Message from the Chairman:
Caliban | |
We hope you like the new design of the ImmInst Forums. After just a few days of downtime, the main changes were successfully implemented. However, the initiative is not finished. Please bear with us over the next few weeks while new features are being trialled and minor and major tweaks to the layout are underway. Given this ongoing construction, it is a bit difficult to keep track of all the new features, but here are a few:
--> http://www.imminst.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=42136 The Immortality Institute is a grass roots, member-based organisation. Whereas a large volunteer taskforce is key, we have come to realise that we cannot rely entirely on unpaid activists. People have to eat, some commitments need to be formalised and compensated. But trying to pay people for their good work has its particular difficulties: Firstly, money is tight, especially at a tiny organization such as ImmInst. If there are never enough funds to pay for the scientific research that we know is crucial, or for vital policy and public information work, how can we justify redirecting sparse funds into salaries? Moreover, working for life extension and getting paid for it is truly a ‘dream job’ for all of us – what happens to social dynamics if some volunteers are getting paid while others are still expected to work ‘for free’? Who decides what level of compensation is adequate and whether or not anyone’s performance is and remains up to scratch? -- Those issues are challenging, but they cannot be intractable if we want to move forward. We have identified the following lead officer roles, where the workload is such that a small monetary compensation for time invested is appropriate:
--> http://www.imminst.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=42008 David Styles has decided to step down from his position as ImmInst Director to be able to focus more on organising the 2010 ImmInst conference and on other objectives. We thank David for his services as a Director and look forward to the conference to be held on the weekend of the 9th and 10th of October at the International Auditorium, in Brussels, Belgium. A number of first-class speakers have already confirmed attendance - watch out for an invite quite soon. --> http://www.imminst.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=42041 Have you checked you membership? Part of the reason why we needed to focus on changing the forums software was that the old system was... well broken. People who joined as Members since February may not have seen their registration status upgrade as expected. Some other Members do not currently have their membership supported by a members donation and therefore should have been expelled but were not. We are currently trying to sort these records out. If you think anything is remiss with your status, please let us know ASAP!--> http://www.imminst.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=41799 In response to the ImmInst Science call 5 expressions of interest were
received, 2 were shortlisted and reviewed. Perhaps surprisingly, there were
no completely unsubstantial submissions. The 3 projects that didn't make it
further were not a great fit for this scheme, or not developed enough. We
hope to be contacting the proposers soon and explore ways in which these
ideas could still come to fruition. --> http://www.imminst.org/Research2010 The June 2010 volunteer prize winners are Maxwatt -- Came to ImmInst at the end of 2006 and was elected Moderator in September 2008. Next to his work as a Moderator, he is particularly interested in scientific discussions resveratrol Maxwatt has won the Volunteer prize before, in September 09 and donated it to the SENS foundation. He lives in New York. AgeVivo-- only recently re-joined as a Member. He wins the Volunteer prize for his work on the Longevity Communities Network and this month joined ImmInst leadership as a Moderator with special focus is the Projects and Genetics Sections. He lives in France. The $25 prize is randomly drawn each month. For a trial period starting last month, the board has agreed to widen the volunteer prize to 2 winners of each month. See this topic for all past volunteer prize winners. Chapters: Would you like to meet people interested in life extension in your city? Why not register your interest on our regional forums? You could join, or even help organise a local chapter in your area. Check out: http://imminst.org/chapters Teams: Sadly, the automated 'teams' function is no longer available. If you want to join a team contact the interim team coordinator brokenportal. If you have other ideas or suggestions regarding new initiatives, please visit the ACTION forum to share your thoughts. | |