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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Larry King on Cryonics

Larry King talks about cryonics at a round table of celebrities.


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From 1970 to 2000 there were around 100 people in cryostasis. In one third of that time, from 2000 to 2011, around 150 more people went in.

Since Ted Williams went in, there have been countless mentions of cryonics in literature, on shows, in articles; it has been referenced in a lot of places and grew into its place as a cultural term and concept.

As you can see in this video clip a CNN special called "A Dinner with the Kings", among other places, Larry King wants to be frozen. To what extent have all of those references played a part in influencing him? To what extent will Kings decision influence more people? The influence is sure to be bigger, at a time where the cryonics movement is larger and more well know. Larry King is known to millions of people, having had interviewed thousands of people with clout and connections and followings of their own. How many people does his decision bring into the field? How many more celebrities and the like start to contemplate cryonics?

Cause successes can come in unlikely places, but everything adds toward that next stage of critical mass. When you have opportunities to do things like spread the word, donate a cryonics book to a library, spread the link on a life extension undergraduatefund to help get more students involved, it means more than you may think. When you have a chance to support cryonics researchers, in places like Longecity's current members referendum to choose between two cryonics projects (you can join as a member here) your vote is so much more than x percent of the total of the vote.

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