LongeCity Newsletter
September 2011


Message from the Chairman:

Short and sweet, an update on the items from last newsletter. The LongeCity forums were updated as announced -- check out the new features! The call for expression of interests on the next research fundraiser on cryopreservation and biostasis has now closed. Meetings were held and more are being planned.

All these and many other projects besides are under develpoment and discussion at LongeCity, and they all need your feedback and participation. It would be great to hear from you!          


Forum upgraded

We conducted a major technical upgrade to the forum software. A number of significant developmennts include: 

- Design: with the help of the winning desinger we are starting to implement customisations. We are also looking at a new 'skin' for the forum for a fresh new look.

- Tags: Topic starters can now designate tags to their posts and thereby cross-reference posts to broader themes and topics. Potentially a very powerful tool to make LongeCity a more efficient information repository while maintaining our approach to community-sourced content.

- Customised 'recent topics' - many people who use this feature regularly will enjoy the new capacity to only include certain forums in the automated 'renent topics' collection. 

- Operability: a number of technical tweaks should hopefully make the forums quicker to navigate.

As is the way with these things, (Members will be used to this by now) a couple of things went awry and there may be a couple of glitiches still to be ironed out.

>> Feedback & bug reports
Research Funding

LongeCity continues its proud tradition to support small-scale, high-impact life extension research. For our latest Last month we asked for expressions of interest suggesting a project dealing with cryopreservation, cryobiology, biostasis or a related topic.
'Ettinger Fundraiser'. We have received more than one proposal of significant merit and will discuss these interenally and consult with peer reviewers. Hopefully, this selection process will be concluded next month and we can start another round of matched fundraising to support the chosen project.  

More broadly, with new developments on our funded project, final report due for the second, the third one having launched last month, the fourth one in peer review phase and the science initiative getting into swing, we are planning a gerneral report on LongeCity Science initiative for consideration and discussion by the Membership. The report is not quite finished, but watch out for it later this month.     

>> Science Support Report & Discussion (Members)

Regional Meetings

As usual, LongeCity members met at the SENS conference in Cambridge, UK one of the foremost international meetings on life extension bioscience.  For those who went, it was great to see some familiar faces and make new friends. This triggered the idea of engouraging Longecity members to meet locally. We have set a small budget aside to support such gatherings, e.g. by contributing towards room hire or travel costs.

>> Poll to help organise these meetings  
The LongeCity newsletter is usually send out on the 8th day of each month to Members and registered forum users.  You can find past newsletters here.

If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you. Please visit 
http://www.logecity.org/forum/  (Log In / Lost Password?) or email support@imminst.org

How to unsubscribe: Visit the link below and ensure that the box for 'Send me any updates sent by the board administrator' is unchecked and submit the form.

LONGECITY -Advocacy and Research for Unlimited Lifespans