium per bottle). I aim for 4 g per day potassium now.
I suggest getting TD Lingo's original source material as well and go though that. There are some interesting exercises there that will help. Hydration is essential to avoid cramps as well....

#116 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 03:21 PM

I can say without a doubt benfotiamine gives a lot of bodily energy, but I didn't get the stress free/positive emotions overcoming the negative emotions thing I previously got with sulbutiamine. Also I got insomnia, but I did try a mega dose on the first day/yesterday (1000mg benfo), only took 250mg/1 pill today. I know my thinking has gone down hill today, but that could be due to the lack of sleep first caused by thiamine hcl and then benfo these last few days.

Once I get my sulbutiamine in the next couple of days, my stack will be complete, and it will simply be a working out the correct dosages of all of them over the next few weeks, and trying to recreating a consistent stress free, OCD free, happy brain (without tickling), and good night sleep if possible. Once that's done I'll look into tickling again.

I use allithiamine when needed. It's also OTC (fat soluble thiamine). Coconut water is excellent for potassium (I use 'harmless coconut water' which has nearly 1g potassium per bottle). I aim for 4 g per day potassium now.
I suggest getting TD Lingo's original source material as well and go though that. There are some interesting exercises there that will help. Hydration is essential to avoid cramps as well....

I did look into that product, but it wasn't readily available here in the UK except import. The other thing is I have previous positive experiences with sulbutiamine that were similar to tickling (so I wanted to try it again once I saw that connection), and I was able to get benfotiamine for a good price from a good brand on amazon (with free next day delivery) and wanted to give this form a go. I have looked into Lingo's exercises, but I'm more interested in mastering trance and hypnosis first as I can use it for things non related to tickling and related to tickling.

@zobra990 - I do want to ask you a question. As you've been taking allithiamine when needed. I wanted to know, have you every experienced negative effects from tickling your amygdalas? Of have they only been positive effects? Or what is your age if you don't mind me asking?

Edited by Jesus is King, 09 December 2019 - 03:54 PM.

#117 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 10 December 2019 - 12:14 PM



Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease can lead to low stomach acid production but it has also been known since 1978 that thiamine deficiency can also lead to low stomach acid. Low stomach acid can lead to all kinds of gut issues and nutrient deficiencies. This makes thiamine extremely important for the digestion of proteins and fats.


Heres another indication I’ve had thimaine deficiency. Last night I smoked a small joint of weed for the first time in a long while, and I got super high and ended up eating like a pig. I then usually get the worst nights sleep due to indegestion and acid reflux, but even though my stomach was full to the brim, no acid reflux, slept all night on a super full stomach, and got no weed nausea stomach I usually get the day after with weed.



Edited by Jesus is King, 10 December 2019 - 12:18 PM.

#118 zorba990

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Posted 13 December 2019 - 02:44 AM

I have had to work through some PTSD type traumas in the past and with amygdala worksimilar events have come up. Once recently at work I heard a loud noise and had an immediate memory of a head trauma come back quite full -- I saw the ground come up at me and spin as my head turned. It was quite odd but lasted probably sub second. Afterwards I felt a sense of calm and clear-headed ness that has persisted ever since. Another layer of yucky stuff gone. Most fear seems to be gone, but then this makes anger less controlled so that is more work to do...

#119 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 18 January 2020 - 10:45 PM

I have had to work through some PTSD type traumas in the past and with amygdala worksimilar events have come up. Once recently at work I heard a loud noise and had an immediate memory of a head trauma come back quite full -- I saw the ground come up at me and spin as my head turned. It was quite odd but lasted probably sub second. Afterwards I felt a sense of calm and clear-headed ness that has persisted ever since. Another layer of yucky stuff gone. Most fear seems to be gone, but then this makes anger less controlled so that is more work to do...

Thanks for sharing your story. I know I suffer from C-PTSD from childhood abuse, hence why the emotional flashbacks from tickling, and it isn’t easy to resolve.


However check this out: https://www.naturalb...maceutical.html



MDMA Inches Away From Becoming FDA-approved Pharmaceutical


A set of clinical trials for MDMA, sponsored by the non-profit Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) has now reached “Phase 3,” which brings the substance just a few steps away from getting approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Only drugs that show promising results during Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials are considered for Phase 3 trials. According to MAPS, their Phase 2 trials involved 107 subjects with PTSD, and they saw incredible results from the study. After just three sessions of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, 61% of the participants were no longer showing major symptoms of PTSD when they were evaluated two months after their treatment, and that number jumped to 68% after 12 months.


All of the participants in the study had very severe “treatment-resistant PTSD” that they lived with for an average of 17.8 years.


Brad Burge, director of strategic communications at MAPS, told Forbes, “We’re literally rewiring neural connections in the brain. If you look at what MDMA and other psychedelics do, they’re encouraging neuroplasticity. So they encourage neurons to make new connections, to get out of the old connections and to make new ones.”


Associate Social Worker Ashley Booth, who helped facilitate the Phase 3 trials, says that the MDMA allowed the patients “to look at trauma in their lives without being re-traumatized.”


“It’s common for people who’ve had a trauma to take on responsibilities, like ‘I shouldn’t have walked down that alley, or talked to that person. MDMA has psychoactive properties that lower activity in the amygdala, which is the fear center of the brain, and allows people to look at themselves from a more empathetic perspective,” Booth says.


MDMA is still a schedule 1 drug that is heavily prohibited by the US government. Until recently, the substance has been popularly known as a recreational club drug called “ecstasy,” but studies in recent years have shown its incredible potential as a tool for therapy.


Additional clinical trials are currently taking place at 15 research sites, including Boston, Montreal, Charleston, San Francisco, and Tel Aviv.

Unfortunately I’ll have to wait until this becomes legal for medicinal purposes in the U.K., and would have to be diagnosed with PTSD as well, not an easy task I would think as the substance is abused recreationally.


It’s interesting that it lowers the activity in the amygdala and allows you to look back at your traumas empathetically. One thing about the frontal lobes pops I’ve read, is a huge increase in empathy.


Has ecstasy all this time been the perfect amygdala tickling side drug?


If it were possible to get my hands on it and experiment with small doses and knowing it was pure I might, but then there’s the risk of it’s legality. Anyway glad trials are going on, I’m hoping if things don’t resolve with self experimentation, at least science in the next decade will hopefully find a solution to it all, I’ll be 41 by then, plenty of time to live happily ever after. :D

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#120 zorba990

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Posted 22 January 2020 - 02:20 AM

I would forget all that and go for Epitalon or something else that enhances memory or sleep / dream like Lions Mane, etc.

You may also which to trial Agmatine :: https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC5616847/

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: amygdala, visualization, frontal lobes, brain exercise

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