LongeCity Newsletter 
August 2016  

In the last few days, the SENS Rejuvenation Biotech Conference 2016 took place at he Buck Institute in San Fransisco. The event was a fairly exclusive affair (⇒  info for Members) but, brilliantly, SENS and Buck offered an online stream that could be followed live at LongeCity (⇒ check it out here if you missed it).
In Europe the HEALES Healthy Aging Conference is coming up in Brussels at the End of September. Here also, the talks are recorded and shared online. One might be tempted to ask why, since such global outreach is possible, online organisations such as LongeCity should take much note of local events. Yet, as we stress time and again, whether from personal experience or during registration, we think this dimension is important. 
How and when LongeCity can take a useful role in these gatherings may  vary (⇒ Members discussion), but the least we can do is to encourage them (e.g. around the upcoming 'Longevity Day') and provide some resources.
In this context, we are commissioning suggestions for agendas, material, and the running of events. All entries will receive a special 'Thank You' reward, and particularly great  ones will receive a free ticket to the HEALES conference. 

podcast: Lifespan.io    
In this episode we hear from Keith Comito and Oliver Medvedik of Lifespan.io, a fundraising platform specifically dedicated to life extension and rejuvenation research. ⇒ Podcast and discussion   

Sponsor: MitoQ.com 
This newsletter & some of the work of Longecity was supported by MitoQ.com - delivering antioxidant protection directly to mitochondria. See here for a special discount only available to Immortality Institute Members. 


LONGECITY -Advocacy and Research for Unlimited Lifespans

The LongeCity newsletter is usually send out on the 8th or 18th day of each month to registered users.
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