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My method of increasing telomeres (under construction)


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#1 Kentavr

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Posted 28 February 2018 - 09:31 PM

under construction...


but... please judge. (the method does not yet provide comprehensive protection against cancer)


Creation of a condition for facilitating telomere elongation


1. The main auxiliary component: Ubiquinol 200 mg / day


I accept it sometimes. I recommend a course of 1.5 months. Rest - 2 weeks


What is it needed for:
  • intensifies all processes through the production of adenosine triphosphate acid -> increases the effectiveness of all other drugs. 
    This is important if you want most of your medicines to work more effectively!
 If the telomere lengthening process is stimulated, it will be more effective together with the administration of this drug
2. Fish oil in digestible form of triglycerides (on the reverse side of the bank there should be an inscription: DHA as TG; EPA as TG) 
2000-2500 mg / day when converted to acids.
Therefore, I drink concentrates in the form of triglycerides, since it is better to take 2 capsules with 1000 mg of omega-3 than 7-8 capsules of regular fish oil. But I accept necessarily in the form of TG
I accept it sometimes. I recommend on a permanent basis
What is it needed for:
  • If you drink constantly, the brain will not dry out
  • Increases the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins
  • The telomere shortening process slows down. If the telomere lengthening process is stimulated, it will be more effective together with the administration of this drug
Stimulation of the telomere extension process
Auxiliary food intake
1. decaffeinated coffee
  • Extends telomeres.
I do not drink yet (I'm considering). I recommend drinking 1-2 cups of coffee, not containing caffeine, per day
Attention! Caffeine, contained in drinks (coffee, black and green tea), despite the fact that it helps to solve some problems, reduces telomeres
Support for the growth of telomeres in a comprehensive program
The main factors that stimulate the growth of telomere
2. A drug called "endoluten"
a mixture of peptide fractions isolated from the epiphysis of young animals (calves)
  • stimulates the production of melatonin (own!), which penetrates into the cells of our body and activates telomerase.
Attention! Taking exogenous (not your own!) Melatonin can lead to a malfunction of your own endocrine system, which can cause brain cancer!
Endoluten helps to produce its melatonin, and initiates the reverse process: an impediment to the development of cancer by stimulating the production of its own melatonin.
I accept myself. Course of admission: 1 capsule 1 time in 3 days. At 10:00 (this is the most effective use of the drug, and this is the course). 1 pack containing 20 capsules is consumed in 2 months. The manufacturer recommends repeating the course 2 times a year, I drink about 4 times a year (I drink the first year and it is not over yet)
One of the main activators of telomerase
3. The astragalus root (or root concentrate) is 5 to 30 g / day (more preferably: 15 to 30 g / day)
  • Activation of telomerase
While I consider the possibility of admission.
One of the main activators of telomerase
4.(R+S)-Alpha-lipoic acid / R-Alpha-lipoic acid / Na-Alpha-lipoic acid
  • Activation of telomerase

I take in a concentration of 600 mg / day (R+S)-Alpha-lipoic acid. I take it infrequently. I consider the possibility of switching to Na-Alpha-lipoic acid (it is 20 times more bioavailable than R-Alpha-lipoic acid, and 40 times more bioavailable than (R+S)-Alpha-lipoic acid) S-Alpha-lipoic acid It does not work in our body


Attention! According to friends, with prolonged intake of 600 mg / day, allergic reactions are possible (the body begins to itch), which end after stopping the intake. Therefore, I treat with caution and try periodically, following the reaction of the body.

One of the main activators of telomerase
5. Revalab SL 03 (sublingual preparation, contains a peptide epithalon)
I accept, 5 drops 1 time every 3 days at 10:00. When I take this drug, then I do not accept "endoluten". 
  • This drug acts stronger than, but also quickly the effect is reduced.
  • "Endoluten" acts milder, but longer. In general, "Endoluten" is stronger (within 3 days).

I recommend that the drug be combined with "endoluten"


One of the main activators of telomerase

6. NADH (a drug "ENADA NADH"), sublingual drug (10-20 mg/tablets)
  • Extends telomeres

I do not use. Considered.


Maybe, one of the main activators of telomerase

+ do not drink caffeinated drinks
+ do not eat much sweet
+ eat more plant food
+ exercise 20 minutes a day
(All this also lengthens the telomeres, or does not allow them to be greatly shortened)
Protection against cancer
1. Endoluten (I spoke about him above) 
2. Vladonix (Support thymus, google help :)  - Course 2 times a year for 20 capsules, with problems with immunity - 60 capsules after the advice with a doctor.I accept.
3. Dihydroquercetin (drug company https://www.ametis.ru/ ). 
International name: Taxifolin.
The cleanest dihydroquercetin in the world (!) 99,0 - 99,5% Heating in production is not higher than 50 degrees Celsius.
Solvents at all stages - only ethanol and water. The process is patented.  
Attention! Do not take Dihydroquercetin in the form of tablets! Only in capsules! When pressed, it polymerizes
efficiency decreases
polymerized product can clog vessels!
  • Initiates the process of cell apoptosis by activation NQ01 --> p53
  • Has a synergy effect with vitamin C
  • Suspected of a synergistic effect with tocotrienols upon activation of the apoptosis process (via p53) - The effect should be much stronger, because on a scale ORAC taxifolin stands above quercetin, which exhibits a similar synergistic effect with tocotrienols 
I accept. But the less pure form: 96-98%, which is also very good. In capsules. However, I want to switch to this drug.
My course: 60-120 mg / day, the course 2-3 months 2 times a year.
Destroys cells with short telomeres and cancer cells by activating the process of apoptosis
4.Tocotrienols - considered. I do not yet use
Enhancement of stem cell division
A drug "ВЕЗУГЕН"
I accept (sometimes) 60 capsules 2 times a year (4-5 capsules per day).
I recommend taking 60 capsules 2 times a year (4-5 capsules per day).
Attention! Possible colic in the abdomen! In case of occurrence, stop taking the drug for 4-5 days, then resume again.
  • Increase the division of OWN (!) Stem cells 3 times (!) (Mesenchymal stem cells of blood vessels and bone marrow)
Google to the rescue :)
Extension of the vital resource of the body, rejuvenation
Other: SkQ1, vitamin D, etc. in the early stages of consideration.
Comments, please!  :)
All the information mentioned above is of a recommendation nature! The author of this post is not responsible for the choice of other people.


Edited by Kentavr, 28 February 2018 - 09:50 PM.

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#2 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 01 March 2018 - 04:11 PM

I'd like to see the evidence that exogenous melatonin causes brain cancer.


I'd also like to know more about "ВЕЗУГЕН" and if you have a source for SKQ1 besides the eye drops.




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#3 MikeDC

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Posted 01 March 2018 - 05:10 PM

What will surprise everyone is NR is the most potent way to maintain telomere length.

Cells can maintain telomere length can avoid senescence if you can keep cells healthy. The only way to keep cells of older people healthy is

to increase NAD+ through NR.



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#4 Kentavr

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Posted 01 March 2018 - 09:02 PM

I'd like to see the evidence that exogenous melatonin causes brain cancer.


I'd also like to know more about "ВЕЗУГЕН" and if you have a source for SKQ1 besides the eye drops.


About melatonin:
Watch this video (about oncology: time 5:51 - 6:10):
"Melatonin itself is not a hormone, but long-term ingestion of extraneous melatonin can lead to effects similar to the abolition of hormones, then there will be a collapse in the immune system, and a person can become an eternal client of an oncologist."
It was also described in more detail in the book of the company "NPCRIZ", as I will find a book - I will lay out the exact wording.
Also earlier in one of the news gerontologist Havinson warned against the reception of extraneous melatonin precisely because of oncological problems. In the video, he reported that at recent scientific congresses this was mentioned.
If I find it, I'll give you a link.
About the drug "ВЕЗУГЕН" - это (peptide H-LYS-GLU-ASP-OH) is a stimulant of mesenchymal stem cells
Please pay attention: your own stem cells! You do not have to go to the clinic!
I met personally with Gorgiladze at the exhibition "Intercharm 2017", which was held in Moscow in the autumn of 2017. When asked if this peptide stimulates the production of other stem cells, he informed me that the stimulation effect was also noticed in the bone marrow.
The news about the preparation "ВЕЗУГЕН", which I published earlier: 

About SkQ: 
Since I live in Moscow, I have the opportunity to buy a drug "ВИЗОМИТИН" in the pharmacy:
However, I do not buy it, but I wait for the drug intended for the whole organism. It should go on sale within 2 years.
about NAD+:

What will surprise everyone is NR is the most potent way to maintain telomere length.

Cells can maintain telomere length can avoid senescence if you can keep cells healthy. The only way to keep cells of older people healthy is

to increase NAD+ through NR.



Perhaps this is not the only way to maintain a healthy level of NAD + to increase telomeres.
Check out this news:
(However, I can not fully trust this study)

Edited by Kentavr, 01 March 2018 - 09:37 PM.

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#5 bariotako

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Posted 07 March 2018 - 03:24 PM

Attention! Taking exogenous (not your own!) Melatonin can lead to a malfunction of your own endocrine system, which can cause brain cancer!" 



Why are you spreading lies ? 

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#6 Iuvenale

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Posted 09 March 2018 - 02:54 PM

A quick Pubmed search finds many articles on melatonin and cancer, but all of them say it's beneficial. 

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#7 MikeDC

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Posted 09 March 2018 - 03:20 PM

Sirt6 has been found to regulate telomerase activity. Anthrocyadinins has been found to increase sirt6 activity up to 50 fold.

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#8 Turnbuckle

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Posted 09 March 2018 - 04:22 PM

So what are your test results, Kentavr? Surely you've had your telomeres tested.

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#9 Kentavr

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Posted 10 March 2018 - 10:30 PM

Hello! I will try to answer all your questions and comments. Before answering the questions I want to make some explanations.
The fact is that some methods and ways of extending life, which I'm considering, are not yet being discussed at the forum.
I see two reasons for this situation:
* Some of the drugs that I'm considering were not discussed at the forum (because the drug is unknown in the world and developed inside Russia and for Russia).
* Some drugs did not receive enough attention (important features were missed).
I will continue to publish interesting drugs and techniques that deserve attention. It will be interesting!
However, I ask you to leave comments in my news. I am very pleased to see your interest. I see that my comments do not pass in vain, and it's tempting me to write new comments.
Therefore, ask, ask questions! I will try to answer everyone!


Attention! Taking exogenous (not your own!) Melatonin can lead to a malfunction of your own endocrine system, which can cause brain cancer!" 



Why are you spreading lies ? 


Commentary specialist company "npcriz" I cited above. It says that prolonged use of melatonin can cause the effect of drug withdrawal.
Also, I plan to re-purchase the brochure of company "npcriz", which refers to the negative effect of taking "external" melatonin (my wife discarded the brochure as unnecessary). I plan to publish a leaflet of the brochure leaflet with information about it.


A quick Pubmed search finds many articles on melatonin and cancer, but all of them say it's beneficial. 



I really have not found the information in scientific articles that "external" melatonin has an increased risk of brain cancer.


Moreover, melatonin shows a protective effect against various cancers.


However, I admit that:


  • The information can be quite new, and the results of the research are not yet published.
  • Information is not published in order to avoid panic patients (as well as in the pursuit of profit).


Unfortunately, this sometimes occurs even in Europe.


For example, in the case of parabens that cause breast cancer, and yet, they are still used in deodorants and toothpastes and even in napkins for children! Because in case of publicity, companies lose money and will be overwhelmed with claims from consumers.


I do not exclude such a fact in the case of melatonin. Either these studies have simply not been published and are being discussed only at conferences.


I will write a letter to the company npcriz on this matter with a request to justify their comments.


Sirt6 has been found to regulate telomerase activity. Anthrocyadinins has been found to increase sirt6 activity up to 50 fold.



If you pay attention to Figure 1:




then you will notice that these flavonoids are very similar in structure to taxifolin: 





So what are your test results, Kentavr? Surely you've had your telomeres tested.


Turnbuckle, I read some of your comments in other form branches.

I share your assumption that C60 is effective in olive oil because it serves as a conduit for flavanoids of olive oil.
I also like your other comments. they are thoughtful.
According to length tests telomeres.
I have not done them yet, since it is important to determine the following:
  • Determine the methodology (what, how much and what time I will take). Until I finally did not.
  • Choose which test I will perform: short telomeres, medium telomeres, etc.
  • Choose a supplier of tests based on the ratio of price / quality. Money for me is an essential fact.
I would also like to inform you that I highlight two key factors in the aging process:
1. The length of the telomeres.
2. Methylation of DNA.
The second factor is very significant. Recent research suggests that even with long telomeres, a person grows old.
And he grows old because of DNA methylation (change in gene expression).
The most likely reason for changing gene expression is not only the length of telomeres (although it also causes a change in gene expression).
Suspect: hypothalamus. It is in it that scientists assume the presence of a "built-in biological clock." Change in gene expression occurs by changing the hormonal background, which controls the hypothalamus.
Hypothalamus is the command center. His watch counts the move, and he gives orders to change the hormonal background. As a result of changes in the hormonal background, gene expression changes.
One of the ways I'm considering is the elongation of the telomere of the hypothalamus.
Purpose: to create positive feedback.
1. The hypothalamus is partially rejuvenated by changing the expression of genes.
2. Changing the team from the hypothalamus leads to a cormonal shift in a younger age
3. Markers of genomes change to a younger profile. Including the hypothalamus.
Recent studies show that the simple activation of telomerase does not change the profile of DNA methylation on a younger one. Even if the activation of telomerase.
You will not have diseases associated with short telomeres
That is, you will grow old, but you will not be ill with the diseases caused by shortening telomeres.
And it is DNA methylation that is suspected as the second key factor that is controlled by regulating the hormonal background with the help of the hypothalamus.
That is why in my technique it is planned to pay special attention to the drugs that are injected "sublingually"! Reason: after absorption, the drugs go first to the brain. Consequently, telomerase activators, administered sublingually, should more effectively affect the hypothalamus.


Edited by Kentavr, 10 March 2018 - 10:53 PM.

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#10 Nate-2004

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Posted 11 March 2018 - 02:22 PM

While I agree with your point about the hypothalamus I don't think it's just epigenetic expression through methylation though, a lot of features of old age, especially around appearance and physique are due to the accumulation of collagen and elastin disrupting advanced glycation end products, dysfunctional mitochondria, and other damage products of metabolism. There's not ever going to be just this one thing like telomeres. NAD+ drops are just a downstream result of any number of possible causes, in my opinion the involution of the thymus, inflammaging, and the accumulation of senescent cells. CD38 is a huge NAD+ consumer and an increase in this is theoretically SASP.

Edited by Nate-2004, 11 March 2018 - 02:24 PM.

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#11 Kentavr

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Posted 11 March 2018 - 08:08 PM

While I agree with your point about the hypothalamus I don't think it's just epigenetic expression through methylation though, a lot of features of old age, especially around appearance and physique are due to the accumulation of collagen and elastin disrupting advanced glycation end products, dysfunctional mitochondria, and other damage products of metabolism. There's not ever going to be just this one thing like telomeres. NAD+ drops are just a downstream result of any number of possible causes, in my opinion the involution of the thymus, inflammaging, and the accumulation of senescent cells. CD38 is a huge NAD+ consumer and an increase in this is theoretically SASP.


1.  advanced glycation end products - This is not a big problem. The exception is glucosepane


Aubrey de Grey received glucosepane in the laboratory in 2015. He took 15-20 years to develop the mechanism of destruction of glucosepane.
So far, the best solution is prevention: less sweets.
As far as I know, those who eat a lot of sweet, the amount of glucosepane is 10-30 times higher compared to a normally eating person.
Options for prevention:
  • Sugar and honey are excluded. Instead of them we will introduce: stevia and trigalose.


Stevia is not absorbed by the body.
Trehalose even slows down the aging process.


http://nestarenie.ru...tregaloza.html   (News in Russian)


That is, the glycation of proteins can be reduced to low values. At least, there are some alternatives.


At the moment, I regard stevia and trigalose as a substitute for sugar.
Carbohydrates, which are necessary for the production of synovial fluid, can be obtained from various cereals. For this it is enough to eat a porridge in the morning.


2. Collagen and elastin 

Eat gelatin 20 grams per day with vitamin C.
Recipe: 20 g of gelatin dissolved in 60 ml of dark water (60-70 degrees Celsius). After dissolving in a water bath add 40 ml of rose hip (contains vitamin C and vitamin K).
If you have problems with blood thickening, then you can add just vitamin C and 40 ml of ordinary water or syrup.
In the stomach, gelatin will be digested to collagen. Vitamin C will promote cross-linking of collagen in cells.
20 grams of gelatin per day is enough to completely replenish all the essential amino acids for the whole day!
At the same time, no "Japanese" collagen is needed. Everything works fine.
The recipe is tested on relatives. Use it.
Under consideration for inclusion in diet


For elastin - I do not know, but there seems to be something too.


A lot of clinics do not waste their money, rejuvenating 60-year-old grandmothers. This issue has not been worked out yet.


3.Dysfunctional mitochondria


SkQ1 in 2 years will be available.

If VERY NECESSARY, you can use while "MitoQ", however it is less effective + you need large concentrations to achieve the same effect. It is on sale.
I also ask you to watch a video where the son of Academician Skulachev says that it is hormones that include the process of increasing the production of poisonous forms of radicals. Here he means mitochondria):
(Time: 3:29 - 5:03)
That is, the primary is still the hypothalamus.
I will then give more arguments in favor of this theory, otherwise the message will be even longer.
4. other damage products of metabolism 
90 - 95% of all aging factors that accumulate in the form of by-products, there are more rational solutions.
  • to absorb lipofuscin pigment, use DMAE courses. (information in the verification phase) The courses are long, but the pigment dissolves.
  • If you protect the cell membranes and mitochondria with antioxidants --> reduce the intensity of lipofuscin formation

Example of protection:


Amyloid beta, 
I'll quote:
"On the other hand, as telomeres got shorter, patterns of gene expression became more elderly and the likelihood of the onset of diseases of old age increased, according to many scientific studies. For instance, microglial cells in the brain that clean up amyloid beta plaque leading to Alzheimer’s disease fail when they become senescent. If senescence in the microglial cells (derived from hematopoietic stem cells) could be prevented, then Alzheimer’s disease due to the onset of senility might also be prevented. Similarly, when the lining of the vascular endothelium becomes senescent, it becomes more adhesive to monocytes and more likely to develop atherosclerotic plaque leading to attacks or strokes.  So taking small molecule telomerase activators effective at increasing the telomere length of components of the blood was a very good bet for effective life extension. Similarly, when dermal fibroblasts go senescent, they begin to attack the extracellular matrix, producing wrinkles. This does not happen at once to all of the fibroblasts, but gradually in a way that produces more and more defects in the extracellular matrix behind wrinkles. Thus a telomerase activator effective on dermal fibroblasts should prevent observable signs of old age such as wrinkles."
Link: https://joshmitteldo...al-anti-aging/   (information in the verification phase) 
...and so on...
So this is not a BIG problem with the correct mode.
A lot has been developed.
With telomeres also begins to become clear.(with properly developed methods)
CD38 is a huge NAD+ consumer - this problem arises from the change in gene expression with the involvement of the hypothalamus (and this is still a problem). At a young age, we cope with this and the problem is not topical.
Of the problems, I still see methylation of DNA and hormonal reorganization, which causes the hypothalamus.
Waiting for comments! 


Edited by Kentavr, 11 March 2018 - 09:05 PM.

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#12 MikeDC

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Posted 11 March 2018 - 09:19 PM

I don’t know about other points. But the only way to fix dysfunctional mitochandria for older people is to increase NAD+ in cells.
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#13 Nate-2004

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Posted 12 March 2018 - 02:05 AM

Sorry you're almost entirely incorrect about AGEs. Cutting out sweets barely begins to solve the problem and even then, only by adding a few years at best by slowing down their accumulation, not the existing buildup. It has to be broken down. Also SkQ1 isn't the answer to mitochondrial dysfunction, it may or may not slow damage to mitochondria but overall the issue is a break down in quality control through mitophagy and SkQ1 doesn't really solve that problem. You're kind of oversimplifying everything.

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#14 Lady4T

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Posted 12 March 2018 - 05:41 AM


2. Collagen and elastin 

Eat gelatin 20 grams per day with vitamin C.
Recipe: 20 g of gelatin dissolved in 60 ml of dark water (60-70 degrees Celsius). After dissolving in a water bath add 40 ml of rose hip (contains vitamin C and vitamin K).
If you have problems with blood thickening, then you can add just vitamin C and 40 ml of ordinary water or syrup.
In the stomach, gelatin will be digested to collagen. Vitamin C will promote cross-linking of collagen in cells.
20 grams of gelatin per day is enough to completely replenish all the essential amino acids for the whole day!
At the same time, no "Japanese" collagen is needed. Everything works fine.
The recipe is tested on relatives. Use it.




20 grams of gelatine...?  Does that apply to everyone regardless of weight? In other words, the same amount for someone who weighs 50kg as someone who weighs 90kg?



#15 Pizzarulzz

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Posted 12 March 2018 - 05:56 AM

GUess Mr.Kentavr Need some study






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#16 QuestforLife

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Posted 12 March 2018 - 09:54 AM

It's good to get new ideas from new sources, so thank you Kentavr for your contribution, even if I don't agree with everything you say. The fact of the matter is that the whole process of aging has yet to be understood, so there is plenty of room for new discoveries to be made that are very important to the cascade of failure that occurs.


Personally I think that telomeres probably are the most important element. In vitro at least, nothing else is required to cause aging and death. Yes in some cell types cellular senescence is caused by DNA damage independent of telomere length, but in humans at least I think we can deal with this. It is the gradual slowing down of cells' turnover, and their internal turnover of molecules, due to telomere shortening that is critical in my view.


Certainly other things that build up in vivo, such as long lasting AGEs will be important too, as they increase ROS and accelerate senescence through both telomere and telomere independent mechanisms, but I suspect that if telomeres were maintained at a youthful length they would accumulate much slower. Having said all that if we live in good health to 120years +, we will undoubtedly need to add to our natural arsenal of enzymes in order to break things like glucosepane down.


On the matter of DNA methylation changes - I suspect that although this is a very good clock, it is probably not important for somatic cells. Telomerase immortalized somatic cells continue to divide indefinitely regardless of methylation changes (as shown by Horvath in 'Epigenetic clock analyses of cellular senescence and ageing'). It probably does have an effect on tissue specific markers of differentiation though, so it may well have an effect on stem cells.


Mitochondria are undoubtedly absolutely critical in the causes of all the diseases of aging, due to their impact on telomere attrition and senescence through telomere independent pathways, as well as how they are tied into inflammation and metabolism, so we must keep mitochondria healthy if we are to remain healthy. However even with healthy mitochondria if a cell cannot divide, or turnover proteins at a youthful rate, it is still old, so for proliferative cells atleast, mitochondrial care is not enough.


Just my opinion of course, and very brief, but I think it is supported by the science.

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#17 MikeDC

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Posted 12 March 2018 - 12:52 PM

GUess Mr.Kentavr Need some study



If you really want to get technical, CR and Exercise are not proven to extend health and lifespan. Have you seen a clinical trial that lasted 30 or more years with a large enough sampling? All we know is CR and Exercise improve health markers. If something else can do the same or better then we can say it will extend health and lifespan. NAD+ precursors like NR are CR and exercise mimics. CR and Exercise actually get their good effects through increasing NAD+. So it is not surprising that NR activate the same genes as CR and exercise, but at much higher levels for older people. Exercise can’t increase NAD+ in the liver, but NR can.
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#18 Andey

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Posted 12 March 2018 - 02:27 PM

I would not put much faith in some NPCRIZ youtube videos, they produce a dozen different '..uten'  products with zero studies supporting them, and you get a real risk of prion infection from it. Bullshit artists.

Contrary to popular belief, inappropriate stem cell stimulation leads to depletion of the available pool. The same thing happens with chronic inflammation depleting stem cells population. 


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#19 Kentavr

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Posted 16 March 2018 - 08:59 PM



News (what I found on the Internet):


One-month course of valsartan 20 mg + fluvastatin 10-20 mg significantly increases telomerase activity by 3.28 times, which significantly correlates with improvement of endothelial function (rejuvenation of blood vessels) and reduction of inflammation in the blood vessels. And this elevated level of telomerase persists, gradually decreasing, for another six months.


A source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26214555


Again the Sartans show the most interesting results. I ask you to pay attention to them, because Sartans can be the most powerful geroprotectors.


http://nestarenie.ru/sartany-vozmozhno-samyj-silnyj-geroprotektor.html (news in Russian)



Nate-2004: In its basis, the problem can not yet be solved (for example, with glucosepane). But glucosepane is not a fatal problem: you can live with this problem.


This is the approach of Aubrey Dee Gray:


1. First we use what we can, until better methods appear.

2. Then we use the perfect method, until even more perfect ones appear, etc.


Yes, we do not solve the problem at its core, but we can dramatically slow the accumulation of damage until there are methods to solve problems that will be effective.


The main thing is that these methods can really wait.


About SkQ1:


"SkQ1" slows down mitochondrial damage.


As a result of slowing the damage, the development of decrepitude slows down.

Yes, it is more like "crutches", which will have to be used until there is a next "jerk" in technology. However, this is a very good help.



Lady4T: The calculation is made for a body weight of 60 kg.




1. The recipe was tested on a woman about 40 years old. Efficiency for the older age I do not know. Experiment.

2. If we constantly drink gelatin, the risk of glucosepan formation increases. Therefore, you should not fanatically use it. All you need in moderation.


Pizzarulzz: I have a slightly different approach: from the general to the particular.


In this way:


1. You can process much more information,

2. Then select the desired one,

3. And further to understand the nuances.

This allows you to work out much more information per unit of time.

I'm doing it.


QuestforLife, telomeres are really important.


They - really work and cancel a lot of processes associated with aging.

All OK. However, I will point out the following fact:


(Please excuse me, but I really do not have time to look for those links that I read, so I ask you to look for yourself).


I sat about an experiment where mice injected stem cells into the hypothalamus, and the whole body of mice became really younger. Please note: all!


Before that, I did not see a single experiment that the whole organism was rejuvenated by a local effect on one organ.


Just think about this moment. They introduced cells into a very small hypothalamus -> the whole body became younger!


Consequently, the hypothalamus is the organ regulating which, it is possible to change the profile of genes throughout the body. It's just logic.




At me reception NR causes effect of cancellation (after cancellation NR the inflammation sharply aggravates). I'm testing it for now, but I have negative reviews about it.

I am now experimenting with 250 mg of NR per day. At me NR improves a status of a skin (really), but after a canceling of a preparation:

1. The quantity of wrinkles increases, than before the beginning of reception.

2. The inflammatory processes also increase (there are a lot of pimples on the forehead).

Tried several times - the results are due to the NR cancellation effect. Therefore, I consider it with caution. While tested.



Andey, on 12 Mar 2018 - 5:27 PM, said:

I would not put much faith in some NPCRIZ youtube videos, they produce a dozen different '..uten'  products with zero studies supporting them, and you get a real risk of prion infection from it. Bullshit artists.

Contrary to popular belief, inappropriate stem cell stimulation leads to depletion of the available pool. The same thing happens with chronic inflammation depleting stem cells population. 


Thank you for the information on prions. However, I am sure of the preparations of company "npcriz".




1. Preparations were tested for many years by the head gerontologist of the country Anisimov. He showed their high efficiency and safety.

2. Specialists of company " npcriz " are the discoverers of short peptides and know about them much more than anyone in the world.

3. Havinson is president of the European Association of Gerontology

4. The process of ultrapure purification of peptides is patented. And just European scientists try to bypass his patent, but it does not work!


Please see the list of Havinson's patents: http://khavinson.info/patents 


It is the best specialist in the world in regulatory peptides


You will be shocked, but it is the European drugs that cause various side effects, and the group of drugs "ЦИТОМАКСЫ" are peptides of the highest purity level and do not give side effects.

I ask you to study this question more carefully.



and BONUS  :) :



(video in Russian however it is very advisable to look. Consider real misconceptions about peptides, but you need to know the Russian language well in order to fully understand the video)


About stem cells:


1 * 3 = 3. There is no depletion of stem cells. There is a reverse process: the stock is replenished.


MikeDC, on 12 Mar 2018 - 12:19 AM, said:

I don’t know about other points. But the only way to fix dysfunctional mitochandria for older people is to increase NAD+ in cells.


SkQ1 (should be high efficiency)


Ubiquinol (not very high efficiency, but still works) 


Read it:





Ubihinol works! But not so intensively, therefore, higher concentrations are required than SkQ1. But it definitely protects the mitochondria, albeit not as effectively.


And I accept it! By the way, wrinkles smoothes as well as NR, but it needs to be drunk longer, as it slowly accumulates in the mitochondria. 

However, its effect is longer than that of NR (after discontinuation of capsules with ubiquinol)


No cancellation effect. I did not find it. The probable cause is not a rapid but slow decrease in the concentration of Ubiquinol


This is my experience.


Ask your questions! I'll try to answer everything!  :) 



Edited by Kentavr, 16 March 2018 - 09:27 PM.

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#20 QuestforLife

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Posted 19 March 2018 - 10:06 AM

That low dose statin and sartan study is a great find.


I wonder what the mechanism is? If it's just NO increases, then we can possibly do this without having to resort to using a potentially mitochondria-damaging Statin. Perhaps we don't need to worry however, as the dose used was lower than used for cholesterol reduction , and only for a month.

#21 Kentavr

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Posted 24 March 2018 - 09:56 PM




1. Thank you for your active position.



Your find is also very interesting:




Why mess around with growth hormone when humble melatonin can regenerate the thymus, at least in mice?

I worked out this corresponds to about 14mg/day for a human; very manageable. And it wouldn't be difficult to get a metric either; lymphocyte number is a decent proxy for thymic function.


This helps explain why the drug Endoluten increases immunity.

2. I bought books from company "NPCRIZ". They were updated.


There is the following information:


(I write briefly - please translate yourself)


«Применение синтетического мелатонина в терапевтических дозах в настоящий момент вызывает возражения в связи с риском развития спонтанных опухолей.

Действительно, несколько десятилетий назад Запад переживал мелатониновый бум. С ним было хорошо засыпать, бороться с климаксом, да и просто хорошо было себя чувствовать и выглядеть подобающе.

Но в начале нынешнего столетия в России под руководством В.Х. Хавинсона и В.Н. Анисимова была проведена серия беспрецедентных исследований, давшая ошеломляющие результаты.

Сравнивали эффекты синтезированного и пептидного препарата эпифиза. Они оказались очень схожи. Оба препарата восстанавливали работу нервной, эндокринной, сердечно-сосудистой, половой, антиоксидантной систем, даже оказались чрезвычайно эффективны при онкопатии…

Все было прекрасно до тех пор, пока на терапевтических дозах мелатонина исследователи не получили у лабораторных животных злокачественные лимфомыПричем массово.


"Note: Google translator can translate incorrectly from the Russian language.

The reason: the peculiarity of constructing words in Russian

I translate correctly: in laboratory animals malignant lymphomas RECEIVED. And in many cases."


Следует особо отметить, что пептидный препарат эпифиза ничего подобного не вызывал. Даже наоборот: снижал частоту появления спонтанных и индуцированных (вызванных) опухолей в 3-5 раз.

Разгадка проста: дозу мелатонина можно подобрать, но вот циклический выброс препарата в кровь повторить невозможно.

Кроме того, синтез мелатонина тесно связан с работой основных эндокринных органов, в частности, гипоталамуса. Именно он генерирует циркадные ритмические сигналы, благодаря которым, в организме (эпифиз, миндалины, лимфоидная ткань кишечника, аппендикс, простата) сначала мелатонин синтезируется, а потом с определенной частотой и определенными порциями выбрасывается в кровяное русло, управляя всеми процессами в организме.

И несмотря на то, что он не является гормоном, его применение внутрь не только не может полностью повторить эффекты эндогенного (собственного) мелатонина, но и подобно гормонозаместительной терапии.

На смену первичным положительным эффектам приходят отсроченные, связанные с накоплениями ошибок синхронизации биоритмов в организме

Поэтому мелатонин следует применять для условной коррекции биоритмов только короткими курсами и только тогда, когда вы пересекаете несколько часовых поясов на самолете».


Д.А. Горгиладзе "НПЦРИЗ - ТЕРРИТОРИЯ ПЕПТИДОВ" Санкт-Петербург 2015, страницы 11-12


This article says that "external" melatonin leads to the formation of malignant lymphoma.


The article explains why this happens. Please translate yourself. I do not want to be misled by an inexact translation.


Edited by Kentavr, 24 March 2018 - 10:17 PM.

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#22 Pizzarulzz

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Posted 26 March 2018 - 01:35 PM

Okay then tell us what way you suggest for slow down glycation apart from no sugar eating thing

#23 QuestforLife

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Posted 26 March 2018 - 02:18 PM

Okay then tell us what way you suggest for slow down glycation apart from no sugar eating thing


As far as I am aware glucosepane is not amiable to dietary intervention, it is just something that builds up gradually no matter what you do. I expect increased cellular turnover via longer telomeres would help as extracellular crosslinks would be disrupted. Ultimately this is one area where a new small molecule drug or gene therapy introducing a helpful cleaving enzyme will be needed.

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#24 Andey

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Posted 26 March 2018 - 03:19 PM


Okay then tell us what way you suggest for slow down glycation apart from no sugar eating thing


As far as I am aware glucosepane is not amiable to dietary intervention, it is just something that builds up gradually no matter what you do. I expect increased cellular turnover via longer telomeres would help as extracellular crosslinks would be disrupted. Ultimately this is one area where a new small molecule drug or gene therapy introducing a helpful cleaving enzyme will be needed.



  I believe glucosepane correlate well with long-term hbA1c (https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC3577949/).   

So it should be somewhat responsive to dietary intervention per se. For example, ketogenic diet or intermittent fasting should work. Problem is that BG is a part of maintained homeostasis (and essential to life) so it doesn't have much leeway.

#25 Izan

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Posted 26 March 2018 - 05:46 PM





1. Thank you for your active position.



Your find is also very interesting:




Why mess around with growth hormone when humble melatonin can regenerate the thymus, at least in mice?

I worked out this corresponds to about 14mg/day for a human; very manageable. And it wouldn't be difficult to get a metric either; lymphocyte number is a decent proxy for thymic function.


This helps explain why the drug Endoluten increases immunity.

2. I bought books from company "NPCRIZ". They were updated.


There is the following information:


(I write briefly - please translate yourself)


«Применение синтетического мелатонина в терапевтических дозах в настоящий момент вызывает возражения в связи с риском развития спонтанных опухолей.

Действительно, несколько десятилетий назад Запад переживал мелатониновый бум. С ним было хорошо засыпать, бороться с климаксом, да и просто хорошо было себя чувствовать и выглядеть подобающе.

Но в начале нынешнего столетия в России под руководством В.Х. Хавинсона и В.Н. Анисимова была проведена серия беспрецедентных исследований, давшая ошеломляющие результаты.

Сравнивали эффекты синтезированного и пептидного препарата эпифиза. Они оказались очень схожи. Оба препарата восстанавливали работу нервной, эндокринной, сердечно-сосудистой, половой, антиоксидантной систем, даже оказались чрезвычайно эффективны при онкопатии…

Все было прекрасно до тех пор, пока на терапевтических дозах мелатонина исследователи не получили у лабораторных животных злокачественные лимфомыПричем массово.


"Note: Google translator can translate incorrectly from the Russian language.

The reason: the peculiarity of constructing words in Russian

I translate correctly: in laboratory animals malignant lymphomas RECEIVED. And in many cases."


Следует особо отметить, что пептидный препарат эпифиза ничего подобного не вызывал. Даже наоборот: снижал частоту появления спонтанных и индуцированных (вызванных) опухолей в 3-5 раз.

Разгадка проста: дозу мелатонина можно подобрать, но вот циклический выброс препарата в кровь повторить невозможно.

Кроме того, синтез мелатонина тесно связан с работой основных эндокринных органов, в частности, гипоталамуса. Именно он генерирует циркадные ритмические сигналы, благодаря которым, в организме (эпифиз, миндалины, лимфоидная ткань кишечника, аппендикс, простата) сначала мелатонин синтезируется, а потом с определенной частотой и определенными порциями выбрасывается в кровяное русло, управляя всеми процессами в организме.

И несмотря на то, что он не является гормоном, его применение внутрь не только не может полностью повторить эффекты эндогенного (собственного) мелатонина, но и подобно гормонозаместительной терапии.

На смену первичным положительным эффектам приходят отсроченные, связанные с накоплениями ошибок синхронизации биоритмов в организме

Поэтому мелатонин следует применять для условной коррекции биоритмов только короткими курсами и только тогда, когда вы пересекаете несколько часовых поясов на самолете».


Д.А. Горгиладзе "НПЦРИЗ - ТЕРРИТОРИЯ ПЕПТИДОВ" Санкт-Петербург 2015, страницы 11-12


This article says that "external" melatonin leads to the formation of malignant lymphoma.


The article explains why this happens. Please translate yourself. I do not want to be misled by an inexact translation.


please check your inbox, i have s end you a message.

#26 Pizzarulzz

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Posted 27 March 2018 - 07:34 AM



Okay then tell us what way you suggest for slow down glycation apart from no sugar eating thing


As far as I am aware glucosepane is not amiable to dietary intervention, it is just something that builds up gradually no matter what you do. I expect increased cellular turnover via longer telomeres would help as extracellular crosslinks would be disrupted. Ultimately this is one area where a new small molecule drug or gene therapy introducing a helpful cleaving enzyme will be needed.



  I believe glucosepane correlate well with long-term hbA1c (https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC3577949/).   

So it should be somewhat responsive to dietary intervention per se. For example, ketogenic diet or intermittent fasting should work. Problem is that BG is a part of maintained homeostasis (and essential to life) so it doesn't have much leeway.


its mean I would do 16/8 IF and when I eat my first meal I take metformin+Apple vinegar and second meal would follow the same pattern with this lifestyle taking ALA curcumin , fish  oil should give Impressive result 

Edited by Pizzarulzz, 27 March 2018 - 07:38 AM.

#27 bariotako

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Posted 27 March 2018 - 11:01 AM

OP will probably get a cancer before the age of 40 years old, people like him always die young :) 

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#28 Kentavr

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Posted 31 March 2018 - 11:52 AM

"QuestforLife", you said that "Glucosepane" is dangerous to health and nothing can be done about it yet.
One way to maintain a healthy level of "Glucosepane" - the destruction of old cells.
When the old cell is destroyed, the "Glucosepane" is destroyed.
Therefore, elongation of telomeres should be in moderation.
Otherwise, the "immortal" cell is a cell full of "Glucosepane" and other negative molecules.
Chemical molecules that trigger apoptosis can help reduce old cells with a large amount of Glucosepane content.

Edited by Kentavr, 31 March 2018 - 11:58 AM.

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#29 QuestforLife

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Posted 31 March 2018 - 12:58 PM

I agree, and have said so elsewhere, that greater cell turnover means less AGEs. Faster molecular turnover (by young cells) also means less chance for AGEs to form.

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#30 Nate-2004

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Posted 31 March 2018 - 05:16 PM

So we're back to looking for mTORC1 inhibitors and telomere elongators. What about methylation, DNA damage and epigenetic changes though?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: telomere

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