April 2012
Instead of a selection of
items, this newsletter is all about the 2012 budget, recently ratified
by the LongeCity Board. According to our Constitution, the annual budget is the plan that sets out roughly how we will spend money in the next 12 months. Spending a budget wisely is no easy task. Last year, we had a significant under spend in all areas. While this means we have more money in the coffers to use this year, the board recognises that not spending money is not pursuing the mission. For 2012, the following fields have been identified: º Officer expenses. LongeCity does not currently have any employees, everyone is a volunteer. It is recognised however, that there are certain expenses associated with routine commitments and responsibilities and since last year, some money is set aside to meet these. In 2011, we only used 35% of the allocated money for this position, but we have since added two more LeadOfficers to the leadership list, and remain open to appoint further suitable candidates. Those interested in getting involved at leadership level please contact the Chairman, if you want to give it a try as a flexible volunteer first, contact the Teams Coordinator. º Science Support. In the last budget period, we successfully completed two ambitious science fundraisers: for Stem Cell and Cryobiology research at reputable institutions. These were quite an effort, and for the next period, we are taking a slightly different approach: We are planning to tackle one ‘big’ fundraiser in the established format, with a call for expressions of interest likely to come out in May. In addition we will be supporting micro-science initiatives in the $500 range. Details will be published later this month. º Articles & site development. At LongeCity we want to ‘do’ rather than ‘be’ and arguably, we have focussed more on providing the tools for members communication and initiatives and less on background content and sleek site design. There still won’t be very much money to spend on this in the new budget, but we are committed to do more on this front, by adding further informative content and making the design more appealing. If you are a writer, web designer, programmer, artist, or know someone who could help us develop, please get in touch! º Local Events & Conferences. As a worldwide, internet based organisation, we still recognise the special value in face-to-face meetings and the dynamism that these can generate. If you are planning to meet up with LongeCity members in your area, we can give a bit of support, e.g. for room hire, speaker’s travel, or simply sponsoring a round of drinks! We also sometimes support member’s travel to conferences or other events if they are going to promote LongeCity and its mission at the event and provide the community with a report. Interested? Contact the Teams Coordinator. º Marketing. We need to do a better job at banging the drum to promote the organisation and its mission. It’s difficult to send money effectively here, especially if there is not much to spend in the first place. Certainly, some of ‘the cause’ promotes itself based on press attention and new science and yet many messages and opportunities remain largely unnoticed. If you have ideas about what kind out ‘outreach’ initiatives could be most effective, please share them in the ideas forum. During the next few 12 months LongeCity aims to spend more money on these and further items identified in the budget than we expect to take in via donations and sponsorship. This means a reduction in financial reserves that we have build up over the years. In these times of low interest rates it makes little sense to loose funds to inflation, and more importantly, we have a job to get on with! However, the planned expense remains within prudential limits defined by our Constitution: we plan to lose money by investing it for the mission but not more than 30% of our current assets. The budget incorporates conservative projections about expected revenue during 2012. We will need to meet or exceed these targets to spend the budget as planned and monitor and revise acordingly. This shows that an annual budget, while a guideline and strategic signpost, remains a flexible reference point. As always, our members - your- support, ideas and feedback will be decisive in how we pursue the common mission in our budget 2012 and beyond. 2012 budget (Immortality Institute Members only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABOUT The LongeCity newsletter is usually send out on the 8th day of each month to Members and registered forum users. You can find past newsletters here. If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you. Please visit http://www.logecity.org/forum (>Log In Lost Password?) or email support@imminst.org. How to unsubscribe: Visit the link below and ensure that the box for 'Send me any updates sent by the board administrator' is unchecked andsubmit the form. http://www.longecity.org/forum/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notifications |
LONGECITY -Advocacy and Research for Unlimited Lifespans |