Six years ago, I began one of the most amazing journeys of my life when I established a forum thread, here at Longecity, that focused on the work of Dr Kevin Tracey and what is now known in the scientific literature as The Inflammatory Reflex (TIR). (If "one of my most amazing journeys" has to do with a forum thread at Longecity, you know I'm a little off, right?)
Over time, that single thread evolved to become several Logs of Learning that I prefixed with the phrase, The SMILE of Longevity... I've posted about the SMILE and Survival Probability, the relationship of NF-kB and Telomerase,
Even at the beginning, I knew TIR was important and said so--it was then mostly called the Cholinergic Anti-Inflammatory Pathway--but I had no idea that its discovery would become among the most significant advances in the biological sciences of all time.
Maybe you still don't know that it is?
Prediction with Potentially Huge Irony: Kevin Tracey wins the Nobel Prize, and he WILL win a Nobel Prize, and Longevity Science Enthusiasts are caught off guard, not knowing who he is and what TIR is...
It took several evenings to come up with the phrase SMILE of Longevity, in which SMILE is an acronym... Written out fully, it means Splenic Macrophage Inflammation Limitation Explanation of Longevity.
That's right, an Explanation of Longevity emerged right here at And that Explanation has passed many attempts to Falsify it.
In this thread, i intend, again, to Learn Out Loud, this time about how to Achieve Personal LEV by 2029. It will be difficult to achieve, but I believe it can be done. I've already been trying to trigger TIR and documented my progress here.
If you tell me LEV by 2029 can't be achieved, I'll ask if you're familiar with the work of Kevin Tracey and The SMILE. And there's this from 2007 and this from 2016 too. What are you thinking?
We now know that NF-kB Signaling is central to aging. It's the single most significant independent variable impacting aging that we can have leverage over. So that makes it the topic to begin the discussion.
I look forward to discussion with those who disagree that NF-kB signaling is the single most significant variable driving aging. (I didn't write "only", I wrote "most".) Many prominent Longevity Science Movement Thought Leaders disagree. I hope they'll speak up. Of course, Thought Leader or not, there's no sense to the discussion and debate unless we all agree that Evidence matters...
And Evidence that Falsifies Beliefs Matters...
I'll be making changes to this Opening Post for a week or two or three. Once I'm mostly satisfied with it, I will never change it again.

Edited by HighDesertWizard, 06 March 2018 - 02:35 PM.